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  • 143or245
    WOW....that's a sandwich!
    chris...good am my brother.... now that is a sandwich...thanx for the info as i wasnt sure what it was...and nuthin but GOOD VIBES to u and mary on the possible miracle of life and ur 2nd child...may ur kids spoil u rotten and take care of u in ur grateful years! stay safe and feel good > (~):-}
  • GratefulGigi
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    Hey Chris
    I thought that was a sandwich!! LOL! Wow!! ps Let us know..... I thought I heard a baby cry this morning, I thought I heard a baby cry this today.
  • reedchris
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    I'm going to have to start
    I'm going to have to start making bigger sandwiches now. For those of you who don't know, that's what I'm holding in this picture. It cost me $50 to make it. Thats all I've got for now. I'm gonna go pace back and forth for a bit.
  • reedchris
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    I havn't told anybody yet but Mary might be pregnant. If she is this will be our second child. I have some real funny feelings going through my gut and my mind right now. After having one I know what to expect but I'm sooooo nervous at the same time! We don't know for sure.
  • Skjellyfetti
    Piece of the family
    My mothers name was Bertha and her father was Franklin Tower. My dad was named Dick a son of an MD and he was the eldest of his four MD siblings. They all called him Big Dick. He became an OB/GYN, a spreader of old wives tails. So growing up in Palo Alto CA we had lots of cool musicians get launched from there and a few bands could trace their roots to that town. We had a big old family all stuck together on a chunk of land in the foothills. It was a compound known, at one time, as Boronda Farm. Then Reagan got elected and Palo Alto became shallow alto. This thing that is known as silicon valley emerged. Orchards disappeared freeways enlarged. Northern California however, is still very beautiful in places. My eldest graduates this year from UCSD. My young uns ( boy 11, girl 8 ) are at home with myself and their Mom whom I met in a Grateful Dead Parking lot 19 years ago. Now I am living in a cul de sac in Sparks NV. We are all going to jump in my 42 year old converted school bus and drive down to our spread in Guatemala next week. Something to do... Gonna wake up in the morning, Gonna pack my bags and beat it on down the line.
  • Hozomeen
    Morning Dew
    I drove my son to daycare this morning. He's two and a couple months. He was born on the 30th of December. Everyone kept sayin' "he coulda been a new years baby," but we were happy to be able to write him off on our taxes for the whole year of 2005. He sat back behind me in his toddler seat patiently eating a banana while I searched for something to listen to. We just moved and all our CDs and everything is scattered. Everything. Jack is sitting there. Blond hair. Getting darker. Getting older. Blue eyes. Beautiful. he gazes at his mother's voice his head turned, his eyes reach out I hold his weight We drive a red Ford Escape. It's got this six disc changer thats kind of cool. You put all the discs in the dash in one slot and they all go in there and it doesn't take up much room at all. I've always loved this CD player. At first my mom had this car and didn't know how to use it. I loaded it up for her and put workingman's dead in the mix just to plant a seed. She had never heard it, old hippie my ass... Both our cars came from my mother. Actually our other car was given to us by my step dad. He had used it as a commuter, but he retired and figured he didn't need it any more. He turned out kinda cool in the end. He's hiking the Appalachian right now. You gotta respect that. He's in his sixties. I'm gonna be like that.... So there we sat in the back parking lot of the North Wilkesboro Baptist Church, the lot is immediately adjacent to the house we are renting, two cars...the other a Buick something or other I can't remember...and I am rummaging for a reminds me of the days of rummaging around my house for pills. Emptying out baskets on the counter. Drawers on the floor. Backpacks on the bed. Manic. Desperate. Addicted....ahhhhh Fairly's CD case. My friend Fairly went down to some music festival in Florida. He only has enough money to make it down there and get in. His plan is to make morning bloody marys and go tent to tent in the morning and advertise afternoon margaritas at his truck afternoons. I don't know if he plans on seeing any shows. He is also selling cookies and brownies. Fairly is two years older than me. He's a picture of where I was headed I guess. I don't know, it's strange. I love him, he's my brother. I don't think there is anything wrong with him, but his real family does. He is like my own Neal Cassidy. Cassidy with long brown hair. Cassidy from Mississippi. Cassidy with high cheek bones, and dark skin. Everybody says we look like brothers. Its the high cheekbones. So anyway, Fairly has been leaving things in my possession