From “Loose Lucy,” the Deadcast jumps onto Dead tour in June ‘74, going under the hood of Phil Lesh’s new quad bass, behind the scenes at the tie-dye information booth, a private lunch at the Bank of Boston, & on a Mars Hotel-soundtracked summer road trip with Sonic Youth’s Lee Ranaldo.

by Jesse Jarnow
“Loose Lucy” song isn’t a heavy song, but it’s one that–like “He’s Gone”--took on different meanings through years of performance. Revell Carr addressed this phenomenon in his excellent essay, “‘Where All the Pages Are My Days’: Metacantric Moments in Deadhead Lyrical Experience,” published in the collection The Grateful Dead in Concert: Essays on Live Improvisation.
Brian Anderson is working on Loud and Clear, a history of the Wall of Sound (or perhaps “the Gantry System,” in Phil Lesh’s 1981 description) to be published next year. Thanks as always to David Gans for the generous use of audio from his books and elsewhere, available from his site.
Deadcast co-host Rich Mahan recorded his own version of “Loose Lucy” a few years ago.