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    Who's up for a revolutionary evolutionary ride? DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30: FILLMORE EAST, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 1/2/70 captures the Grateful Dead as they make their first foray from the experimental 60s into their early 70s acoustic Americana period. Yes, this one is a little bit country and a little bit (psychedelic) rock and roll.

    When the "Magnificent Seven" - Pigpen on percussion, T.C. on keys - first took the stage on 1/2/70, evidence was clear that the trip was about to take a turn. From their western wears to the twang in Jerry’s “broken-string blues,” it appeared they'd brought the Bakersfield sound to the Big Apple. They worked through much of what would become Workingman's Dead, stunning the crowd with laid-back numbers like "Uncle John's Band," "Casey Jones," and "Black Peter." Just the same, they satisfied 60s stalwarts with magical versions of "Dark Star," "St. Stephen," and "That's It For The Other One." Sonic alchemy, indeed!

    DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30: FILLMORE EAST, NEW YORK, ​New York 1/2/70 has been rounded out with a bit of 1/3/70 (the subscribers-only bonus disc features the bulk of 1/3/70). It was recorded by the great Owsley "Bear" Stanley and has been lovingly mastered to HDCD specs by Jeffrey Norman.

    DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30 is limited to 20,000 individually-numbered copies*.

    *Limited to 2 per order. Very limited quantity available.


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  • Charlie3
    To Be Fair...

    The bank that Rip broke into looked a lot like a regular house.

  • carlo13

    I heard about the bank incident. Funny as hell.

  • alvarhanso
    Re: RIP Rip

    Damn, hadn't heard that til I saw Carlo's post. Guy was hilarious on the Larry Sanders Show. Another reason he's a legend is a drunken binge he went on several years ago had him outdoing Lee Marvin. Marvin was a notorious drunk, and one night, plastered, as usual, he drove himself home and found his keys wouldn't open the door, so he broke in, only to find out he had moved several years before, and the current owner was pretty pissed. Well, how does Rip top that? By doing the same thing, only he had stopped at a bank, and broken into the bank in the middle of the night thinking it was his house. Also, he was armed at the time, because, of course he was. How he got just probation is a sad tale for the American legal system, but I hope the old Salty Dog rests in peace.


    Also, my favorite Artie line from Larry Sanders may be from what became the first episode, The Garden Weasel when he says to a new female network executive, "Don't take this as a threat, but I killed a man like you in Korea. Hand to hand."

  • carlo13

    Did I make it first . Could use it. Thanks let me know.

  • Mind-Left-Body
    All Yours Butch

    Need your address

  • Butch
    Check PM MLB!!

    Just sent!

  • Mind-Left-Body
    Giving Away Burned Copy of Fillmore West Complete

    A "burned"copy of Fillmore West 1969: The Complete Recordings + Bonus. I made it for someone who no longer needs it. First to PM me. I have an extra book for it as well.

  • CaseyJanes
    Tales from The Gorge, Part 2: Shakedown

    As mentioned in Part 1 of the story, BIL (Brother In Law), and I had just gotten off the bus which had dropped us off all the way at the back of the lot. This was approximately ¼ - ½ mile from the entrance to the venue, which wasn’t so bad except for we were carrying a 12 pack (minus the 2 beers we drank on the bus) in a large bucket filled with ice. The lot looked to be almost completely full at this point with more cars cramming in. The atmosphere reminded me a lot of the tailgates we have here in KC at Arrowhead, except for folks were decked out in Dead gear, Tie Dye, and other various costumes & hippie wear. We trudged along, checking out the scene while I tried to call a friend of mine named Chuck who I had met the past year on Dead.net. Chuck is a KC native who has spent the last few decades living in the Seattle area and started sporadically touring with the band last year. Chuck and his crew of 7 tour buds were camping in the main public camping area at the Gorge which was visible to BIL and I from where we stood, but way up on a hill and very far away. I’m not sure how far it was, but it looked like a mile or more, up-hill, and with the heavy bucket weighing us down, we didn’t think it was worth the walk as by the time we got up there and found Chuck , we would have to start walking back or risk not getting into the show on time, which would have been entirely unacceptable. So, we opted not to take this particular trip. This turned out to be a catch 22 as we later found out that the camping area is where Shakedown was located at The Gorge which would mean no Shakedown for us this weekend, and also the logistics made it so I wasn’t ever able to meet up with Chuck  (next time my friend)……..but we ended up being correct about getting into the show on time, as many folks were still in line and missed some of the first set even after arriving at the entrance at least an hour before start time.

