• 1,003 replies
    When our previous topic hit the 1,000-response mark, sleazy behavior by politicians was eliciting a certain amount of non-astonishment.


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  • Musky_Ranger
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    Jive ain't free
    Unfortunatly free speach doesn't include manners, tact, or even truth. And it isn't free if you consider jive an opportunity cost. Lamagonzo I agree with most of your heartfelt observations, but I suggest you reconsider that "hammer at the rally" idea, as soon as you pull it out you'll lose your audience and then your freedom. But I have a solution....get a blow-up or maybe even a cartoon hammer. A cartoon hammer would be best but they are hard to come by.
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    I'd agree
    That is why the Court also has said that all of this is subject to local, county & and state rules. They can keep people back to a point of 500 feet where they can't be heard. There can even be a buffer of supportive people (a group has already started to fill that role). I find these Baptists (and Baptists in general) distasteful. However, they have the right to be there. This was an 8-1 decision by the Court. As anybody knows who's read my posts, I am no fan of the Supreme's. I am going to a Town Meeting with my Senator Sat. to discuss the Supreme's decision on corporations rights like they are human beings. I don't know why there was not one single response on this site when the AG Eric Holder requested the Supreme's (who complied) to TAKE AWAY OUR MIRANDA RIGHTS UNLESS WE EXPLICITLY INVOKE THEM. I posted it, no response. That is far more repugnant than this , however hateful it is.
  • marye
    there are numerous instances
    in which free speech is kept from getting in people's faces. Funerals should certainly be one of them. Let them protest outside the White House.
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    I disagree....
    ....as with the "Community Center" at Ground Zero it is a fundamental, basic right. In this case, to FREE SPEECH! I don't like it, find it distasteful in the extreme and would probably counter-demonstrate, as a group had continually vowed to do. But as Roberts(?). for the majority, said "It may be hateful but it's free speech". C'mon people, you can disagree but support the freaking Constitution. It's all that stands between us and the army's new "Hummingbird" drones that can spy on individual Americans. Would you rather the night time torch parades of Mormonism when Mitt Romney gets the nod for the Repubs. in the next election? Thousands of Tea Party members marching in lockstep with Klansmen shouting in perfect unison "Seig Hei Romney, Seig Heil Romney!" A future w/o any rights is closer than you think. So support the ones we still have!!
  • marye
    this is the second time
    Alito's been the only one with a brain and a spine on that court. Goes to show simplistic labels don't mean much.
  • Gr8fulTed
    4th event in Washington, D.C.>> Snyder vs Phelps
    "Machine Gun" Sammy Alito was the lone dissenter in the 8-1 affirmation of Fred Phelp's 1st amendment right to hold a controversial protest outside funerals with his Topeka, KS Baptist church followers. Controversial can be interchanged easily with outrageous or repulsive.I agree with Justice Alito in his dissent, siting how inappropriate it is to picket at a funeral.
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    3 events today...
    Supremeo Comanndermundo David Petraeus, Head Ramrod of American armed forces in the in the American occupied countries of Iraq and Afghanistan, made an unprecedented apology to the Afghan government and people because a US attack helicopter fired on and killed 8 Afghan children collecting firewood. Two of them were sets of brothers. The US has a policy of compensating accidental deaths in Afghanistan with $1500-$2000 a person. Of course, when they wipe out whole families it is difficult to know who to give the money to. But it supposedly it is a tradition among tribes to compensate for death in that country. In