• Giants Stadium
    East RutherfordNJ
    United States
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  • greatnorthern
    7 years 11 months ago
    My last show
    I went with a friend and was happy to be there.
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    11 years 6 months ago
    willy and dead
    I still love willy,and its a shame that they didnt do more with him,cause that show was great,xcept for the NJ cops,who did there best to fuck it up.
  • ripplejack
    12 years 4 months ago
    The band, The Crashers, The Dead as in DEAD!
    Sir, I must say that your description of gate crashing really put me off. it was not hilarious in any way what so ever. people were getting the crap beat out of them, The band took at least one year before they would play at the stadium or the Burn and said they may never come back.I was at these shows, Philly, East Rutherford, Even the garden. What I saw made me cringe. A friend of mine who went to the Giants game before the Dead Show. Which was so stupid to have them both the same day as it was. He almost got killed. He had his ticket and was supposed to be sitting next to me. Half show lights came up and I saw him at the bottom of the stairs, Two guards were holding him up and had to help him up the stairs, I couldn't move. He was full of blood and beat up very badly, He denied medical help. I don't know why. He was trying to get in to the show and the guards and police beat the crap out of him. He kept saying I HAVE A TICKET! Once he sat down next to me he opened his bloody hand and there it was in his hand. I was tripping pretty well at that point and was having a great time. After seeing that I flipped out, Ran out of the place and as I did I saw things that are burnt in my memory for ever. Hundreds of people trying to get in to the show, Throwing those little ticket booths at the doors, Cops everywhere, People getting the crap beat out of them by cops on horse back. I had to go all the way around the theater to be safely let out under police protection. IT WAS FRIGGING DISTURBING SO PLEASE DON'T EVER SAY IT WAS HYSTERICAL. Now on to Bill & Micky, Bill apparently broke his arm while in Egypt, But never played alone at any shows after Micky rejoined the band in Oct. 1974 and they never left each others side except for an occasional solo done by one or the other. The day that The guy tried to jump from tower to tower must have been very stupid or very stoned, It's got to be hundred's of feet between the two. The saddest of course is the death of ADAM KATZ I was at that show also. There were a lot of great times at all the shows I attended, More good then bad. But please try and remember how stupid these kids were and how they made everything bad for the rest of us. People were making T Shirts with DON'T CRASH on them and things like that. Watch either Road to Buffalo or The end of the road, you will see a lot of the people talking about the crash shows and how they affected the band, Fans and everything. Look I'm not trying to bust your chops I just never thought it was funny watching someone get the crap beat out of them just because they were stupid enough to try and get into a show where they really were not wanted. Saying that I mean just what I mean, If your that stupid i don't want you anywhere near me. take care, I hope you life is treating you well and your karma is in a good place.
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17 years 10 months

dead comment

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Member for

17 years 8 months

I attended this show W/ the same friends i went to Englishtown the year before and i must admit there was not the same buzz and the show was just ok!! I mean a big stadium crowd and no encore!! This was the last show before the band went to Egypt and maybe that was on thier collective mind. But i do remember being disappointed w/ the show @ the ripe old age of 17!! Of course i would give anything to go back and experince that show again!! But hindsight is alway's 2020 Rogue
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17 years 7 months

I attended the 1993 run here. Easy to get to off hwy 3 as I recall - Had floor seats one night - Kind of cool how one minute your in the parking lot and then you walk down a ramp and your on the floor. . The big screens with band members pleading for people not to jump from the bleachers to the floor which the dumbshits did anyway....However the majority of the East Coast heads I spoke with were really cool!
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17 years 7 months

my very first show.... some poor dude died at this show after he jumped from the top one of the spiral ramps,claiming to be superman i believe.
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16 years 10 months

My wife was five month's pregnant with our first son, so we had to stay up in the seats. It was the first concert held inside the stadium itself (before the arena was built) and the place was pretty new. Wayne Newton was playing at the racetrack in the complex behind the stadium which made for an interesting mix of crowds. The Meadowlands security force had been quoted in the newspapers as saying that their arena was impregnable, and that no one without a ticket was going to get in. HAH! What a joke! Rowdy, skinny, long haired, drug-crazed degenerates were climbing over the fences in droves! Security guards were running around, tripping and falling like the Keystone Cops. They would grab one guy, while six ran by, it was hysterical. Waylon Jennings was supposed to open, but at the start, John Scher the promoter got on stage and said, "Waylon Jennings wouldn't be here with us today, so fuck him!" Then he introduced Willie Nelson. At first, the sound was terrible with squeaks and echoes so bad, people were booing and walking out. The Dead started but then they walked off the stage after only a few minutes. For the next few hours or so, their magnificent crew worked like demons. At one point, Bobby came out and coined his, now legendary quote, "We must make everything absolutely perfect for you..." The crew worked feverishly pulling wires, climbing poles, and testing, constantly testing, but it all paid off; they sounded wonderful! In the years that followed, I've heard people claim that the band wasn't at their best that day but i beg to differ. With the sound problems, obvious internal issues, and the pigs smacking Dead-Heads right and left, i'd say that they did far better than they ever could have been expected to. Billy was the only drummer then, and he had a big cast on his right arm, but he played his ass off! He did a solo that had people screaming and rolling around like they were having fits. He had a mallet in his left hand and he was using the cast against the drum heads with his right. Plaster was flying everywhere! At the end of it, his cast was hanging in shreds. My son Sean was born in January of the next year, and his I.Q. is genius; coincidence? (LOL) Actually, he's an avid Nine Inch Nails fan (y'know, Trent Watzizname), but he loves to memorize lyrics of all genres, especially Hunter's. We've taken all four of our kids to Grateful Dead shows and although they have their own personal preferences, they all love the Dead!
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16 years 10 months

