Days Of Dead

"My Brother Esau," "High Time"
An oldie and goodie, preceded by a short-lived first set song
New York, NY, Madison Square Garden
"My Brother Esau" was only in the repertoire for four years, 1983-1987, with this being one of its final performances. "High Time," however, arrived in 1969 and was played mostly infrequently right up to 1995
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  • gnosticaspirant
    8 months 3 weeks ago
    Double Whammy

    Double whammy...

  • Bundubush
    8 months 3 weeks ago
    Trouble posting comments

    I have no imbeds but everything I write seems to be getting rejected. What's up here? Just barely caught the game today.

  • opeelipsky
    8 months 3 weeks ago
    We could have us a high time

    Playing the 30 Days of Dead
    Yet sometimes at night I dream,
    Jerry’s still Playin in the Band.
    Nothing's for certain, but I think I might be 4 for 4.
    Soon I’ll be Wandering the land to see Dark Star in Milwaukee living the Good Life.

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5 years 4 months
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An oldie and goodie, preceded by a short-lived first set song
MP3 Filename
Song Title
"My Brother Esau," "High Time"


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Member for

17 years 1 month

In reply to by smallz


...for making it easy on a Saturday Morning. Watch I get the venue wrong now. Haha

Waiting for the curveball which never really came last year. Just big watermelons right over home plate.

I guess I get to do my grocery shopping early today.

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Member for

15 years 8 months

I was hoping for a deep dive that would postpone the last of my fall yard work. Just gotta wait for the sun to come up now. Happy Saturday everyone!

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Member for

12 years 8 months

You know that little Jerry fingering start of one song just before they shift gears and take a left at Albuquerque and head in a different direction between Esau and HT? It would be 6 weeks later before that song would actually get its due. Curious if that was a Phil directed nudge, know what I mean? Today's offering reminded me of a fun three days in a left coast venue years earlier for Rex.

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Member for

17 years 1 month

thats my subtle little note for today. had to check several times before entering as it felt weird to not be moving

Definitely Dupree's. Couldn't quite place it at the time of first listen so thanks. Now here's hoping for that one for tomorrow.

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Member for

10 months 2 weeks

Where can I find the song info for the all of the 2022 30 Days of the Dead?
I downloaded the whole collection last month and they are not included with the song titles.

Hey there! There's several ways to find it, but there's a fella who posts every year's list. You can find it if you google whitegum 30 Days of Dead. Can check for any year. I assume his list is correct, but can't say for sure. Hope this helps.

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10 years

In reply to by moribundjt


moribundjt keeps a very precise record of, pretty much, almost all (all?) of the 30 days to date.

Looking forward to this year’s update brother!

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Member for

6 years 8 months

Haven't started off so well this year--mostly 'cause I haven't had the time I usually do for this--so appreciate the lob this morning.

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Member for

13 years 8 months

Quite a different direction with High Time after the teaser coming out of Esau! It wasn't for another 11 shows to get that one played. You just can't figure!

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Member for

16 years 10 months

It's not often, but I love it when they put up a show I was at. I too remember the DDB tease. I love that song and we psyched to hear it, then High Time. Not a bad consolation prize.....

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Member for

3 years 5 months

I could tell you the two dates last year I guessed correct.
Day 29, 2022 was Truckin'~PiB from Rupp Arena 4/21/78 in Lexington KY
Day 8, 2022 was New Speedway Boogie from Knickerbocker Arena 6/12/92 in Albany NY

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15 years 6 months

Have we run out of shows to peruse?

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9 years 8 months

In reply to by ladnarc


My question, too.
Might say more tomorrow.

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Member for

1 year 8 months

Only two shows to choose from here. but it's all good, gave me some time to listen to, yesterdays and todays shows :)

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Member for

14 years 4 months

Or dancing with it if you please. May be more of a common way to go nowadays given fewer "prime cut" choices available on the 30DOD menu. I'm OK with the "lesser" cuts as well as long as the fare is fresh.

Regardless, this remains my favorite place to spend time each November, so thanks for continuing to bring it.

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Member for

13 years 8 months

Playing the 30 Days of Dead
Yet sometimes at night I dream,
Jerry’s still Playin in the Band.
Nothing's for certain, but I think I might be 4 for 4.
Soon I’ll be Wandering the land to see Dark Star in Milwaukee living the Good Life.

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Member for

12 years 7 months

I have no imbeds but everything I write seems to be getting rejected. What's up here? Just barely caught the game today.

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