Frankfurt, Germany, a 21 year old airport worker shot at a bus carrying US Armed Forces and killed and/or injured 4 of them in what the German Government is confused about. They can't figure out if it is an act of terrorism even though the shooter was Muslim. Hey Germany! Let me clue you in... IT WAS TERRORISM (morons!) TLilly, any more info. on that? A Wall St Journal/NBC Poll, surprisingly, found that 77% of the American public support American worker's right to collective bargaining and going on strike. Well, that is encouraging. So encouraging in fact, I'm going to shout down the only Socialist/Independent Senator of the US in a "Town Meeting" in Montpelier, Vermont this Saturday. I will tell him that politicians are irrelevant, the class war has begun and he should go fuck himself with his populist rhetoric! I plan to bring a hammer for a gavel. Sorry folks, the Valium isn't working anymore. Time to tell some human/corporations stomping the shit out of the middle-class on down that what is happening in N. Africa can happen HERE. Maybe I'll self-immolate myself to make the point clear if the AFSC can get behind me. I'm sick of it all and I'm not taking it anymore. I know I speak for myself only and not most deadheads, especially the ones who have been helplessly bleating that the Dead were not political in the day, though they continue to support worthy groups with REX. Hammer down in the morning, hammer down in the evening, hammer down ALL DAY!!
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    To the shores of Tripoli, teller
    U.S. Marine Corps Hymn (Marine Hymn) From the Halls of Montezuma To the Shores of Tripoli; We fight our country's battles In the air, on land and sea; First to fight for right and freedom And to keep our honor clean; We are proud to claim the title of United States Marine. Our flag's unfurled to every breeze From dawn to setting sun; We have fought in ev'ry clime and place Where we could take a gun; In the snow of far-off Northern lands And in sunny tropic scenes; You will find us always on the job-- The United States Marines. Here's health to you and to our Corps Which we are proud to serve In many a strife we've fought for life And never lost our nerve; If the Army and the Navy Ever look on Heaven's scenes; They will find the streets are guarded By United States Marines.
  • trailbird
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    I hear you gonz,
    I kind of felt a little bad Charlie when I saw they took his kids from him this morning, but my biggest laugh yesterday came when they were talking about the possibility of John Stamos replacing Charlie on 2 and a half men. Charlie was asked about the possibility of that happening and he of course made a disparaging remark, then later in the day John Stamos tweeted, " I am not going to replace Charlie Sheen on Two and a Half Men, but Martin Sheen did ask me to be his son." As for Khadaffi Duck, now that it's known he ordered the Lockerbie bombing, there ought to be a cruise missle with his name on it headed for Tripoli right now. (forgive me Lord, I'm only human)
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    Charlie Sheen...
    You have to love this guy. He lives with two trashy blondes, one a porn star and the other a nanny. He needs to add Lindsy Lohan to this phalanx and open up a pharmacy in his house. I think he is doomed, doomed i say. As for Khdaffy Duck, well, there is just plain old 'out there' egominaical whacko. It's just a matter of how many people and brings down with him. The thing we don't get is that when he says "His" peope love him he means mostly the people of his Bedouin tribe, not the rest of Libya and I'm not sure he has an accurate handle on that. Well, "Fuck The Doomed" as Richard Nixon said to Hunter Thompson one day. Ahhh, that would be Sheen and Khadaffy and not the rest of those poor souls.
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17 years
When our previous topic hit the 1,000-response mark, sleazy behavior by politicians was eliciting a certain amount of non-astonishment.
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16 years 11 months