ever since we all lived in Mobile. He always says that I am the only person he can trust, and that he wants to make sure he doesn't loose some things. This morning I thanked God Fairly ran off to some place and left these CD cases in my car. It kind of irritated me at first. Sometimes I get reminded you know. I unzipped the case a little bit and one of the discs fell out. May 31st 1992. I was a junior in high school. Rabun County High School. Man...Lets see, May...I was probably playing soccer about this time of year. Disc three, alright. Lets give 'er a whirl... I was sleepy. It took me a second to maneuver the buttons. Jack kept us up all night. Jack's kept us up all week. This is his first week of full time day care. Until now he has been with us all day everyday, and we have been at home with him. Last year we lived way out in the country. I guess it was about 45 minutes or so to all the stores and whatnot. We had eight acres. It was pretty awesome. Three creeks came together behind this log cabin on the corner of the property behind our house. I built this great sand box and everything. The area was kind of economically depressed though. We wouldn't have been able to afford that much land otherwise. The thing is, it didn't matter where we lived. I worked out at sea and my company flew me to work and back. The other reason we moved up here from Alabama was for me to be able to commute to Appalachian State and work on my masters degree and get off the damn ships for good and not be gone for half my son's life. Half of my relationship with Marjie has taken place on inmarsat email. That ain't all bad. We got engaged over an army phone while I was in Kuwait. I was in Durban S.A. working in the shipyard on this old steamer when I got the text about her being pregnant. We had a hell of a phone bill that trip. I was in the south Atlantic when I found out that Marjie had breast cancer. That was my last trip. I haven't sailed since. I've pretty much been home with Jack. Home and at doctor's offices. ***Walk me out in the morning dew my honey,*** ***Walk me out in the morning dew today,*** ***I can't walk you out in the morning dew my honey,*** ***I can't walk you out in the morning dew today,*** I pulled our red car out of the old neglected lot. Look both ways. Turn right. Jack starts to hum with the music. He recognizes the song....even though we don't have this show, he has never heard this version before. He has been raised on a steady diet of Grateful Dead...JGB...Widespread....Govt. Mule...Some Phish, notsomuch, we're from the south. He really loves bluegrass. Whenever he hears Shady grove he goes to dancing. The thing is, it dawned on me that he isn't like other kids. Music is a big part of his life. Music...and oh what music. I went to far. Make the block....naw fuck it. Drive through town.... ***I thought I heard a baby cry this morning,*** ***I thought I heard a baby cry today.*** ***You didn't hear no baby cry this morning,*** ***You didn't hear no baby cry today.*** Everybody seems to be looking for me to do something. My mom tried to make me go to law school. I got in to the University of Alabama, but I couldn't go. She said she would pay. This was s a few years ago. Anyway, the thing was that everyone was worried about me and shit. Who knows. I had just gotten divorced and was broke and working off my debt. I was sailing and living on people's couches down in Mobile. My sister lived down there and she paid my bills while I was out on the ship. Otherwise I just stayed drunk. Eventually I got back on my feet. Bought a house. Met a girl. Got married. Every time I did something, everyone freaked out. Now here I am looking at my son sitting in his seat in our car. Singing. Happy. His daddy singing along. Feet kicking. Shoes lighting up. Big smile. My sister has two kids. The have this big house and a boat and all this shit, but every time my mom comes over all she does is vent to us about how my nephew is acting up at school, or he shit himself again, or they are upset that he might be on too much medication. I don't know, I'm looking back at my son and I don't see anything wrong yet everyone asserts that I'm crazy. Oh well, guess I'm crazy. Still I'm un-employed. What if somebody wants a pre-employment drug screen? Oh my God! I am a bad father.....wait a minute....I fake drug tests all the time...have since college....calm the car...take a drink of water. ***Where have all the people gone my honey,*** ***Where have all the people gone today,*** ***There's no need for you to be worrying about all those people,*** ***You never see those people anyway.