    When we arrive near the entrance, the place was a zoo. There were long lines already formed at will call and at the VIP/media entrance. We already had our tickets so this was not a problem for us. We did not have VIP entrance passes or wristbands for the VIP drink area inside, and being that Shakedown was no where in site, we decided to post up and take a seat on these large boulders that separate the parking from the entrance to the venue. As it turns out, this was a very fortuitous decision. There was already an old Deadhead biker dude who had done the same, so we cracked some beers and started shooting the shit with him. Turns out he was at Woodstock and saw the entire show including the Dead and the closing Jimmy Hendrix act. Wow, this was the first person I had ever met who could make this claim! About this time, another dude came around selling Stealie stickers for $1, so we checked those out, but nah we don’t want one, and as the dude walked off I said….”hold on a second wait! Would you be interested in trading one of your stickers for one of my buttons?” After checking out the buttons he was quick to agree, and so my button adventure had officially begun!!! I turned to Woodstock biker guy and said would you like one too? “Yeah, I’ll take one” he said with a big smile, and pinned it to his jacket. Holy shit….that was cool! I felt really good at that moment and started looking for others whom I could give away a button!

    As the song says, Once in a while you can get shown the light….and while the reason that I came was most certainly the music, followed by the communion with 20,000+ like-minded folks & freaks, giving away the buttons was without question my strangest of places if you look at it right. I made a few trades with them; a little bar of homemade soap shaped like a dancing bear, and a couple of stickers, but mostly I just gave them away. I only had 100 per night, so I was somewhat selective in who I gave them to. I chose people who had on Grate outfits, really cool Tie Dyes, or who showed a lot of spirit through good dancing, good deeds or just general happy nature and good vibe that I could feel. This was so much fun, and felt so good, I can’t even begin to describe it. Tears me up a little right now just thinking back to some of the moments. The smiles after giving these buttons were big, full and truly grateful for such a tiny trinket. I can’t tell you the number of people that would hold it up to their hearts, smile huge and then look me in the eye and thank me with all sincerity, after which some of them would give me a big hug like we were long lost friends or family and had known each other for years. Word was getting out a little, and some folks were starting to come up to me and either offer me trades and or ask outright if they could have a button. I didn’t once turn anyone down who asked for either. One filthy looking hippie dude came up to me and asked me if I would like to trade him for a used tube of CBD infused chap-stick, and I answered yes after hearing the word trade! “What, wait hold on a second…..no way man, I said laughing, after realizing what I had just agreed to. Keep your chap-stick and just take a button for free dude”! He then took the button, smiled that big smile I was getting used to, then like a true head, dead pan asked, “Do you want to hit my joint”?, as he held up a half-smoked fired up spliff. “Fuck yeah”, I say, taking the joint for a couple of puffs while we all laugh our asses off at the hilarity of the moment. Only at a Dead show, ha, ha….laughing now just thinking about it!

    Much has already been said about the line at The Gorge, and I have to agree the situation at the gate was in true Dead fashion, a complete clusterfuck. As early as 3 hours before (but probably significantly longer), the official start time of the show, we noticed that lines to the normal entrance were already started to form. We were not far from the entrance sitting on our boulders and it just so happened that the line formed almost directly into our spot, so without even having to move from our little party spot, we found ourselves already in line and maybe only a half of a city block from the entrance. Aside from tiny movements in the line we basically were able to stay in this spot until they started letting people in, which was maybe 1.5 hours before show time. BIL and I made friends with some of the folks around us in line, drank on our IPA’s, smoked a few joints along with our oil pipes, and I gave away buttons. Before we knew it, the line started to slowly move forward, and our party moved with it.

