Cool Stuff on Other Sites

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17 years
In the course of our various online travels, we sometimes run across stuff that's cool enough that we want to share it with folks here, and which wouldn't exactly work to drag here wholesale. Quite often we can address this by posting links in relevant topics, but sometimes there isn't one. So this is the place to post links to such items.

Grand Voyages, Great Adventures

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17 years
By suggestion of TigerLilly, who's been doing some traveling of her own lately: a place to talk about one's travel adventures (in the physical world!). Great road trips, the time you got a gig crewing on a yacht, your years in the Peace Corps, the time you walked the Great Wall... You get the idea!

In and Out of the Garden He Goes...

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17 years
So after getting a fairly gratifying amount of long-overdue yard work done over the holiday weekend, I am getting a big kick out of the fact that decades' worth of chance-acquired plants are starting to look like they belong together. And then in another topic JurassicBlueberries was holding forth on the care and feeding of blueberry plants, and what with one thing and another, I bet we've got gardeners here.

Dead Dreams

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17 years
We've probably all had them - those dreams where you're having a lovely conversation with Jerry while driving down the road past a forest of purple trees, say. Or you're in this oddly familiar yet not familiar landscape, with the show for the ages going on in the background. If you dream of the Dead, when you're asleep that is, post here! And thanks to cosmicbadger for the suggestion!

Religion, Spirituality and Deadheads

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17 years
In one of the other topics, one of the folks seemed not to be so sure of the reception he'd get for saying he was a youth minister at his church. In my experience, Deadheads span the full spectrum from Agnostic to Zoroastrian. I've met atheist Deadheads, Muslim Deadheads, Buddhist Deadheads, Catholic Deadheads, Jewish Deadheads, and Wiccan Deadheads. My Deadhead friends are all over the map on this stuff, and as far as I'm concerned one of the real richnesses of the scene is the ability to see how things look to other folks and, sometimes, experience it from their world.

The Song That Launched a Million Bathroom Breaks...

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17 years
Okay, it wasn't ALL roses... One of the subjects that came up behind the scenes the other day was how just about everybody had a particular song (usually found in the second set) that they regarded as the perfect opportunity to beat the restroom crowds, purchase another overpriced water bottle, or decide whether they just had to have that T-shirt. The perfect opportunity, in short, to be anywhere but in the hall listening to the tune. In classic Deadhead fashion, it also came out that the same tune that sent one person running for the exits was the show's high point for another. So it goes.

Life After Dead?

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17 years
So twice in the last week I've gotten into conversations with folks who were pretty intense Deadheads back in the day, and their general drift was look, the band no longer exists, they haven't played for 12 years. It is so Over. Get on with your life. Which, of course, is a perfectly reasonable point of view. And yet, here we are. And "we" includes people who never saw the band in the first place but definitely consider themselves on the bus now. So what's up with this? Why are we here? Discuss...