*** To tell you the truth, my paradigm is changing. I've been humbled. For one thing, I need to decide what to do with my life. There's time, but not much. I'm on it. Fortunately we have never been in a better position to qualify for scholarships and grants and stuff like that. Until now we were slipping between the cracks. I made good money sure, but my benefits were for shit and we had a kid and owned property and a car and then we needed tires and you know how it goes. Now we ain't got shit. Nothing to loose. We are selling off everything of value. Cutting cost and applying for every benefit we can get. My paradigm on that situation has changed. What would you do? I can't sail. I absolutely would. Thirty days is all it would take to re-up my benefits, but Marjie can only pick Jack up one or two times a day. I can't leave for thirty days anymore. Hell, if I could leave for thirty I would do 120 for sure. Medicaid is better than my union benefits ever were anyway. Why not just be a socialist? Take advantage for the next couple of years...student loans and rent and free health care food stamps..... ***I thought I heard a young man mourn this morning,*** ***I thought I heard a young man morn today,*** ***I thought I heard a young man morn this morning,*** ***I can't walk you out in the morning dew today.*** Jack sings along in his own language. I can still feel the cold of the morning. I have spent the past three days fogging and cleaning our house. It is totally infested with ants and mice. It is also totally ridden with dander and shit. has been a rental for a long time. It's a cool place. Like I said, cheap rent, but at a cost. I just want it to be healthy. I have vacuumed out the ducts. I think mice were living in there. The wood floor hasn't been finished or waxed in a while, and it has that dry porous thing where it tends to absorb odors, and these odors go way back and tell many tales. Marjie met a dude one night while she was waiting on our burgers who told her, "oh yea, I know that house." I can only imagine. We know that nobody lived here for a few months before we moved in. The landlords were pretty particular because they lived next door. Cool. I don't think we could have gotten another place. Our landlord is cool. He is 96 years old. His name is Blair Gwen. He is the only person to have shot under his age over 400 times or something like that. Anyway, they said he was in sports illustrated. He talks to me all the time. So anyway, there we are. It's kinda scary, but not really. No more so than having all those boats and whatnot and worrying about loosing it. I mean, here I am singing along with my son, and he is digging this song with his daddy. What could be better than that. How much money is that worth? How much? Money $$$$ Fucking Money. Sometimes I think I should take that Thoreau approach. I've flirted with it for years. Ive never been closer. Civil disobedience. I'm happy, my family is happy, and everyone seems to resent us for some reason. I guess there is something we should be sad about before people will like being around us again. I think they would like it if we proved them right. I think they want us to be whatever it is they say about us. Who knows what they call us. It probably isn't Dead-Heads. Is that what we are? I duuno. don't care anymore....I just love the music, and so does my son, and we all share it together, as a family.... ***Walk me out in the morning dew my honey,*** ***Walk me out in the morning dew today,*** ***I'll walk you out in the morning dew my honey,*** ***I guess it doesn't really matter anyway,*** ***I guess it doesn't matter anyway,*** ***I guess it doesn't matter anyway,*** ***GUESS IT DOESN'T MATTER....ANY...WAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY.***
  • sakparadise
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    The Kids Are Alright
    I live in the Flint, Michigan area--working for GM--building the trucks that drive America. Anyway, it's just my three kids and I. Kara, who is 14, and the boss--ha ha. Then the boys--Robert,13 and Craig, 12. I wouldn't want it any other way. My kids find it funny that their father is a Deadhead and they laugh at my tour stories. They don't care much for the Dead, but they don't complain when I play the music. Never understood how so many mothers were able to raise kids single handed, now I know. We don't have anyone in the area for support and we've learned to trust each other. I love my life and my kids--the best part is they encourage their father to hit shows. Just saw Gov't Mule and Leon Russell--many more shows to do. Peace out.
  • TigerLilly
    Cats-talking about names
    Had two brother boy cats called (oh how creative-am almost embarrassed to write this) China Cat Sunflower and Cassidy Garcia DuPree. LOL! Were born in Atlanta, and Cassidy (r.i.p.) died a very dramatic death almost 2 years ago. He is buried in my garden, under the magnolia tree. China has not been the same ever since, but his love for my daughter keeps him mostly peaceful, though can still catch him looking for his brother.********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
  • Steve-O
    My Nephew
    My nephew's middle name is August.
  • gratefulapril
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    my brothers dog is iko. i
    my brothers dog is iko. i love that name cuz i can sing it too my baby girl!
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17 years 3 months
What's your current family situation?
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17 years 3 months

