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    This is the place for announcements about stuff elsewhere on the site.


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  • MarkintheDark
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    It's OK if the vines show up in "Recent Posts"...
    ...which as the default should show all recent posts of any type. Being able to sort the Vineyard posts out of the way would certainly make getting to the other Recent Posts topics easier. Don't know if that would help threads "stay alive" though, if people aren't bothering to click through a few pages of recent posts to get to a certain discussion topic, and don't bother to learn how to navigate the site I doubt they'd learn how to use the "Filter by Type" function to get the Vineyard posts out of the way. Navigating directly to specific topics (without going through Recent Posts) appears to be difficult for some people - I don't think some people even realize they can tunnel through the hierarchy from "Forums" -> (category) -> (subcategory). The pathway to some topics is hard to find, as well. Getting to "Spinnin', spinnin' free - the sequel" is an example - you have to go to "Dancin' in the Street", then to "Spinnin', spinnin' free" and go to the last page of that topic to catch the link to the "sequel". I've found bookmarking specific topics to be helpful. I've also learned to love the search box when trying to quickly get to a specific topic. There's a lot of topics to begin with, easy for things to get lost or misplaced. Like this thread, which seems to be more appropriate to the Admin Questions & Discussions topic, or maybe Topic & Feature Suggestions. I'm guessing there's not a lot that could be done with the Private Messaging system, which is the big improvements that would make me smile. Being able to sort by "received from" or "sent to" usernames would be sweet, being able to create folders would be nice too. All in all, the site is easily worth what I pay for it. Cheers, MitD ************************************** *The white zone is for loading and unloading only* **************************************
  • cosmicbadger
    as requested some clarification
    Well a year or so ago there was a constant turnover of discussion topics, they tended to attract a bunch of around 10 or 20 posts and then slip away only to re-emerge later. Opening the first couple of pages of the recent posts list gave you a very quick picture of what folks were talking about and you could pitch in when you liked. There were always up to ten lively discussions going on. Now more than 90% of the first 5 pages of recent posts are vines. Any new discussions that get started just fall off the list in hours before others can pick them up and join in. So a lot of the fun forums just dry up. Just look in the list of forums and see how many have stagnated. I really don’t think it is because people do not want to post on forums any more; they just don’t know about them. As I mentioned when I posted in November and others have now repeated, the neatest fix could be to stop classifying vines as forums or even to make a separate space for vines. Maybe I am wrong in pinpointing this as the cause, but I do think it is a shame that so many of the discussion forums have stagnated
    Personally, I don't have a problem with .........
    .....the vines showing up in the recent posts section. I constantly "rediscover" vines that I passed by the first time simply because a lot of chatter starts and I want to see whats up. Also, once I type this comment and hit "Post", doesn't this topic move to the top of the list? I really think that the major news topics, like new releases, tours, interviews, etc. are usually displayed on the front page of the site anyway. However, I do agree that there is a lack of discussion from time to time on topics that deserve a little more attention. I don't really know the answer to that one. It is hard to say who should decide which topics are important. For instance, I really enjoyed the squirl discussion even though I didn't see that one coming. As stated above, I don't really feel the need to open the posts " when somebody posts photos of the ticket stub for every show they've been to", but I do enjoy the little suprises that constantly floor me on this site. I know I have not offered a solution here, but I am glad to be able to add my two cents. Peace - David
  • marye
    thanks, this is useful
    I'm looking into the separate-category option, which I think is doable. Please keep these comments coming, they're very helpful. Thanks!
  • Mr. Pid
    Climbing arms of ivy wrapped around the forum posts
    There can be no doubt that the vines are the most heavily used forum topics, and I think that's the rub here. If there was a way to categorize vines as something other than forum topics, then the Filter By combo at the top of the All Recent Posts page could be used to filter them out for those who are interested in topics other than vines, or to include only them for those so inclined. WRT new items in forum topics, once upon a time the Forums tree pages contained validly constructed URLs to both the "new" items (meaning posted since the user's last visit to that topic) as well as the last item posted in that topic and the poster of same. While the All Recent Posts page had similar looking URLs, they were improperly constructed, meaning that they did not support the necessary pagination to arrive at the page containing the items tagged as #new. As such, you would always end up on the first page of