As I remember, the guy who jumped from the spiral ramp and fell something like eighty feet to his death was really drunk. His ramp was crowded and the one next to it looked empty. He thought he could jump from one to another. Well, at least he got to see the band before he died! I hope that he enjoyed the show.
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16 years 1 month

My buddy was singing Sampson and Deliliah hours before the show-and they played it!
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16 years 1 month

So little time, so many judgements. I'll share with you something I once said to a kid on the train home from MSG one night, " I want to see you get up there on half as many drugs and play half as well and then you may criticize Jerry." This elustrious night's Lucy was the last song I ever heard Jerry play and this particular one does so rock my soul to this very day. The music never stoppped in my heart and that is where Jerry willl remain for me. It occurs to me now ,though it didn't really at the time beacuse I just didn't want to believe it was true, but I think we all knew the end was near at this point, band and audience included. So yes, these shows had a somber, sad note to them. We are an intuitive group. But oh, what I'd give to see Jerry just once more, even on an off night, which I never will consider this night. My Love has not faded or wavered in any way!Peace and Love!
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17 years 5 months

I'm looking @ a video of this date & sure as hell looks like Mickey Hart to me playing drums along with Billy....think we all got a bit mixed up.....xoxox
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14 years 2 months

man I had forgotten all about that guy that jumped off the ramp,until I started reading these posts. this was one of my first shows but it wasn't to be nearly the last for me..I remember trippin so hard my buddy ended up in the mens room chewing on a whole pack of cigs we had bought, just sitting in the corner out of his mind and I had always loved hearing mickey come on screen before the lights went down " remember you can';t dance with a broken leg"... I miss jerry and dead .. "you knwow our love wont fade away"
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13 years 8 months

RU an Hippledipple I ended up not being able to make it out of my car...an never made it inside to see the show.....spent time with the monte carlo devil....that evenin...wasn't cool.....woke up next morning in tent, submerged in water, next to a drain....surround by a vast pond of cigarette butts and beer cans......the start of the two year battle with the devil.....:)...crazy...man.....I said no, but somehow it happened....not good...turned into a mental warrior however...seems to be have meant for greater things.....:)
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Member for

15 years 3 months

Sir, I must say that your description of gate crashing really put me off. it was not hilarious in any way what so ever. people were getting the crap beat out of them, The band took at least one year before they would play at the stadium or the Burn and said they may never come back.I was at these shows, Philly, East Rutherford, Even the garden. What I saw made me cringe. A friend of mine who went to the Giants game before the Dead Show. Which was so stupid to have them both the same day as it was. He almost got killed. He had his ticket and was supposed to be sitting next to me. Half show lights came up and I saw him at the bottom of the stairs, Two guards were holding him up and had to help him up the stairs, I couldn't move. He was full of blood and beat up very badly, He denied medical help. I don't know why. He was trying to get in to the show and the guards and police beat the crap out of him. He kept saying I HAVE A TICKET! Once he sat down next to me he opened his bloody hand and there it was in his hand. I was tripping pretty well at that point and was having a great time. After seeing that I flipped out, Ran out of the place and as I did I saw things that are burnt in my memory for ever. Hundreds of people trying to get in to the show, Throwing those little ticket booths at the doors, Cops everywhere, People getting the crap beat out of them by cops on horse back. I had to go all the way around the theater to be safely let out under police protection. IT WAS FRIGGING DISTURBING SO PLEASE DON'T EVER SAY IT WAS HYSTERICAL. Now on to Bill & Micky, Bill apparently broke his arm while in Egypt, But never played alone at any shows after Micky rejoined the band in Oct. 1974 and they never left each others side except for an occasional solo done by one or the other. The day that The guy tried to jump from tower to tower must have been very stupid or very stoned, It's got to be hundred's of feet between the two. The saddest of course is the death of ADAM KATZ I was at that show also. There were a lot of great times at all the shows I attended, More good then bad. But please try and remember how stupid these kids were and how they made everything bad for the rest of us. People were making T Shirts with DON'T CRASH on them and things like that. Watch either Road to Buffalo or The end of the road, you will see a lot of the people talking about the crash shows and how they affected the band, Fans and everything. Look I'm not trying to bust your chops I just never thought it was funny watching someone get the crap beat out of them just because they were stupid enough to try and get into a show where they really were not wanted. Saying that I mean just what I mean, If your that stupid i don't want you anywhere near me. take care, I hope you life is treating you well and your karma is in a good place.
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Member for

13 years

I still love willy,and its a shame that they didnt do more with him,cause that show was great,xcept for the NJ cops,who did there best to fuck it up.
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Member for

8 years 4 months

I went with a friend and was happy to be there.
East Rutherford
United States