I've got a cute little family! My husband of, oh call it 16 years, is a recently retired Army officer. (you can do the math and figure out that I was an officer's wife for those first 15 years.) It's a mixed marriage, though, as he is very much not a Deadhead. It's good that his best friend from childhood is a Head - at least he came pre-trained. We have a perfectly wonderful 13 year old son, who used to be David Gans's youngest fan. I'm pretty sure there are younger ones now, though. I don't live with my guys though, sadly. Maybe next year! and I keep the cat, and they keep the dog. Doha and Chloe, respectively.
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17 years 3 months

I was born and raised in Southern California; I'm the oldest of nine children and let's just say the Christmas scene at my folks' house is large and chaotic. In a good way. I'm the only one who managed to move north and stay here though; I live in Oakland. The family I live with consists of my dogs Rex and Callie. That's them in the picture in my profile, but factor in that Callie, a puppy on my lap in the photo, is now 9 years old, and Rex is pushing 13. I'm fortunate in having a large extended family of friends, almost all of them somehow traceable to some Deadhead connection, whether they're Deadheads or not. I'm hoping a lot of them will settle in here.
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17 years 3 months

I'm married to a wonderful rock'n'roll Jersey Girl named Rita. She met the Dead in 1968, four years before my first show, but she was more of a Van Morrison fan when I met her in 1992. We got married on 9/11/94 and we live in Oakland with our two wonderful cats, Groucho and Hugo. Grateful Dead Hour blog: Station list:
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17 years 3 months

It's my wife, my dog, and me in Chicago. My wife, Marcy is a jewel and loving wife. She is not a deadhead, and enjoys telling most anyone we see that this is a mixed marriage. She is from the east coast, I'm from the west, we met in Chicago (that must be our middle ground), fell in love, and have been married since 2000. Our 4 month old puppy - Moose is our latest addition.
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17 years 3 months

I am here to vouch for the wonderfulness of Dwaite's wife. She's one of my favoritest non-hippie girls to have fun with on mini-vacations! I have to add that the Mixed Marriage metaphor I used in my intro was stolen entirely from Marcy.
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17 years 3 months

I'm marrying my sweetie in July. We've been together since '90. She's not much of a Deadhead, but she does appreciate them in due measure, and she saw them long before I did, sneaking up from Palo Alto when she was still in high school to see Chuck Berry at the Fillmore when the Dead happened to open, and then again at the wall of sound test in '73. My first show didn't come till '84. I also recently found a copy of the Golden Road single from '67 in her old 45 collection! We also live in Oakland. Reprazent, yo!
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17 years 3 months

Married to Jill for 20 years come this December. Three amazing children: Phoebe, 16; Noah, 14; Milo, 13. 3 cats: 2 black kitties, Louie and Dinah; one love-bug orange tabby Hercules. A senegal parrot named Connie. A cockatiel named Ziggy. And a snake that everybody just calls The Snake.
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17 years 3 months

married to dan, 14 years this month. living with him and my two boys, josh (22) and steve (16) and our 3 cats (7, 10 and 13 years old they are now). dunno if i'd call dan a deadhead, though the (gd) conference on the Well was where we first met. took josh to a couple dozen shows from the time he was 6 months old until the summer of '95 (when he actually went to one that i didn't, my last was '95 spring tour). poor steve is the odd one out, never did get him to a show...
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17 years 3 months

Married to Beth since July, 1994. We are both Deadheads and we met on the front row of Charlotte Coliseum (which they just imploded YESTERDAY) on 6/17/92. She saw Pigpen a couple of times but I was a late bloomer, so I never did. I still listen to a fair amount of Dead music in the car. We have 2 cats, Sierra and Bitsy (now Mr. B since he's gotten big). We live in the steamy woods of northern Durham County, NC.
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17 years 3 months

Been married ten years at the end of this month. FTR - xian, you are taking way longer to finish the process (sorry - inside joke). Two daughters - Cassidy is 6 and Jordan turned 4 last week. My secret theory of parenting - children are actually vampires. They somehow extract your life force and use it themselves. As a result, you are always tired and they never are.
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17 years 3 months

Married to Beth for 15 years next month. Not that much of a Deadhead, but she had a suitably weird time at her first show back in '88 insides the dripping confines of the Rosemont Horizon. We're down to just one fur-child now, Lilly the rescued Berner, after we lost Auggie West at Christmas last year.
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17 years 3 months

was married to a non-hed for about 14 years, but left a few years ago. starting the new chapter in my life with my two teenage kids, who are great. my daughter is just like me, very hippie!! nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
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17 years 3 months