posts in that topic if you followed them. In any event, none of that functionality survived the move to the new hosting provider, and I suspect that it's not only Badger that misses it. I know I don't have his bandwidth constraint issues and I would certainly welcome not having to do the mental math required to figure out which post on which page is actually the first one in that thread that I haven't yet seen. Not that it's really all that taxing, mind you, just kind of annoying to have to deal with. For users with limited bandwidth I could readily see how it would get very old very fast. While there are many of us who obviously do our level best to keep up around here, I suspect that many of us are not bereft of other worthwhile endeavors, and that substantially improving the facility of navigation would likely be seen as a welcome enhancement by all. Not that I'm purporting to speak for anyone else here, just voicing my suspicion. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
  • MarkintheDark
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    Could "Vineyard" topics be made a separate type?
    I'm one of those that usually monitor "Recent Posts" to keep up with the vine topics, and occasionally use the "Filter by type" to narrow down the posts (like when somebody posts photos of the ticket stub for every show they've been to). Incrementing through pages can be time consuming. Would it be possible to have "vines" made into a separate type, so they can be eliminated from a Recent posts listing of Forum Topics using the "Filter by type" function? ************************************** *The white zone is for loading and unloading only* **************************************
  • marye
    thanks Badger, I will pass this on
    I think some things are more fixable than others, but I'm not sure which are which. To address in particular the issue of the Vineyard: please deconstruct the problem for me a bit as to how it is allegedly killing off the thoughtful discussions. Is this simply a matter of Recent Posts running heavily to vines? If so, surely people scroll down and on to the next page in search of topics that interest them rather than simply ignoring anything that's more than four hours old. No? While I heartily agree that the navigation could be a lot better hereabouts, I'm not seeing the particular issue here, but this is no doubt because every day, usually several times, I do exactly what's described above and hence find and follow the recent discussions. Now I also recognize that people have different navigation styles, because when I occasionally put a vine somewhere else than in the Vineyard (an issue that's simply irrelevant to the Recent Posts navigation style) I hear about it within minutes. So some people go straight to the Vineyard, and I don't see how that adversely affects the discussion. So if there's a problem to be solved here, can we define it a bit more precisely? Thanks.
  • cosmicbadger
    well meant suggestions revisited
    On Nov 24 I posted some friendly ideas here about how to tweak a few things to make the site better. Well apart from the very nice feature about Billy K, there has not been much change I can see. NAVIGATION The really annoying navigation glitches have not been fixed...surely the 'go to most recent post' issue is not hard to fix and it would make such a difference, especially for those of us who are bandwidth challenged. It takes so many clicks and waits to get to where you want to go that it is a real disincentive to go looking for things. If the tech people can find time to make clever flash graphics and secret messages on the front page then why on earth can they not find time to fix something that folks have been quietly requesting for over a year?????? MOST RECENT POSTS and VINES I am sorry, but the Vines are now so totally swamping the recent posts that all other discussions are rapidly lost. The only ones that manage to surface on a regular basis are Spinning Free, Positive Vibes and the Faiths and Beliefs one, I have tried a few times to revive others but without success (and I think others have too). I have given up posting anecdotes, stories and jokes because the threads just die. It is not as if there are not enough people here, there are many more. You all know that I am a big supporter of the Vineyard, but it really does need a separate space here. It is a real shame we are losing all those other fun threads. I appreciate the desire not to rock the boat on the vines, but they are hardly a secret are they..and maybe it would be better if they are a little less obvious on the site. FEATURES Well it was nice to see Billy here, but what about the others? There is a big feature on the Dead with interviews etc in Relix magazine this month, but still nothing here. Is there a problem? I keep coming back here, because I have friends here and have had so much fun here, but I am increasingly wondering why I bother. Well if it is time for the old guard to step aside and accept that things have moved on then so be it, but I think we are losing something precious in the process. I said in November that I did not think my comments would make any difference... ..I would still love to be proved wrong CB :-(
  • Frankly
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  • pkpotter
    cc's dvd reward program
    Yes, and a little cherry garcia on top too!
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17 years
This is the place for announcements about stuff elsewhere on the site.
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Member for