    As we inched our way slowly toward the entrance, I started to get the munchies, so I figured now was just as good time as any to have the first serving of veggies. I pulled out the Wild Willie’s Reserve Joint tube where I had stored them and split them up equal, 2 parts for me and 1 part for BIL. I ate mine and then handed BIL his share which he happily gobbled down. I had asked some folks in line earlier about security, and specifically marijuana being that it is legal in Washington. Due to legality, no one seemed to think it would be an issue and so I took no security precautions whatsoever as we approached security, and left all of my pre-rolled joints (3 or 4 left at this point) in the plastic tubes that they came in. Boy were they wrong, and was I stupid!!! We were getting really close now and I still had a few unopened beers in the bucket (BIL is not much of a beer drinker). I gave away a couple of “miracle” beers, popped a top and guzzled one myself, paying little attention to what was going on in front of me at security. When we finally got to the metal detectors, my idiot plan was just to openly put all of my shit into the tubs they offer to pass around the metal detectors and so that’s exactly what I did. My lighter, plastic tubes full of pre-rolled joints, tube of veggies, wallet, phone, basically everything went into that fucking plastic tub. The next thing I know the dude is rifling through my shit in the plastic tub while stating “you can’t take this in”. One by one he reads each tube and says sorry this isn’t allowed, and then he yells “BLACK BAG, BLACK BAG”…..this chick then walks up with an already full trash bag and the dude drops all of my shit while she calmly smiles at me….”No, you can’t…..but that’s my….” I start to say, but it was too late. FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!
    BIL has a similar experience, as did a lot of other folks in line. They were going through everything; blankets, bags, jackets etc….even dumping out full boxes of cigarettes to find the hidden joints inside. The one thing they were not doing is full pat downs, so everything left in the pockets was fine. Luckily, I had forgotten to put my oil pen in the plastic tub and BIL had purposefully omitted his so those got through. Since the tube with the last helping of veggies was not sealed, the guy slid the tube open, I guess he must of looked at the empty side or just didn’t notice because he politely handed that tube back to me. Tragedy narrowly averted there.

    Now being robbed of our goods we regrouped, quickly took inventory of what we had left which was very little and congratulated each other on not being arrested. As my good friend Jeff would say who designed the buttons, Onward!!!

  • icecrmcnkd
    2-28-69 vinyl in the house

    $90 out the door including tax from a local brick and mortar.

    Morning Dew sounds great so far. Going to spin side 1, then go outside for a while with the dog. Once the sun has set I’ll be back on the couch to spin the rest of the show and watch TDF on mute.

    Let’s stick with the 80’s as the third release and go with 3-9-81. We know there are good sounding recordings of that show.

  • carlo13

    I just read the Earthquake article in the New York times and these foreshocks as they say could be a warning. You live in this area? What is it like in the public? Are people still on eggshells? What are you thoughts. Be safe.

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6 years 2 months

Who's up for a revolutionary evolutionary ride? DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30: FILLMORE EAST, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 1/2/70 captures the Grateful Dead as they make their first foray from the experimental 60s into their early 70s acoustic Americana period. Yes, this one is a little bit country and a little bit (psychedelic) rock and roll.

When the "Magnificent Seven" - Pigpen on percussion, T.C. on keys - first took the stage on 1/2/70, evidence was clear that the trip was about to take a turn. From their western wears to the twang in Jerry’s “broken-string blues,” it appeared they'd brought the Bakersfield sound to the Big Apple. They worked through much of what would become Workingman's Dead, stunning the crowd with laid-back numbers like "Uncle John's Band," "Casey Jones," and "Black Peter." Just the same, they satisfied 60s stalwarts with magical versions of "Dark Star," "St. Stephen," and "That's It For The Other One." Sonic alchemy, indeed!

DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30: FILLMORE EAST, NEW YORK, ​New York 1/2/70 has been rounded out with a bit of 1/3/70 (the subscribers-only bonus disc features the bulk of 1/3/70). It was recorded by the great Owsley "Bear" Stanley and has been lovingly mastered to HDCD specs by Jeffrey Norman.

DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30 is limited to 20,000 individually-numbered copies*.