Hey! I'm an East Coaster transplanted to the Seattle area. Me and my wonderfully amazing wife have been together around 15 years. She isn't a Head so to speak but she went to shows and I went to shows "back in the day" but we never went to one together, exactly. She was, however, at that DC show that View from the Vault II was made of. (I would be jealous if I hadn't attended some really wild shows). Anyhoo, we have a 4 year old boy whose favorite song is "Monkey and the Engineer." I, of course, have been playing guitar and singing that song to him his entire life, including in the womb. He now sings it. In fact, every night at the dinner table, we sing it together. The chorus is so much fun! I sing, "Big locomotive..." and he sings, "...RIGHT ON TIME!" (he yells everything.) The rest of the fam is back in NJ where they belong. This 3000 mile buffer zone sure helps with the genetic harmony! Great to see those of you here who also were on the old incarnation of the forums. More good times to come, for sure. It'll be neat to see how many of you I attended shows "with" without even knowing you. Funny how this GD thing will never die, huh?
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17 years 3 months

i've been married to melina for 6 years and we have 5 year old twins, abigail and elliot.
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17 years 3 months

What he's not telling you is that his twins, Abigail and Elliot, are the cutest danged kids ever. And I'm a mom saying that about someone else's kids! (hi Bost! damn glad you made it!)
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17 years 3 months

my old lady and I have been together for many, many happy years... here is a pic of her dragging me out of the pool hall. peace.
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17 years 3 months

I've been married for 25 years (to the same woman!!!) and we have three wonderful kids (they're actually all adults, now) together. Here's a picture of the family (thanks CCJoe!): "This aggression will not stand, man....."
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17 years 3 months

why? do you struggle with opiate addiction?just wondering. peace & love
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17 years 3 months

Well I never thought it would happen, but I have been married for about 3 years now with a 1.5 year old daughter who was actually born on Christmas morning! We had a big dinner on Christmas Eve and had friends over and in turn drank a lot of wine etc. My wife went into labor about 4 am as I had my Dead DVD up very loud. I actually drove to the hospital with one hand over one eye and my blinkers on while beeping the horn! This is actually normal in China and even after drinking a 12 pack one can still drive better than the locals! Ha ha. Anyway, we live in Century Park in Pudong Shanghai, China and actually had part one of our marriage in a government building under a giant emblem of the Communist Party. Part two of our marriage was actually at the Shangri la Hotel in Shanghai. Since my wife does not belong to any religion (formally) we did not get married in the Church. This is China of course and religions are officially not allowed in a communist state. Its strange to even use the word communism when speaking of China these days as in some aspects the market is even more wide open than the States. (This could be a good thing and a bad thing depending on what part of the economy you are actually analyzing). My wife is Chinese and lived in England during her masters’ degree at the University of Liverpool. She never heard of the Grateful Dead before and when we first met I used to listen to the music in the car etc. and asked her what she thought the band looked like etc. She thought they were a thrash band who wore make up and shit like that. Since I have bought some GD DVD's (here in China on the black market) she was surprised to see who they are. My Chinese mother in law calls Jerry the old teddy bear! Really. They actually like the music and my daughter actually spins when I play the Dead. Adriana Maria is my daughters name and when I am playing GD or Phish she really pays close attention and really gets it. When she was very little a few months or so we used to pay Symphony and Classical Jazz for her all the time. Anyway that that we are and it is nice to hear all the good stories out there. If any of you decide on a visit to China let me know.
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17 years 3 months

fine looking family you got there. peace. "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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17 years 3 months

20 plus years of marital ... marital? Hmmmm ... harmony. Dos daughters - one's like I am - poor thing. Both, however, have impeccaple taste in music. Peaches, the pug - a.k.a. varmant. Two red-eared turtles. Hamster Teddy and black-googley-eyed goldfish Mammy. Eso es. "From day to day, just lettin' it ride, You get so far away from how it feels inside, You can't let go, 'cause you're afraid to fall, But the day may come when you can't feel at all."
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17 years 3 months

Wrote my first love poem to my then friend and gave it to her at the Weir/Wasserman show at Darien Lake summer of '91. She liked my bus and my words... We dated for four years and saw several Dead shows together in that time. Separated in July of '95...she was the one to call though and tell me Jerry had passed as I was slumming on Chappaquiddick and had little access to the media unless I was in town. Reunited in '96, split again in '98, reunited later in '98, made a baby, got married, now have kid two, Volks Bus #4 and still listen to the Dead regularly. My 8 year old told me the other day she wants to get me tix to a Grateful Dead show for father's day...insert tears here...I explained to her the situation and we agreed to see Phil when next he comes around. She can recognize Jerry's guitar from a host of other instruments in a heart beat... Two cats-Bean and Bella and one Shepard-Nesta...
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17 years 3 months

