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  • slo lettuce
    fuck on, fuck off...
    "Goodbye from the world's biggest polluter." - the parting words to world leaders at his final G-8 summit, punching the air and grinning widely at those who looked on in shock, Rusutsu, Japan, July 10, 2008 - George W. Bush
  • slo lettuce
    fuckin' asshole...
    "You know, one of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror." - George W. Bush's interview with CBS News' Katie Couric, Sep. 6, 2006
  • slo lettuce
    fuckin' dumbass...
    "You work three jobs?....Uniquely American, isn't it? I mean, that is fantastic that you're doing that." - George W. Bush to a divorced mother of three, Omaha, Nebraska, Feb. 4, 2005
  • slo lettuce
    the cruel tutelage of pie meh...
    "...this one time, we shot up a sleeping hobo full of novocaine, then we'd yell, "Pie on the windowsill!" And they'd wake up all numb and poor and we'd laugh. But that's just the kind of stuff you do when your growing up in Midland, when you're a young, precocious little thirty-year-old." - George W. Bush
  • Randall Lard
    drown in the lost rivers of london
    I have sat there and seen the winter days finish their short-spanned lives; and all the globes of light crimson, emerald, and pallid yellow start, one by one, out of the russet fog that creeps up the river. But i like the place best on these hot summer nights, when the sky hangs thick with stifled colour, and the stars shine small and shyly. Then the pulse of the city is hushed, and the scales of the water flicker golden and oily under the watching regiment of lamps. The bridge clasps its gaunt arms tight from bank to bank, and the shuffle of a retreating figure sounds loud and alone in the quiet. There, if you wait long enough, you will hear the long wail of the siren, that seems to tell of the anguish of London till a train hurries to throttle its dying note, roaring and rushing, thundering and blazing through the night, tossing its white crests of smoke, charging across the bridge into the dark country beyond. In the wan, lingering light of the winter afternoon, the parks stood all deserted, sluggishly drowsing, so it seemed, with their spacious distances muffled in greyness: colourless, fabulous, blurred. One by one, through the damp misty air, looked the tall, stark, lifeless elms. Overhead there lowered a turbid sky, heavy-charged with an unclean yellow, and amid their ugly patches of dank and rotting bracken, a little mare picked her way noiselessly. The rumour of life seemed hushed. There was only the vague listless rhythm of the creaking saddle. The daylight faded. A shroud of ghostly mist enveloped the earth, and up from the vaporous distance crept slowly the evening darkness. A sullen glow throbs overhead: golden will-o'-the wisps are threading their shadowy ribbons above golden trees, and the dull, distant rumour of feverish London waits on the still night air. The lights of Hyde Park Corner blaze like some monster, gilded constellation, shaming the dingy stars. And across the east, there flares a sky-sign, a gaudy crimson arabesque. And all the air draped in the mysterious sumptuous splendour of a murky London night. - Hubert Montague Crackanthorpe from 'Vignettes: A Miniature Journal of Whim and Sentiment'.
  • PalmerEldritch
    Ratdog 2014
    Dang! Weir sharing the stage with Kimock and Wasserman?! That's a line-up to die for. No west coast shows? :(
  • Gr8fulTed
    Happy Valentine's all the ladies, and especially those who twirl. Let's hope there will be more Furthur to see and meet up at.
  • slo lettuce
    "the President of effervescence"
    fantastic Burning Man characterthanks, RL, love it! When I Grow Up, I Want To Be: the Ace of acid the All Time-All Star of alkalinity the Angel of angles the Anti-Moron of barbequed boron the Admiral of aeration the Ambassador of accretion the Captain of carbonation the Co-Creator of crystallization the Deacon of decantation the Duke of dissolution the Eminence of encapsulation the Envoy of evaporation the Executor of extraction the Figurehead of fermentation the Fourth-Shift Foreman of formulation the Lord of liquefaction the Nobleman of nucleation the Saint of saturation the Secretary of separation the Sultan of seltzer the Superintendent of supernatant the Superior of sparkles the Supervisor of solvents the Shaman of Shulgin the Assho' of oregano the Bigwig of bismol the Bob Barker of blotter the Beanball Bystander of byproducts the Capo dei Capi of copper the Caretaker of catalysts the Chancellor of choice the Chief-in-Charge of change the CEO of cheerios the Commander of chemical bonds the Colonel of coalescence the Czar of zinc the Dealer of minute detail the Earl of erlenmeyer the Emperor of enzymes the Founding Father of froth the Freak of flasks the Guru of greenhouse gas the Gigantic Ass of dichroic glass the Inspector of lye detectors the Head Honcho of hydrogen the Night Manager of nitrogen the Original Owner of oxygen the Oligarch of olefin the Pope of peptides the Preacher of peroxide il Duce of dioxide el Jefe of Hofmann the King of anything the Leader of laughing gas the Master of melting points the Magnate of magnetism the Magistrate of bicarbonate the Potentate of permanganate the Paranormal Pimp of pH the Purple Proprietor of pyrex the Righteous Ruler of reflux the Reigning Realtor of rainfall the Sole Source of sulfur the Vice-Virtuoso of vacuum the Baron of butane the Monarch of methane the High Priest of propane the Prince of pressurization Sir Ferdinand of Fizz... in the desert under a fire next to the moon wrapped in light on a comet ...with you and as I aged, "want" slowly and appropriately faded as I learned: about People in places of power and privilege about What to expect from expectations about What's in a name about Simplicity about Dreaming about Imagining about Reality about Gain about Loss about Need (all above positions are open; pays good money - $5 a day)... (%);-}
  • trailbird
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    write on slo , let it grow
    I agree with Mike there. As for the Dead Covers project my favorites so far have been China Doll and Eyes of the World, followed by Valerie and Franklins Tower. kudos to all.
  • slo lettuce
    Thanks for everything, Mike...
    ...cabin fever.
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The latest version of our beloved freeform topic!
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9 years 8 months

...some new Duane from SBD masters? Yes sir, please. I've recently entered honeymoon periods with Radiohead, Rush, and - of all things, Doom Metal(?) - Khemmis, so Tuscaloosa and the RTR box still sit unmolested in shrinkwrap. That phenomenal cover for the ABB release would make a rich poster; as well, the bonus Mtn.Jam @ 45 min. from the Warehouse just eclipses that magnificent beast from Ludlow's.…

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9 years 8 months

Okay. On Monday, our very own NCDead summarily referenced a purported comment by Gans & Lambert about the next box set on their Sunday show "Tales from the Golden Road" (7/21). After I made inquiries in all the familiar e-places, this response was posted by well-known participant HighThyme in the Dead community over at SHF:

"During last week's Tales from the Golden Road, David Gans said he just got the email for the August 1 Meet-Up at the Movies featuring the 6/17/91 Giants Stadium show, which notes that David Lemieux will announce the upcoming box set during the intro, and Gary Lambert replied "Very good. And I think, and I think, it's related to, uh, that Giant, that Giants Stadium show may have some, uh, some role in that, but I'll say no more for now. I'll let Mr. Lemieux do the talkin'." So take what you will from that."

So there's that.

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7 years 7 months

In reply to by Kate_C.


So, are we thinking this is going to be a 91 box? How many shows do think we will get?

Thanks for the info.

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9 years 8 months

DV - I don't know. Later years open the possibility to multi-media releases, which apparently serve the multitude well, but I only managed half a show of the old "So Many Roads" box before shelving it … I simply can't watch my music (unless its live, of course). That said, it occurred to me that many might simply be playing DVD & Blu-ray releases through speakers w/out video; Summer & Fall '91 are sufficiently special that I'd bite and purchase a new player to shelve above my current CD & TT outfit. For ideas, I'd love to hear how people are playing audio only w/ A/V media. Lord, I've got stacks of DVDs & B-R discs purchased w/ expanded album editions that I've never touched: the Stones, the Tull reissues, et al.

Edit: Wouldn't it be grand if the PNW blueprint were used for a small-to-mid sized box that contemplated multiple years or tours circa '91? As I've said before, the single greatest personal revelation from 30T was the '91 - '95 contingent of shows; I didn't see those coming (esp. Salt Lake!).

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9 years 8 months

Having reported in elsewhere, Aussie viewers have stated that the box reveal isn't a universal component of the 7pm local shows worldwide. I wonder in which time zone it'll kick in?

Edit: Well that quickly became moot. What a smashing day to be a Head with an expendable $160! I note that my confirmed order hit the in-box 38 minutes before the official email announcement.

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9 years 8 months

The final decade shows in 30T were its greatest surprise, as was the epic 91 show in the Giant's Stadium box; plus that download series show from Pine Knob - fantastic stuff! So this live recreation of a proposed late-career studio effort - that clearly wasn't going to happen given that it took LG's herculean effort to keep the boys focused nearly 20 yrs earlier for Terrapin - is highly anticipated in my consumer demographic of one!…

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9 years 8 months

...would be an introduction to the "new release" thread on the IMWAN website to those who aren't familiar, which allowed me to effectively consolidate my regular internet searches for prospective new line-item debits on my credit card...…

It doesn't catch everything, but it's consistently proven more comprehensive for rock-related releases than any other single source I've yet found.

Edit: anyone else been really digging Fear Inoculum since release? It was my intro to Tool and I've since scooped up the (admittedly limited) catalogue...remarkable stuff.

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Member for

4 years 8 months

I have never read this list's very informative and updated list thanks for sharing

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9 years 8 months

I'm lazy. I've been considering this for a couple years and am ready to get serious (which is about par for the course on my action curve!). So, I sat down to Discogs this past weekend. Umm. I started with the Dead and made it through '70 before my first scream; by December '72 I was disoriented to person, place, and time. Hours later I woke in a cold sweat realizing that it would take me 6.2 years to complete my collection.

Consequently, I'd love to know what you're using. I discovered an endorsement for Collecterz on SHF, and after doing a bit of reading and watching a few video tutorials, it looks really promising - I love the UPC scanner function and the ability to ID a release by putting the disc in the player. Anyone used this, either in download or cloudbased format? If you use something else, let me hear about it: the good, bad, and ugly! Thanks/K

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Roll with the changes...

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