16 years 11 months

This might be a good spot to announce what the heck is going on with this site the last little while. Yesterday off the air all day, Monday coming and going with no updates to Tapers section ... how about using this forum to make some: Announcements About Dead.Net and otherwise shedding some light on the increasingly erratic nature of the site. Otherwise you should nuke this part of the Forum
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17 years

the very short version is that high traffic in response to the Road Trips announcement exacerbated some other issues, and there was massive server meltdown, and not just at dead.net. Word is the Tapers section, which was dealing with some missing-file issues of its own when all this hit, will be up shortly. Sorry for all the trouble.
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16 years 7 months

no shirts, no shoes no stress...udawoman marye...keep up a most excellent job! 143or245 stay safe and feel good!
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16 years 7 months

I made a button for bloggers and website managers to use, to promote Dead.Net. It works! I tested it on my blog and clicked on it to get here! You are free to use it, sorry about the length:
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16 years 7 months

Okay, well, dayum. Instead of a = I used a & in the first line. Replace the & with =
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16 years 7 months

I'm sorry, it won't let me print the html code! :( If yall want it, just email me: Whofan917@yahoo.com ...and I'll be glad to send it along for you to use. My kisses and hugs to you all, Daisy
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17 years

this topic is for announcements about this system. Deadheads for Obama does not qualify. We have a topic for discussing the 2008 campaign here: http://www.dead.net/forum/campaign-2008-who-do-you. That is the place for posts such as this. Go talk about Barack there. Since there is a very sizeable portion of the local population that is deeply offended at getting spammed by political advocacy in inappropriate topics, I put on my mod hat and say that such posts outside the politics topic will be treated as spam and summarily removed. I'm leaving this one for the sake of illustration, but any further instances will be deleted. Thank you.
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16 years 11 months

I would like to announce my candidacy for President... am I allowed to do that here?? I am a member of dead.net after all. when elected, I promise... but seriously folks, kudos to marye (and the other members of the Mod Squad) for trying to keep things in order here. thanks, marye. I hate spammers of all kinds and like others, it irks me a bit to keep seeing the same stuff all over the place here. peace.
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if any of the locals are running for office I'll give 'em their own topic!
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16 years 4 months

Hello all, this is a cool siteits like play-by-post games. you should make it more like a fund-raising website for non-profits. Jerry would've love to see programs for heart victims, young and old. If you generate a will, a plan, you can make difference. god speed, Paul, Lost Finger Project
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17 years

many of the Dead-related nonprofits, starting with the Rex Foundation, have a presence here. Feel free to check out their pages.
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17 years

I don't have any details yet, but if you were having technical difficulties with the site yesterday, let's just say you weren't alone. Anyway, good to be back and see your familiar faces hereabouts, and more as we learn more. Thanks for your patience!
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17 years

Folks, if things are working as they should, you will see, in the left-hand menu under "Dead Community"-- Chatroom. Yes, by popular demand, we have a chatroom. It is very simple and bare-bones for the moment, but it seems to work. And, to forestall one obvious question, for the moment we just have the one chat room (let's work out one set of bugs at a time...) but that will probably change over time. For one thing, the feature's usefulness for special events is obvious. Etc. So have fun! And if you're not seeing that link, report issues in the topic I will be opening momentarily. Thanks!
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16 years 11 months