Remember that? I doWe were married in 1981 and we have 3 kids who are adults now.My wife is not a Dead fan,nor are two of my three kids (so life isn't always perfect).I love all of them and the feeling is very mutual.
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17 years 3 months

I've been married to my Toddy for going on three years now.He is very much a deadhead.We have three dog babies Monkey,Charlie and Macy.We have been trying to have children for the past two years,I hope it happens soon because Todd has already picked a name...Magnolia.Wish us Luck!Nikki
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17 years 3 months

She moved in with me on our first date in the summer of '75. Life is grand!
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17 years 3 months

I've been with my GF about a year and a half now. We live together with her 2 sweet children in Pennsylvania. We met on (of all places) myspace and hit it off right away. She is a great mother and an even better lover. I've truely been blessed by the goddess herself.
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17 years 3 months

K,met the dude that into'd me to the dead in 80, married in 85, first kid Rebekah in 91, 2nd kid Melody in 91. 2 teenage girls!..had enough of their daddy in 2000...currently with my honey for just about 5 years. He's been helping with the kids and a darned good camper. Mike's more into the 80's hair band (ha, ha, ha) music. He's only seen The Dead once a couple of years ago, but says he's been to many parking lots of the real Dead shows. We met at a Cheap Trick concert at the local fair and have been together ever since. We go camping & go to concerts with the kids as often as we can. Good family fun! I love my girls and my honey and my furry kitty kids too....Xhou (Joe), Betsy, and the new kittens Olivia and Jimmy, not to mention the 3 rats my daughter brought home from the bay area last weekend. Nice. Then of course there's Faith the x sister in law (I just call her a sister) that keeps moving in with us, and her family....Hope the x cousin in law (I just call her a sister too) that was my first dance partner with the Dead back in 83. Life's too short to be blue...
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17 years 3 months
Permalink make a family! I love reading how folks met and how they got together and how it all works out. Go love!
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17 years 3 months

greetings group - carol is very near and dear to me. we've had a two year friendship that developed a close bond. she's 41, and went into the hospital on wednesday morning - she couldn't breathe. she is in an intensive care unit hooked up to life support. she is covered in an ice blanket to keep her temp down. they put her in a coma. her pupils do not respond to light. they've had to revive her heart twice during the first morning. they are going to try and run the first tests saturday afternoon. the grateful dead community has always reached out. anyone that reads this could you please say a prayer for her. she's your typical mom who has never done anything bad. thank you group - chris
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17 years 3 months

....keep us posted. I hope everything works out OK.
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17 years 3 months

where I come from, we call it Beams. Many beams of love and light for Carol and her family and loved ones.
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17 years 2 months

I've been married to Gill for 24 years now and still going strong. We have 2 kids, Will 13 determined to have long hair and listen to Heavy metal and Libby who is into all sorts like her ol man. Libby is at present doing a textile and and fashion course at college and loving it (she gets the arty side from me). Kind of decided Gill was the girl for me when she joined a pal and me at a 4 day beer fest and slept outside in a sleeping bag with us to be first in every day.Dedication, cant beat it. We used to go to loads of gigs and the theatre when back in London, but being in Suffolk now we dont get out much. Dont really need to with tons of decent pubs here. A quick PS to Chris, not being religous I will still be sending, as izzie calls it, beams out for Carol. Cheers Cliff
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17 years 2 months

My wife and I have been married for about nine years now after dating for a couple before we said "I do." As I've posted on the TLEO board it is indeed a mixed marriage in that she is not a head at all. However, I have also noticed that my two and a half year old is starting to really get into the Dead and other jam bands (it's a trip watching her rock out to the Dead or Phish!) It is my hope tha she will continue to listen to this music throughout her life so we can always have something to talk about. We also have another on the way in November, so I'm hoping that the love of great music will continue on with the next child as well. "...the powerful plays goes on, and you may contribute a verse" -Walt Whitman-
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17 years 3 months

The night I met my wife, we talked about Ohio State (our alma mater, though we didn't know each other there) and the Grateful Dead. I think I played Bird Song on the guitar for her.Six or so years later, we had a daughter. After our daughter overcame health problems, we moved to Florida from Ohio, and our creative energy reached new heights. Wife Anna is a jewelry designer and now the manager of my fledgling career and a singer/songwriter of family-oriented folk rock - Heads will dig it! Daughter Josie is starting on violin, sang backing vocals on one of the songs on my upcoming CD. Anna's favorite CD just might be the Mickey Hart/Mystery Box disc from 10 years ago. Josie loves Marley's "Three Little Birds." The music never stops around here. "Folk rock for groovin families!"
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17 years 3 months

This is my second marriage. I was introduced to the Dead by a neighbor, who would become my best friend, as my first marriage was ending. I attended my first show with my then 8 year old son Paul (he's now 29). I'm sure other parents and children have attended shows together, but am curious if there are any others who went to the first show for both together. Anyway, The Dead have been a very significant part of our lives ever since and have been part of many special times together. My 27 year old daughter Lora has never been a full blown Deadhead like her brother, but did attend 2 shows and made a special effort to join her brother and I at the Bob Weir and Rob Wasserman show in Richmond, VA shortly after Jerry's death. She also has Uncle John's Band in her music files on her computer, so I think the music has had an impact on her as well. I have been married to the love of my life, Deana, for 11 years. She attended her first Dead show with me after we'd been dating for three weeks. She only got to two shows before Jerry's death. She does not consider herself a Deadhead, but appreciates much of their music. We have two children together, Joshua, 10 and Rachel,7 . We have been blessed and challenged by the fact that Joshua has autism and Rachel has Down Syndrome. They both see the world in their own very unique ways ( they truly are the "Eyes of the World") and both love all kinds of music and really seem to appreciate the music of the Dead. Last year I finally worked up the courage to take Joshua to see some live music with me and the results were incredible. His first show was Yonder Mountain String Band and we later saw Railroad Earth 3 times. At all of these shows he danced, clapped and stomped to the music and seemed to truly have found a comfortable space for himself. He's been listening to a lot of the Dead with me and really loves their music. He is particularly fond of Dick's Pick's Vol. 21. He especially likes the "Gloria" on this one and thinks Bobby is the greatest. He is super excited about going to the Allgood Festival in a few days and finally seeing his hero live!!! So obviously the music of the Dead family is becoming an important part of our shared experiences, just as it was with his older brother and me. The next adventure will be getting Rachel to some live shows. I'm sure the results will be worth the effort!
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17 years 3 months

Been married over 4 years now to an incredible woman. She's a nice, smart southern girl from Georgia, I'm from N. California, and we met in San Francisco, go figure. We met at a Dead Night at Nickie's on Haight Street. Seeing as it was Dead Night, I didn't have to figure out if she liked the Dead or not! We got married in '03, and last October we had a son, Jerome (we call him Jerry). Even before my wife was pregnant we knew we were going to name our son after Jerry Garcia. And if it was a girl, Althea. Some decisions are so much easier when you're married to a Deadhead! Our son heard his first show when he was in the womb, Phil and Friends. And a couple of months ago we took him to his first show outside of the womb, Ratdog. I'm a stay at home dad, because my wife is smarter then me and has a better education, so it makes more sense for her to work. But that means I get plenty of opportunities to expose Jerry to lots of good music. We currently live in North Carolina with our dog Sugaree and our cat Franklin. Yep, it's all good!
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17 years 3 months

Have regard for your covenant, because haunts of violence fill the dark places of the land. Do not let the oppressed retreat in disgrace; may the poor and needy praise your name. Psalm 74 Married to Patricia since 1976 ...both saw Dylan together but not The Grateful Dead. Had planned on going to the last Deer Creek show Noblesville (Indy); have seen three Dead shows since 1999, the Dead with Warren Haynes, Robert Hunter, one with Bob Dylan and one with Joan Osborne We are hoping the Dead will tour next summer somewhere close.... One cat Annie and one dog Barrett our lovely children have all flown the roost...
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17 years 1 month

Living alone. Hey I've got a great job and my own condo and I like The Dead! Any nice gals out there? I'm 44.
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17 years 1 month

