By request--a place to talk about our plans to hit the road and pitch the tent in the quest for great tunes.
Furthur's playing a lot of fests this year, and so are lots of other bands and artists we know and love. Talk about it all here, as Furthur Fest is just around the corner!
Woohoo!!! I am counting
Furthur Festival's So Far
Oops it didn't all post~
Furthur Festival~Roll Call
Furhtur Festival - roll call
If you are going to Furthur Fest
Mt. Aire
Mt. Aire
Everyone Going...Look for this banner Flag!
A little Pre-Festie Poster I made
Jesus paid for our sins,
Ooops Here is the post which I forgot to add
Furthur Fest......
started by Canyon CritterI
Searchin and will travel
ChasingTheDream Huh?
Happy Birthday to me!!!!
started by Canyon CritterI
List So Far and Furthurmore

Bit of Info on Futhurmore~Monday
Here's the website
_____________________________________________ Will you come with me? Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!sounds like
Roll Call-what about meeting @ the bonfire Fri.nite?
Bonfire Meeting!

Just got off the phone with Stella Blue
Further in SF at GG Park?
that should be LOTS of fun!
Maybe just maybe
the presale for red rocks is
I think the Password is:
Not a festival, but...
My wife and I lucked out with the Red Rocks sale this morning.
Congratulations Mr. Orobos
Nice Oroboros
Furthur Festival 2010 ~ Critter Cam
Furthur Festival 2010 Critter Cam from Khat Baker on Vimeo.
Furthur Festival~Critter Cam
Furthur Festival Angels Camp, CA May 28th-30th, 2010
From the Critter Cam, pictures, movies of the band, and tidbits. With Soundboards from all 3 nights. This is one heck of a movie...grab some popcorn and a beverage. It's a sit down and enjoy. Time for the best Critter Cam yet!
Furthur, Bob Weir, Phil Lesh, John Kadliscek, Joe Russo, Jeff Chiementi
Special Guests:
Hot Tuna, Maiden Lane, Blue Light River, Mark Karan & Jemimah Puddleduck, Larry Campbell & Teresa Williams, Galactic just to name a few.
Love is Real!
Canyon Critter