I have found myself becoming a little detached from the site lately and have been thinking about why this might be. Lots of good people are here for sure, but the site is becoming hard to navigate around and I am getting a bit frustrated with some of the content. Here are some well meant ideas and suggestions that may just apply to me or that others may also agree with. NAVIGATION As the site and the number of users grow, easy navigation becomes more and more important. 1. Please sort out the forums to show the most recent post first. Many have asked for this many times and I cannot think of any reason why it has not been changed. At the moment it takes way too long to find ones way to the latest post on a forum and I think that this affects whether and how people contribute. It puts people off reading and posting, it prevents spontaneous snappy dialogue and encourages long rambling essays like this one (once you have found your way to the right page, there is a tendency to get the maximum reward for your effort!). 2. Please consider changing the display to show more posts per page so that scrolling and searching is faster. The displays waste a lot of space. 3. Please fix the search function so that it takes you to the actual post that the search finds, not just the first page of the forum where the post is located. At present the function is useless. 4. Please consider making the Vines a separate ‘type’, rather than forum topics. The ‘Most Recent Posts’ page tends to get swamped very quickly by vine communications, because each vine is a separate forum topic. So new posts on forums and new stories tend to get lost quickly from the headline page, causing promising threads to die. I worry that a lot of newer folks do not find out about all the forums that exist, many of which are becoming rather moribund. I am in no way trying to hamper the vining (no way!), but if the vines were a separate ‘type’ or even a whole separate section of the site then viners could readily go there to check out what was happening without the recent post list getting swamped. Does that make sense? CONTENT Please (as I have mentioned elsewhere) commission and headline some more mainstream Grateful Dead stories. Great shows, great tours, notorious events etc. The only regular (and very welcome) features of that kind are the David Lemieux’s stories in the Tapers section and the adding of interesting archive materials to support music releases BAND MEMBERS And why oh why no interviews with or direct contributions from Bob, Phil, Mickey and Bill (there has been an interview with Donna Jean)? Are they not wanting to cooperate or are they not being asked? Bob Weir at least has given interviews to various magazines this year, so why not dead.net? I am getting rather frustrated with the long succession of headline features about members of Ratdog and Phil and Friends. Interesting for sure and nothing against those guys, but can we not mix the new stuff with more real Grateful Dead news and features? Both bands have fine websites of their own and Blair Jackson and others must have a wealth of untold stories about the Good Old Grateful Dead. EDITORIAL CONTENT In fact it is not very clear who is controlling editorial content or how it is decided. Indeed who are TPTB? It would be nice to know and for these people to engage a bit more with the folks who support this site and actually respond to suggestions and requests. These ideas are intended to enable the site to become rather more dynamic and relevant, to encourage quicker, easier posting and wider use of the forums. But based on past experience this message will be kindly passed on up the line by Marye to TPTB and ‘vanish in the air’ or maybe its just me :-(
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16 years 5 months

As usual, you observations appear to be spot on, at least as I see it. Especially treating the vines as a separate type other than "Forum Post." This would make the Filter By Type combo on All Recent Posts even more useful. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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16 years 5 months

oops!! sorry....when my computer actually works i just can't help my self....heeheehee!!
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17 years

as far as last post first, I'm kind of against it for various reasons, not least of which is that if the blasted feature to take you to new posts actually worked it would be a nonissue and discussions could remain linear. That feature has been on the to-do list forever, though I am not sure what the technical feasibility is. Believe me, I know this is a drag. I would also note, WRT the vines, that I'll look into how feasible this would be--I don't think it's out of the question, but anything that involves manually retrofitting hundreds of existing vines is, uh, not happening, most likely. My overall concern, however, is that is it somewhat noteworthy and by no means a foregone conclusion that there is tape trading here at all, let alone a thriving vineyard (this is not the case on all Dead-related sites, spinoff, official or otherwise), and I am not looking for opportunities to rock the boat on the subject. All that said, I tend to agree we've lost some momentum lately, and while I think some of this is inevitable post-election exhaustion, to say nothing of pre-holiday exhaustion, I appreciate badger speaking up. Thoughts, folks?
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Member for

16 years 11 months

i agree with Mike , since my enforced absence i haven't been a regular back here various reasons but i when have come back seems different but i put it down to unfamiliarity sorry listening to cheerful music wareen zevon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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17 years

one thing to keep in mind is that for various reasons (Egypt and/or the election at the top of the list, I'd guess) we have seen a lot of new folks arriving over the last couple of months, and sticking around and talking and starting vines etc. This is of course a good thing, but it does have the side effect that if you're a longtime resident and go away for a couple weeks, the neighborhood's going to look different when you get back. This is not news of course, just sayin'. Please resume discussion...
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17 years

there are quite a few different threads in Badger's excellent post, so I'm kinda trying to sort them out into the technical, the social, the navigational, the content, etc. Not that they're entirely separable of course. But as long as we're talking about what could work better, might as well be here as anywhere else, and have at it (with the understanding that I'm making no promises other than to pass this along when we're at a reasonable place in the discussion to do so!).
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16 years 11 months