In German news, the SPD (a political party) is discussing kicking out a party member, Tilo Sarrazin, Banker and former Finance Senator from Berlin; for his absurdly racist statements in public and in his new book. Things like "Jews and Basques have different genes than others." and "Muslims are genetically incapable of being intelligent". So not only is old Tilo obviously a moron, but is a racist moron to boot. SO, all those witty comments on FB lately about how Beck's speeches sound better in their original language, namely German; are at least in modern times grossly incorrect comparisons. German politics and media do NOT stand for blatant racist bullshit in public, and within the bigger political parties. ********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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Beck may be a fascist but nobody needs to tar and feather the entire German people and their language. I think what you are seeing is the use of an old stereotype. Some of this may come from the cover photo of one of Beck's books showing him in a Nazi uniform.
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13 years 10 months

Tilo should be kicked out of the spd. germany and anywhere else he turns up.dickhead!
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...increasingly. The fact that Beck drew 300,000 people to DC for a rally shows just how much. I find it sad that people actually believe people like Palin and Beck and other fab foxoids.
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16 years 11 months

am saddened and sickened. Have even had rash thoughts about sending back my passport, saying "I don't want it anymore" after this latest mania of loud mass fascist insanity spewed by "fab foxoids" (love that phrase) and believed by so many. And thanks for the support about how fascism does NOT equal German by default!! Fascism comes in many nationalities!!! As a matter of fact, I wish that the US media would take as strong of an anti-fascist stance as the German media does!! HA! is ironic that I am so on a soap box for defending Germany, but on this issue I feel I must speak up on their behalf. ********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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It's hard to declare victory when the government isn't formed and the US is STILL training Iraqis to do traffic control. The fact is Iraq is a large, stinking mess and 50,000 of our troops are still there. What was accomplished? We got rid of Hussein and destabilized the entire region. We drove thousands to become suicide bombers. In another post in this thread I detailed how it was necessary to split the Muslim world in the era of post-peak oil. The offal being fed to the masses as a rationale for our fighting the war is pathetic. The people who decide policy are smiling smugly. What a waste of blood and treasure on... ~ that shining ball of blue that we call our home ~
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16 years 11 months

For all the folks out there who have been arguing about mosques or no mosques in NYC-using the argument that no one in the Muslim World spoke out against 9/11, here is a list that proves that argument to be false. http://www.muhajabah.com/otherscondemn.php Am not arguing for or against building anything right now-am just refuting one incorrect argument that I have been reading lately. ********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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13 years 10 months

does anyone have any good positive news a little humour would not go a miss.Somebody throw me a life line. Gimme a little light.
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13 years 10 months

more news from our combined govt here in the uk they are constantly looking for ways too take money off those that need it most.Any addict/alcoholic receiving benefits will lose there benefits if they refuse treatment.Will this not increase crime,fill the prisons and cost a fortune anyway.Bite me Mr cameron.
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16 years 11 months

will look for some good and humorous news to post when I get back from the grocery store!Hang in there for a bit! ********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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15 years 8 months

to the new world this is not a drill. hey hey........jerry joseff
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Well, there is a way to kill bed bugs without chemicals. Intense heat. Whoops, I guess that comes with the news that there is a bed bug epidemic. News stories about this problem always show people of color who have bed bugs, thus enforcing the stereotype that it is "a colored problem", that 'colored people are dirty and don't clean their homes". All mattresses, by law, are returnable for at least 90 days. Beware what you buy in clearance or "discount" stores.
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I have been feeling that, while it is in quite poor taste and insensitive for Muslims to build a place of worship there, it is their right as citizens of the US to do it. When people decide that it is all right for the government or a mob (I'll allow that the government may be a mob) to take away that right in any circumstance it is the start of a ride down a slippery slope. I think that the Jewish mayor of NYC knows that, and, given his heritage, knows how important it is to protect that right. The Jewish people know only too well what can happen when religious intolerance spreads. We are losing our rights in this country. Most people believe the Bill of Rights is too radical of a document. I have to change my mind on this issue in favor of religious freedom, though an interfaith prayer center would certainly stem the tide of current criticism. So, kudos to you Lilly for standing tall in the face of that avalanche of criticism, if you still feel the same way...
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16 years 11 months

one whit! :) no worries Gonzo!! Is rare that I form an opinion before reading and thinking for at least a bit, so is also rare that I change my mind :P Am still for the right to build, though I agree with you that an interfaith center would be a really cool idea!!********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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17 years