*Limited to 2 per order. Very limited quantity available.

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Member for

16 years 11 months

In reply to by jefedepescado


....let's see how long it takes Vguy to preach Cumberland.
The 3:20 to 3:50 section is unlike any I've ever heard. Someone earlier (sorry. too lazy to go back) said that Jerry twists several themes into his jams on this one. That is an understatement.
🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟's out of four.
Just when I thought I couldn't love this song any more....I bet the next nights version sucked. Never know.
Could've swapped Mason's for that Cumberland and would have been all in.

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16 years 11 months

Just got some much anticipated mailbox love in the form of my latest installment subscription to Dave's Picks V 30 @ Fillmore East. Cannot wait to finish ripping this puppy to my NAS and then streaming it. Just devoured the liner notes- those used to be what I read while cleaning dope...er ... listening to side 1. Looks like my kinda Dead show, which is basically ANY Dead show. Enjoy... DigsDirt

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Member for

16 years 11 months

HI All, just got my DaP 30 today, well sort of. I have all of my packages delivered to work due to some thieves in my apartment building. My copy arrived this past Friday but I was off work in early observance of Star Wars Day. So I am now home from work and I am spinning this for the first time - really. I have never heard these shows so this is the first time for me all around. Of course the sound is great so thanks to Bear and Mr. Norman. Musically, I think others have captured this well, but it is true transitional Grateful Dead, 1969 plus so to speak. Obviously this show takes place only mere 24 hours or so into the decade of the 70s but the LIve Dead psychedelic jamming is there especially with TC still being on board. But yes the shorter/newer songs are definitely getting worked on. These songs are a ways away from the that refined bar band sound of 1971 all except for Mason’ Children. Since Mason’s never evolved as it was dropped in 1970, it sounds as it should, at least to me. I haven't heard all of the discs yet, but I am favoring the jam songs and sequences a little more simply due to the shorter song in-development that was going on. Still the shorter songs aren’t bad and of course any Pigpen tune is always a treat. From what I have heard these are just a great couple of shows and I am really happy these got released.

I do think it is interesting that the touring schedule of late 1969 through a large portion of 1970 was as vast as it was as DL as mentioned. Even more so looking at the venue of the Fillmore East, after playing these shows in January 1970, the band returned again in February, May, July and September. Now I have a lot of familiarity with the February and May shows due to having the tapes and downloaded SBDs of them the prior to their official releases. Of course the standouts in those shows are not only the jams but the shorter songs are more worked out. Now this is not only true for the acoustic songs which adds something special to those shows , but it is clear the boys had more rehearsal time allbet much of it live, with the songs. Yet it is just amazing to me that they could for example unleash a monster Dark Star at the venue in January only to return at a little over a month later and unleash another one even greater magnitude. Same with with Other Ones and Lovelights. No wonder why the Fillmore East had to close, it took too many supernova Dark Stars and Other Ones in such short time it couldn’t handle anymore. If the 1972 version of the Dead got in there, they could have collapsed that place in at that point.

Finally to Mr. Mayhew - May the Four Winds Blow You Safely Home.

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16 years 11 months

In reply to by Gratefulhan


....Everytime Chewbacca was on screen, my son and I did one of these 😔. Saw it twice in the theatres in 1977. First time I ever saw a movie at a theater twice. I was nine. You could say it left a lasting impression. Now Disney is fucking it all up, but I digress.

I like all the new Star Wars stuff. I like that they're stretching out from the original storyline with side-movies(?).
Lightyears better than Episodes I, II & III that Lucas himself completely fucked-up. Now that shit was terrible...

I was 9 too when I saw it in the theater. What an experience. I think I saw it like 3 or 4 times. First movie I'd ever done that with too.
I am not a robot, but if I was I hope I'd be like R2D2...can robots get dosed?

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16 years 11 months

In reply to by jrf68@hotmail.com


....I will say that with the utmost confidence.

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14 years 4 months

In reply to by jrf68@hotmail.com


but overall, I am Star Wars'd out. The chillun watched it (and Clone Wars) A LOT.

yes, robots can get dosed, and sunshine daydream of electric sheep.

quick! name that reference!