I met my husband Ken at The Band with Al Stewart concert ( in Philia Pa.) in 1984.We have been together since. We got married June 1988. Now we have 3 kids together. A set of twin girls , they will be 18 soon (seniors this Sept.) and a little boy 11. They are all the loves of my life.I'm lucky my hubby loves the Dead too! We did alot of tours together.We still go to concerts ( Ratdog and Phil shows) :) Still having fun 23 years later! :) Our wedding song: If I Had The World To Give If I had the world to give, I'd give it to you Long as you live, would you let it fall, or hold it all in your arms? If I had a song to sing, I'd sing it to you as long as you live, lullaby or maybe a plain serenade wouldn't you laugh, dance, and cry or be afraid at the change you made I may not have the world to give to you But maybe I have a tune or two Only if you let me be your world Could I ever give this world to you But I will give what love I have to give, I will give what love I have to give, I will give what love I have to give, long as I live. If I had a star to give, I'd give it to you long as you live, would you have the time to watch it shine, watch it shine or ask for the moon and heaven too? I'd give it to you. Well maybe I've got no star to spare, or anything fine or even rare, only if you let me be your world, could I ever give this world to you. could I ever give this world to you. Peace..Gigi.... Gratefulmom
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17 years

Married since 95, three kids - Alexandria, 10; Brian, 6; Sarah, 3. I'll have to agree with the above theory, but add that they give you back that energy when you need it. Think: You are tired and want to relax after hours of energy drainage... so there you are sitting around sipping tea and reclining, zapped. Suddenly there's a loud crash in the kitchen. Surprise! Immediate adrenaline, energy returns! Now wasn't that a nice, unexpected return for your earlier energy spent?
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17 years 3 months

Married a little over a year ago!!! We have 1 child and 1 on the way. Should be here around 10/26/07, or so the Dr's think!! Peace everyone
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16 years 11 months

i was born and raised in WORCESTER MASS,for those who always ask are you from boston?ornewyork?hummm...mum of one 16 yr old daughter she used to like the dead /loved rat dog took her to some im living her out in sacramento ca.not married,lost my heart 3 in half yrs ago.hated the dead when we got hooked up but that all changed.ha was a big bobby fan loved too..grateful at times im 3000 mls from most of my family.miss real seasons.checking out lots of cool music all over ca...glad you are all here,glad im here too. peace,heathaafeathaa
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16 years 10 months

Been with Andy since '96. He's a great husband/father, not to mention a phenominal Chef. We made the agreement when we got married that if he'd do the cooking, I'd wash the dishes. It's worked out well, although I've gained 25lbs since we got married. Damn!He's not into the Dead anymore & I can tell if he's pissed at me bc he'll start playing "Nightmare Hippie Girl" by Beck, too funny. When I decided a Home Birth was the way I wanted to go, he supported me (imagine the horror of the rest of our family) and all those years of Baseball paid off, bc he did an excellent job of catching the babies. We have 3 interesting, kind hearted children. 1. Kramer who turned 10 last Friday. He really wanted Guitar Heros for his Birthday, so the house has been rocking. He's into the Allman Brothers & (to my distate) Wired Al Yankovic(sp?) 2. Cassidy who's 8 and a total Drama Queen wants to be a singer when she grows up. Hannah Montana is her favorite, although Cass sings a mean "Mercedes Benz" Thank you Janis. 3.Sam- last but certainly not least- is two. Quite a surprise for everyone. Sponge Bob and Chocolate Cake rank high on his list. We went camping at the beach last month, and every morning when we wake up he says "go to the beach again"? He's not leaving our bed anytime soon, which is fine by us. We have 2 dogs, a cat, and soewhere around 47 fish. Between the kids and animals we need a bigger bed. I'd love to hear some commentary, esp. from people who've raised teens, bc that is just around the corner! Thanks for allowing me to go on and on....... Have a Great Halloween PEACE Thanks for listening!
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16 years 10 months

iknowurider_ ok this sounds awful, I know! But my dogs name is cassidy! :) And my daughter's name is samantha (sam) would have been sam either way! I have to go start a big fire, but I'll be back to post about my happy family!
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17 years 3 months

Names Deadheads Give Their Animals wouldn't be a bad topic... Back in the day I lost track of all the dogs named Iko, but the funniest moment I ever had in this regard was walking through some parking lot (Park City, I think, but all the years combine) and hearing some dude calling his dog: "Barlow! Barlow!" I forget whether I ever had the nerve to tell Barlow this story...

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16 years 10 months

My son is named Cassady, we were always going to name him that, but someone in our family gave us a book of Irish names and with this spelling, it translates to 'clever' in gaelic. That's how we avoided the 'hairy eyeball' from our ~I was concealed Now I am stirring And I will lay my love around you...~
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16 years 10 months

my brothers dog is iko. i love that name cuz i can sing it too my baby girl!