re bedbugs, if it's any consolation I'm always editing stuff for travel sites warning people that they can get bedbugs in the ritziest hotels these days. Re the NYC issue, I agree with you also.
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By BOB HERBERTPublished: August 30, 2010 NY Times We learned on Saturday that our so-called partner in this forlorn war, Hamid Karzai, fired a top prosecutor who had insisted on, gasp, fighting the corruption that runs like a crippling disease through his country. Time magazine tells us that stressed-out, depressed and despondent soldiers are seeking help for their mental difficulties at a rate that is overwhelming the capacity of available professionals. What we are doing to these troops who have been serving tour after tour in Afghanistan and Iraq is unconscionable. Time described the mental-health issue as “the U.S. Army’s third front,” with the reporter, Mark Thompson, writing: “While its combat troops fight two wars, its mental-health professionals are waging a battle to save soldiers’ sanity when they come back, one that will cost billions long after combat ends in Baghdad and Kabul.” In addition to the terrible physical toll, the ultimate economic costs of these two wars, as the Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz and his colleague Linda Bilmes have pointed out, will run to more than $3 trillion. I get a headache when I hear supporters of this endless warfare complaining about the federal budget deficits. They’re like arsonists complaining about the smell of smoke in the neighborhood. There is no silver lining to this nearly decade-old war in Afghanistan. Poll after poll has shown that it no longer has the support of most Americans. And yet we fight on, feeding troops into the meat-grinder year after tragic year — to what end? “Clearly, the final chapters of this particular endeavor are very much yet to be written,” said Gen. David Petraeus, the commander of American and NATO forces in Afghanistan, during a BBC interview over the weekend. He sounded as if those chapters would not be written any time soon. In a reference to President Obama’s assertion that U.S. troops would begin to withdraw from Afghanistan next July, General Petraeus told the interviewer: “That’s a date when a process begins, nothing more, nothing less. It’s not the date when the American forces begin an exodus and look for the exit and the light to turn off on the way out of the room.” A lot of Americans who had listened to the president thought it was, in fact, a date when the American forces would begin an exodus. The general seems to have heard something quite different. In truth, it’s not at all clear how President Obama really feels about the awesome responsibilities involved in waging war, and that’s a problem. The Times’s Peter Baker wrote a compelling and in many ways troubling article recently about the steep learning curve that Mr. Obama, with no previous military background, has had to negotiate as a wartime commander in chief. Quoting an unnamed adviser to the president, Mr. Baker wrote that Mr. Obama sees the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq as “problems that need managing” while he pursues his mission of transforming the nation. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, speaking on the record, said, “He’s got a very full plate of very big issues, and I think he does not want to create the impression that he’s so preoccupied with these two wars that he’s not addressing the domestic issues that are uppermost in people’s minds.” Wars are not problems that need managing, which suggests that they will always be with us. They are catastrophes that need to be brought to an end as quickly as possible. Wars consume lives by the thousands (in Iraq, by the scores of thousands) and sometimes, as in World War II, by the millions. The goal when fighting any war should be peace, not a permanent simmer of nonstop maiming and killing. Wars are meant to be won — if they have to be fought at all — not endlessly looked after. One of the reasons we’re in this state of nonstop warfare is the fact that so few Americans have had any personal stake in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. There is no draft and no direct financial hardship resulting from the wars. So we keep shipping other people’s children off to combat as if they were some sort of commodity, like coal or wheat, with no real regard for the terrible price so many have to pay, physically and psychologically. Not only is this tragic, it is profoundly disrespectful. These are real men and women, courageous and mostly uncomplaining human beings, that we are sending into the war zones, and we owe them our most careful attention. Above all, we owe them an end to two wars that have gone on much too long. A version of this op-ed appeared in print on August 31, 2010, on page A21 of the New York edition.
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17 years

a little googling will really scare you! Of course I haven't stayed in a hotel for ages, but yeah, kinda does creep you out! There are all these clips on the TV news about washing all your clothes in hot water when you get home from a trip. It seems to be a pretty big problem even on the pricier side of the travel world. And yes, in the US.
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13 years 9 months

I'm l;ooking at an Ebay Item, it's a box set with 85cds in it, says it's the whole 2003 Summer Tour is this legit??? Says only 500 were made? Never heard of this any help would be appreciated-
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17 years