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Member for

9 years 8 months

Oh I don't think so.

Dennis: Hope you dig the RTR box, definitely looking forward. My favorite tour, Bootleg Series Vol. 5 was the first one I bought when I started to get into Dylan beyond the Greatest Hits.

...."You're breaking my heart." Anywho. We can argue this all day. However, I replayed the 1.2.70 China->Rider twice. Broke my heart.
You know what else breaks my heart? Monkey & The Engineer being a tune up song. Forever known now as Broken String Blues. Missed an entire verse btw. Frozen Logger anyone?
....is that a Dark Star approaching?

..and what do I notice first? Extensive liner notes by none other than regular poster Strider88. How cool is that?

Edit: For what it's worth.. there are more than a few frequent listeners and posters here that freely comment on experiences from some of these older shows.. and how cool is that. Honest, usually coherent tales and stories (...though incoherent is fine with me).. stuff from the formative years. SimonRob, Ziffle, Strider, Nappy, mhammond, Hendrix, Oroboros (and his evil twin Oroborous) and so many others.. I can't be held to task to recall them all. It's what makes this site work and what makes it worth reading.

A tip of the hat to all those that push the conversations forward.

....I love AMA's. Reddit > Facebook. Facebook is poison. Might have to take a vacation day for a CM AMA. So many questions....thanks Marye.
....tbh. I've never seen Charlie Miller's face. It was just as I expected. Not all heroes wear capes.

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8 years 8 months

In reply to by stoltzfus


thanks Strider - great read : )

#4866 in SE OOtah - holy guacamole!!!!

Mr. Miller did more to push the conversation forward than perhaps most put together. Wow.. what talent.

..back to our regularly scheduled drums and space.

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10 years 9 months

In reply to by Vguy72


5-6-70 Kresge Plaza,M.I.T.
It's got a very nice Dancin' that stands a little apart from some others.
Free show~nationwide campus strikes to protest Kent State killings...

another Smokestack...12-28-70

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14 years 4 months


kudos to tptb

thank you for churning out these documents of awesomeness

you keep makin' 'em
I'll keep buyin' 'em

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Member for

9 years 9 months

Talk about a shady deal.

As expected, DaP 30 has driven the E72 fest straight off the rails.

I love the this release, I'm just not sure how much yet. These things take time.

You get one of the first performances of Uncle John's Band and one of the last performances of The Eleven.

Jerry declares White Rabbit before a half hour Dark Star that features 10 minutes of Feeling Groovey => Tighten Up.

Bear captures Pigpen's audience-facing charisma like never before during Lovelight; ahhh, THAT'S what they were all talking about when they said Pigpen was the only authentic frontman they ever had. I had understood it intellectually, and you can frequently gage his high level of energy in other releases, but this recording is something that captures some of that lightning and makes it palpable.

T. C. is higher in the mix than I've ever heard him - in fact he has this solo in Easy Wind that makes you wonder what exactly it was about him that "didn't fit".

The setlist is exactly what I've been craving from this period - a nice long mix of the old and the new. A while back I posted that I was hoping for something in the vein of Dick's Picks 16. I think I got it.

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Member for

8 years 1 month

...after enjoying Daves 30 Pick for a few days I’m jumping to warp speed to 4/3/90, The Omni, Atlanta GA. What a primo release to enjoy on this late morning sunshine’s daydream! Beautiful Mix, excellent Spring Tour 90’ performance on multi track, it can’t get better...have a grateful day everyone, enjoy Daves Picks 30 with all it’s open mindedness and evolving sound that defines The Grateful Dead!, rock on my brothers & sisters! 🙏❤️🤠

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16 years 11 months

In reply to by KeithFan2112


First, thanks to Mary for the CM info, should be interesting, hope I remember 😉

Then: GO AVs GO!
Bastids showed up last night. Game 7 outta be a doozy for good or for ill....many excellent series this year, weird sweeps, Double OTs, several game 7s......https://www.google.com/search?q=good+old+hockey+game+song&ie=UTF-8&oe=U… .....
....sorry, gramps can’t figure out how to add link, Hockey geeks google The Good Old Hockey Game song.....
EDIT: or maybe I did!

DAVES 30; well finally received last night. Got er ripped and was able to some what check out all the 1/2 stuff, not sure when I’ll get to 1/3....so much Dead, so little time! Was hoping to go with 5/7/72 tomorrow evening but now I have to choose oy! Still trying to get over 5/4/72 Dark Star etc....Such problems 😉
Anywho, was sorta disappointed at first, perhaps too much anticipation? Yes it was a very transitional time etc, but don’t recall Dicks 16 being that sloppy....will have to revisit that one soon......and recently got DaP 19 which seemed a bit tighter? Like usual though, once I settled in and they settled in, the ole magic feeling started to come round again. And of course the more familiar psychedelic stuff was smoking. Although you could say even the TOO etc from the first show was perhaps a tad underwhelming? Meaning that suite usually kicks such ass that.....well, it was the early show and all that, and don’t get me wrong it still rocks! I’m sure the whole thing will grow on me like a weird fungus eventually...
Now the Live Dead sequence from the second show was amazing.....perhaps slightly less polished than Live Dead, but that’s nick picking.....Going to have to find more time for that disc fo sure!
Speaking of D.S.: sorry, have to ask, was misses Vguy feeling weird because of the Dark Star, or something else.....you said you waited 49 years for this......meaning that Dark Star or for her to?..........like she finally hopped on the bus and the combo of excessive G forces and Dark Star anti gravitational forces were a tab, er uh, I meant tad too much for her lol.....hope she’s all good, don’t mean to make fun of if she was not feeling well?

Keithfan, you must really have connections, or maybe you really were at Woodstock in some form or via the John Deere and made some kind of influence on the time/space continuum that caused the song to be renamed, but didn’t happen due to some kind of phase lag, until now? Dammit where’s Bolo, he’d know!

Rock on peeps and hopefully all y’all will get your discs sooner than later (and they’ll have no defects)
Haven’t heard anyone complain yet, hopefully they rectified those manufacturing idiosyncrasies?
Ok, I should go figure out how we’re going to mount this 98” TV that weighs like 270!

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12 years 11 months

In reply to by Oroborous


A 98" TV? Holy Shit!

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Member for

16 years 11 months

In reply to by Oroborous


....likes the Dead. Doesn't love them, but likes them. Not the spacy stuff though. We were making dinner during the second disc. Then Dark Star appeared. The gave me the ole side eye and said, "Oh no Vinny. They're gonna get wierd now. Turn it off please."
Now I'm not one to argue with logic, or with her, so I stopped it. Waiting forty-nine years was in reference to the age of the show.
....she's out of the house now, so it's getting wierd. My son has a lot of her in him, so I'm sure he'll be chiming in soon.

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Member for

16 years 11 months

In reply to by Vguy72


Vguy, too funny! My wife is not really a fan, though she’s been getting into some of the later JGB stuff.
Generally she likes Jerry, but that “Bob Weird” and his weird “vocal phrasing” is definetly not a mood enhancer in our house LOL. There’s hope though as she lately has liked some of the old primal blues and hard rock stuff I.e., pigpen etc

Re Jim: yea 98” planar, only about 20K, not too bad as far as really big panels go, did a 98” Sony master series at Xmas, only $60K! but hey, some folks just have too much money. We installed one of the planers at the ritz that has quad view so you can watch four things at the same time....so you could watch Alpine 89, Winterland 74, Sunshine Daydream and say vault view 87 all at same time! Kinda like we used to listen to 2 music sources while driving ala HST back in the day.

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Member for

16 years 11 months

In reply to by Vguy72


LOL, Vguy, I’d love to hang or watch hockey with you, but only have a 65” 😟 this is for work. I’m a custom AV installer for the rich and sometimes famous.....though we do get a lot of nice freebies when folks replace/upgrade so I’m hoping to get a 120” screen and projector I obtained going by next season!

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16 years 11 months

In reply to by Oroborous


.... thinking Ben Bishop is gonna be a stone wall myself. Took a slapper to the collarbone last game, but says he's good to go.

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Member for

10 years 11 months

Mine arrived today, but without a bonus disc. yes I subscribe. For those who received with Bonus, were they send in the same package? Were they attached?

First time I have ever had any issue with dead.net.

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Member for

16 years 11 months

In reply to by Thin


....as they always have.
First concern I've seen posted. I'm sure it will be rectified Thin. No Skipping Disc Blues yet. Knock on my head.
The Dancing In The Street is definitely dancing.

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Member for

9 years 11 months

After all the great comments, I've really been looking forward to Dave's 30. Sadly, after getting within 3 hours of me yesterday, my Dave's is apparently now about 14 hours away in North Houston. Today was the estimated delivery date. Now, who knows? Anyway, several have asked about higher-res scans of the covers. If it doesn't arrive tomorrow, I'll be out of town until Monday night, but whatever, I'll have a link here as soon as I can. Now Thin's got me wondering if my Bonus CD will be there. Gonna be fine listening one of these days. A Sugar Mag precursor tease in 1/3's Dark Star? . . . Onward.

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Member for

6 years 7 months

Sorry to hear you didnt get yours, but maybe a good thing. Ironically, it actually does depict Skeletons surrounding the venue, right outside where the dog ais located. I say it's ironic because of the joke made after you cheered fthat the skeletons are probably surrounding the dog just out of sight on the main cover.

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Member for

14 years 4 months

In reply to by Mind-Left-Body


no hope of my wife ever liking any of my music. ever.

I learned long ago just to keep it turned off.

TVs: TVs are the portal to the "electronic wasteland" in my book. Jeopardy! and about two other things maintain my attention. Not a TV snob, just...so little rewarding material on that box. to ME.

itching like you wouldn't believe to check out the new Daves.

"Some people like to go out dancing
And other people, they gotta work"

just a few more hours...and I'll be right home to Daves

I read this too.. the ballot initiative is to decriminalize, prohibiting the city from spending resources to impose criminal penalties.

The times they are a changing.

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Member for

16 years 11 months

In reply to by JimInMD


....aka boomers from my youth.
A fetal Sugar Mags. Is that what I heard? Couldn't put my finger on it, but yea.
Definitely some UJB stuff going on around the 21 minute mark. Baby Sugar Mags at 22:30 back into baby UJB.
So much stuff going on in the last ten minutes of this Dark Star, it's scary.

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Member for

5 years 7 months

anyone else not receiving #30? email from dead says shipped 1 May, tracking info states "not available, package not at usps". Emailed cust service and get "replies may take up to two days" lol.

....to be able to pinpoint and focus on the nuances of this band. It's like I'm Professor X with my own personal Dead Cerebro! Bro.
Btw. My copy came with a lame sticker. States, "Thank you from purchasing from the Grateful Dead store. If you have any questions or issues with your order, blah, blah, blah."
Missed opportunity.

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Member for

15 years 7 months

Happy Birthday, you really do swing man.

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Member for

14 years 4 months

In reply to by unkle sam


so enjoy, whether you want to or not

"Daves I hear you calling
but I can't come home right now
Jer and the boys are playin'
but I just can't hear the sound
just a few more hours
and I'll be right home to you
I want to hear that Dark Star

Daves what can I do
Daves what can I do"

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Member for

9 years 9 months

Dave's Picks arrived with unprecedented speed at my humble abode this morning. Sods law, I have been unable to devote any time to it - distractions of life- but the first few songs sound okay, and the notes in the book, by both writers are great. They seem to capture what it was like to see a Dead show and be into them, before the Deadhead culture developed. I can identify with the writers 15 years old selves, for whom following the band wouldn't have been an option-or a consideration-but who recognised something special going on straight away.

They also make reference to the fact that the first half of the show was radically different from the records they had bought prior to seeing the band. It always seems to me that it must have been quite a shock to the system, being confronted with the unreleased Working Mans Dead songs, and other songs of that ilk, if you had bought Live Dead and Anthem, which would lead you to expect full on jamming from the first note.

Anyway-Hard to Handle-I think its about to get good..

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