I am not really technically sophisticated, but I manage to navigate around the site fairly well. On the other hand, there can always be improvements and Badger's suggestions make sense to me. I also think the people who contribute to the site (Mary, DL, Gans, all the authors of articles, etc.) are doing a great job, and their efforts are definitely appreciated. Certainly, the Vineyard is great for those of us either filling in their collection or getting started with one. My major gripe concerns the lack of the surviving member's participation on the site. Do they even know or care about this site? How about a chat once in a while or a message from the guys? I don't mean self-serving announcements about releases or tours. I just feel as though there is a total disconnect with the band itself. Thanks for listening. "Let there be songs to fill the air."
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16 years 9 months

Well said C Badge. I thought it was just me. Nothing against the Phil & Friends scene, Ratdog, their fans, on and on, but those guys / bands have their own websites. After sifting through that stuff, and all the vine stuff, one can tend to forget (or care) why they checked in at all.
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Member for

16 years 11 months

Sorry I forgot to mention David Gans’ GD Hour slots as something definitely in the ‘plus’ column. I don’t get Sirius but DG seems to be including in his ‘Tales from the Golden Road’ show much more of the type of feature I would like to see here. Here’s some off the top my head ideas suggestions for features here - Merl, Jerry and the Dead: a retrospective of Merl and the boys (with Tapers section tie in) - 40 (41 Actually) Years of Dark Star! From Oakland to Penn State (with Tapers section Tie In) Same for other classic tunes (Playing in the Band maybe, as David Lemieux is being teased about how often he features it) - Interviews with Bob, Mickey, Bill, Phil, Donna Jean, Robert Hunter, John Perry Barlow etc - Interview with David Lemieux - Interview with Charlie Miller!!!! - Grateful Guests. Jamming with Dead - Dark Star Orchestra; more than a tribute band?
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16 years 11 months

'Secrets of the perfect cookie' by Johnman A virtual tour of Buddy Plant's amazing poster collection This cue ain't straight in line - the truth about CC Joe! 'How to surf deadnet while pretending to work' - Rider, '73 and many others Role playing the Grateful Dead - by Tigerlilly The continuing adventures of SUPERHAL! .......and many many more
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15 years 10 months

'How to surf deadnet while pretending to work' - Rider, '73 and many others" I am practicing that right now! ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> www.kindveggieburritos.com *********************************************
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15 years 10 months

Helper monkey! Or learn to type with your toes, that's what I did. Multi-tasking at its finest! ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> www.kindveggieburritos.com *********************************************
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Member for

16 years 11 months

The site has been kinda dull because of a dry spell of badger's wise and humorous words. ;-) Great new topic ideas, one and all. Specially the johnman cookie recipe-wanna know that!!********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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16 years 11 months

Hey markinthedark, do you mean the tazier monkey. found in the Phillipines. The worlds smallest primate. Can turn it's head 180 degrees, gotta help with the work surfing thing! ;) on another note, the navigation issue, I like the idea of being able to access the recent post when you go to a forum, but understand that it may render older ,very pertinent posts not so accessible. I am really a newbie, but really believe that you don't know what you got til it's gone, and this needs to stay. Magic happens here. I have seen it.
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16 years 11 months

I lived in the phillipines,I know that monkey, well not THAT monkey, but we had one, I was 11 and it would have definitly helped me, except it was 1969 and the computer thing might have the little guy for a loop. ps. thank you marye, you are a sparkle in the sun.
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16 years 11 months

this space, the forum, is way too hard to handle, way too big, too many topics... now that can not change, and shouldn't. just the way I see it. so perhaps, like some folks, I tend to just look at a few of the threads and only participate in those. If I recognize a name on the main forum screen, as the last poster, (like I just did now) I might take a poke around and see what was up. I do seriously think that the chat room takes a lot away from the forum. not that that is bad, but if people are busy chatting, they might not feel like posting up stories or whatever or continuing a day/week/month old dialog. for local reasons I suppose, I can not chat with my MacApple 'puter... so using that, I just have to use the forum. YES, the badger makes numerous good points and has some good idears, best of which is that the boys from the band should have a voice here should they choose to participate, and yes, I would love to have a last post first thing, or at least the ability to go to the last posts I saw. if it were possible to 'subscribe' to topics that might help, then if the search thing or 'show recent posts' or whatever would take you to where YOU were last time that would be a big plus. They have that feature over at deadnetcentral and it really helps navigation. nobody can be everywhere, and everybody can be nowhere. and??? ok, that train of thought just crashed. badger, oh badger, "This cue ain't straight in line" might be a gobsmacking topic, but knowing that you and I HAVE indeed walked some of the same streets, streets where the sunny side of the street is dark, (you know where) that might not really be 'cricket' alls I'll say is truth is stranger than fiction. and anyways, my cue is most certainly straight in line!! http://www.pechauer.com/ so there! ( -;
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16 years 7 months

I heard on NPR this morning that it's about to become America's favorite passtime :) PEACE & Happy Tofu Turkey Day!
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Member for

16 years 11 months

Good points cc, but i like the feel of it, being like the parking lot. so much going on you can't possibly take it all in, maybe thats the beauty of it. seems to be kinda working like that, i look around a nd see...ccjoe..hey whats happening?..hey rider, very colorful view you have...hey,grdaed73,been in any traffic jams lately?........you can almost smell the veggie burritos and see the balloons.
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16 years 11 months

hey pk, I didn't mean to make it sound like it is bad that way, just the way it is. parking lot is a good analogy. see you in section 8. peace.
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Member for

16 years 11 months

Actually, cc, I misspoke and as soon as I read my post..probably supposed to do that before it goes public..I thought, should have have left the "but" out. just a dumb typo...along with the usual cases of misspelled words......but grdaed73 is my online editor...he try's to be iknowyouriders also, but his anglo saxon dictionary is rated pg,oh well it's the effort that counts! ps- why am I hungry for tofu all of a sudden?
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Member for

16 years 11 months

hey, c'mon, i like widdle turkeys, ok! got chased by a roving band of em outside of mauston, on a fall day just like this... dadadada dadadada @@@. and they're much worse than the packs of thug geese at chicagos waterfront parks, least i knew the geese could fly!! yikes
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Member for

16 years 11 months

no problem, pk. spelling don't count. BUT using conjunctions is another matter... AND: just watch how much Tofu Turkey you eat though, it HAS been known to give some folks the 'hard runs' OR they have to 'move' 'really have to mo've'... ( -; BUT (how many times can I say the same joke before it gets boring?)
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Member for

16 years 11 months

damn you cc, now i got that stupid song in my head!!!! and keep tellin the joke, we'll let you know!
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Member for

16 years 7 months

I for one hadn't heard/read the Gem of Joke! Thanks Joe, now I'll never think of that song in quite the same way again.... PEACE
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Member for

16 years 11 months

the original joke, which I have probably repeated at least 3-4 times was the 'hard runs' after eating tofu turkey was made in the game show, round a. bear had guessed Bertha, then said something about wanting to eat tofu turkey. ( -; I should credit and give kudos for the "I had to move, really had to mo've" part of the joke to a dude nick-named blue-jay-way who added that line after hearing the 'hard runs' part of the don't eat too much tofu turkey joke. peace.
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17 years

too bad he doesn't hang around these parts so much any more.
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Member for

16 years 11 months

I propose a forum titled Blue Jay Way in his honor. Hey cc, maybe an episode of your game show, just watched today an episode of Jeopardy which was Steely Dan themed, bizzaarly cool, waiting for the Todd Rundgren episode "International Feel".
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17 years

there was a Todd Rundgren episode of Jeopardy? Dang!
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15 years 7 months

I used to party at the top of Blue Jay Way all the time back in the seventies and eighties! A great place to burn one back in the day! (You can still sneak one in.) Larree.ws
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Member for

16 years

Do you know if any word on if the dead r playin again??? It was said in state college they might do again...??? let me know??? ~~~~~peace~~~~ Fare Thee Well...