I think it's safe to assume it's a bootleg. What's the auction link? I don't actually remember if they sold the live recordings at the 2003 shows or not, but I never heard of this. If someone else knows please speak up!
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16 years 5 months

is the Govt willing to pay for the treatment?...and why would someone be foolish enough to turn down free treatment?..or would they rather live with an unhealthy addiction? If they have the money to spend on alcohol and drugs why not spend it on something more sensible.....like....oh....food and shelter, for instance? Aren't the benefits being given for that purpose? If I'm outa line here, please let me know......
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The ACLU is successfully dragging several police departments into court over what they say are unconstitutional arrests for recording police conversations and behavior. DAs say that because police have sensitive conversations with witnesses, etc., they can't be recorded. They make the distinction that the recording is not illegal, just the publication of it. What bullshit! Cops don't want their illegal behavior to ruin their careers. Not all cops, just the ones that are doing illegal things. This has to change but I'm not holding my breath for the Supremes to make the right decision.
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13 years 10 months

no john you is not outta line,yes the govt will pay for the treatment and yes the benefits are for food and shelter.Not all people are ready for treatment forcing them into treatment may be a waste of money i wasnt debating addiction i was pointing out what this govt will do too take from those that need it.Further examples are heating allowances for old dudes,every winter old dudes die here because they cannot afford heating costs,this govt are looking at cutting them shameful,also student grants,loans etc.I earn minimum wage and they want too up my taxes.Mean while the queen will continue too live in buckingham palace etc.I am considering super glueing myself too the houses off parliament wearing nothing but a dead t shirt and a frown.Watch this space!!!!!!!!
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Corporations need your money! Who are you to stand in the governments way of profiting a privileged few? They especially need to take it from ther minimum wage earners cuz they'll only spend it on cigarettes...
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good luck with your direct action at parliment. would advise having an affinity group to support you. i encourage all actions of principled nonviolent disobedience. ********************************** **********( $ ) ; ~ }}*************** i'm outta here, calling it a week early. have a great holiday weekend everybody! carry on!!
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15 years 5 months

The 2003 tour getting yanked off the internet rather quickly, even off the bit torrent sites for some reason. "The dire wolf collects his due while the boys sing round the fire"
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17 years

the thing on eBay was sold on tour, so I can readily see soundboards having a short life on the net. But hey, fear's question had a side benefit. I have been going nuts for some months looking for my So Many Roads box and not being able to find it anywhere. Thanks to searching for fear's collection on eBay, I realized the mental visual I was looking for was not So Many Roads at all, and once I had the right mental image I found it right away! Let's just say I'm not too organized. But I'm delighted to have found the darn thing because it was starting to freak me out!
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marye My collection of Grateful Dead discs and books is about the only thing in my life that is really well organized. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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13 years 10 months

enjoy your weekend gonzopeace
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17 years

Just heard another oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico off the Louisiana coast. Don't know any other details at this time but this can't be good. When we will learn!
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17 years

hope everybody's safe.
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16 years 11 months

Clarifying my earlier post re the platform off the coast of Louisiana, the AP now reportsthe rig is a fixed platform that was in production at the time of the fire, producing 58,800 gallons of oil and 900,000 cubic feet of gas per day. The platform can store 4,200 gallons of oil. There may be a spill, possibly from the stored oil. Meanwhile, along the Atlantic seaboard: Kind thoughts of concern go out to you folks on the coast in NC, VA, DE, NJ, PA, NY, CT, NH, MA, ME, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia that will be dealing with the hurricane called Earl.
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13 years 10 months

Why do thease hurricanes have stupid names like gilbert and earl etc,should be hurricane ruin your fuckin life or hurricane blow your house away.On a more serious note ive heard thousands of peeps have been evacuated there lives disrupted, much love to you all. May the four winds blow you safely home. Pardon the pun.
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16 years 5 months

Storms of this nature had only feminine names, but I think they should have some sort of designation on the off chance that there are more than one in a specific area and time frame in order to differentiate between them. Much easier to do with a name instead of a number. Pray for all whose lives have been disrupted.
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Angela Merkel, that wild and crazy head ramrod from the Fatherland, has extended the operating life of nuclear power plants as a way to shore up support for elections coming in a year. Ohh Goody! More nuclear waste for the planet! C'mon anarchists! Do something!!
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16 years 11 months

to inspect a nuclear plant from within one of the towers! j/k but UNCOOL action indeed! AND folks pissed off.********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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13 years 10 months

This is a conspiracy between dr merkel and german energy giants a 15 year extensionThis is a revolution in energy production said the crazy doctor there will be a revolution if i get angry enough WHOS WITH ME!!!
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A Florida church preacher is campaigning to burn Quarans (sp.?) on 9/11. General Petreaus is begging for them not to do it as it will put US troops in danger. This whole thing is surreal. A US military general telling Americans not to be free? How much more of this do we have to endure before it stops? In the name of preserving our way of life we are destroying our way of life. I guess peace and tolerance are just quaint old ideas that no longer have any currency in our current world. It reminds me of American proclamations in the Vietnam war saying in order to save the village, we have to destroy it. I never thought I'd see the day when this would happen again, but can't say I'm surprised. ~ All the soldiers dying from Muslim bibles frying ~ Give me an F, a U, a C, a K! Whats that spell? Whats that spell? F * U * C * K, F * U * C * K, F * U * C k!!! Uncle Sam's in a terrible jam Way down yonder in Afghanistan
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16 years 11 months

the SPD and the Greens are with you, and a lot of the German population! Folks are pissed off about this manouver!! Some of the states, like Rheinland Pfalz already announced they will fight this decision, as they have invested too much in renueable energy sources to take this lying down. And it IS a conspiracy that the regular folks will pay for in higher electricity bills!!********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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certainly violates the spirit if not the letter of our founding principles, I think Gen. Petraeus is raising the important distinction between free speech and consequence-free speech. And when the consequences of your stupid exercise of free speech Because You Can fall on innocent third parties who are not party to your beef, those third parties are entitled to hold you to account as far as I'm concerned. Fire in a crowded theater is small potatoes compared to thinking your little bigoted tantrum is more important than the lives of the troops. In my opinion of course.
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16 years 5 months

things like burning books....we are no better than those we oppose, we are BETTER than that!!
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17 years

what johnman said!
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Here we are agreeing that Muslims have the right to build a mosque near ground zero because it is their right -- their right as an American... Yet, when we are talking about our right as Americans to free speech you feel that right should be abridged if it offends people in a foreign country. The people it offends are already fanatics and trying as hard as possible to kill to American soldiers. I am not prepared to give up my rights in this country because a bunch of fanatics in a foreign country don't like our right to free speech. Again, it brings up the question of what exactly it is we are fighting for over there...
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I also agree that it is insensitive and in poor taste to burn anybody's holy books. I wish this intolerant person would give up his ill-advised idea but I 100% support his right to do it.
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13 years 10 months

Burning bibles is wrong dosnt matter if its the old teastament or the qaran it aint gonna help at all.The gentleman in question has the right to do this if he wants just dont involve me.We cannot persucate all muslims on the actions of a small minority they have the right to pray at there temple where ever it maybe.1 2 3 what are we fighting for!!!!
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If there is a way to get people in line and have them do what you want them to do it is Fear. Fear is being used as a weapon against the American people in the "War on Terror". In order for us not to question the billions upon billions of dollars being spent on the military we have been goaded into fearing all Muslims when in fact it is a small minority who oppose the US. By attacking the Muslim countries of Iraq and Afghanistan we have created thousands and thousands of suicide bombers where there were very few to start with. We have created the thing we fear most and thus have been forced to spend money for useless and unnecessary things that do not improve our society. The question must be asked: Who profits from this? The private contractors and arms and munition makers who make up the military-industrial complex. In order to line their pockets we have to made to be scared shitless of every Muslim. If not the Muslims then the Russians. If not the Russians then some other country or race or religion. Being kept in a state of fear is the name of the game they are playing and have been playing for some time. They are quite good at it. There are other interests involved also. Those interests have to do with corporations who wish to do business freely wherever they please and brook no opposition or competition. Therefore they find ways to manipulate countries to oppose their "enemies" . So many suffer so very few can profit greatly. We must come together as human beings and resist control by corporations and masters of war. Of course, where our enemies are real we must thrust the spear forward. Our current state of evolution does not allow for pure nonviolence. However, to be perpetually afraid by manipulation so that we create new and better spears forever is a monstrous sin against our higher nature.
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16 years 11 months

I read your statement 4 times, Gonzo!! I find it a truly terriffic piece and couldn't agree with you more.********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain