TigerLilly suggested this one after GypsySoul thought she deserved an Iron Bladder Award, or some such, for superhuman endurance as reported in the Bathroom Break topic. So nominate your pals for silly awards here. Silly but kind awards...
Thank you for the Storyteller of the year award
Thanks izzie and marye. I will place this honor on the top of my resume. I also want to thank our three cats, Mondo, Junior and Bliss for truly helping me understand what David Gans was talking about.
Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)
Walt Whitman-Song of Myself
Hairball Award
I enthusiastically nominated the " Hairball" Award for Ed Sieb for posting an absoulutly phuckin incrdeible pic of a feline hairball. He even tried to add a soundtrack for it. AWESOME!!! Should be the new pic for the tapers section!!!!
Golden Nugget Award
To Hal R. I suspect that that is what izzy is referring to in her "storyteller of the year" nomination, and NOT the Zippy the Pinhead story (which was very well told too), but...
Just in case will put up the Golden Nugget nomination for your lovely tale in the tapers' section. Was soo good that two mentions don't hurt. Perhaps Bob's fetish for repeating himself is contageous :-) Seems to have infected the tapers' section anyhow.
sharing the love award
nominated for EVERYONE who has not just been posting on the Tapers Section but has been putting it about elsewhere too...such promiscuity is to be encouraged I feel...the comments on the shows especially are really mounting up now and such fun to read
Wonder how many
Posts I can write AFTER his, that show up BEFORE his. Will try again and see what happens.
The Please Mr. Postman Award
to our own Pat_Rhino and his minions for the much-desired and much-appreciated upgrades to the PM software. Yes, folks, you can now send PMs to two of your friends at once! Or more!
Thanks Pat!!!
Posted: August 20, 2007 - 9:32am
TigerLilly suggested this one after GypsySoul thought he deserved an Iron Bladder Award, or some such, for superhuman endurance as reported in the Bathroom Break topic. So nominate your pals for silly awards here. Silly but kind awards
actually i(gypsy soul) am a she not a he. just for the record
nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
gypsy! so sorry!
the funny thing is, I think I knew that once. Please excuse me and I'll try to refrain from similar brain death in the future.
Thank you for the Golden Nugget Award
Wow, thanks TigerLilly. I feel like I am in the Deadhead Olympics with two awards in one day. Just goes to show what a steady diet of Dicks Picks, Zippy, beat poets and Zen Koans can do for a person. Does this mean I get some free downloads? Or maybe a Nudie Jacket?
Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)
Walt Whitman-Song of Myself
Have to ask
Hal, Since you describe things so well. What is a Nudie Jacket? Really MUST know.
About the Nudie Jacket
Tigerlilly, check out the topic "Anoyone ever seen this crazy jacket." under recent posts and you will learn about them and check out the Nudie website mentioned. My head is starting to enter this weird vortex of Lilly Allen, Nudie Jackets, Golden Nuggets and Hairballs. I may need to go through detox from this website
Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)
Walt Whitman-Song of Myself Detox
Nah! Know what you mean about the vortex, though. A friend was here last night, and I was telling him about Lily Allen, and the Hairball, etc. and he was looking at me like I'd lost my marbles. But is all good clean fun, with a handful of likeminded folk. If can laugh about the great Lily Allen, I am not despairing as much about other concrete events taking place right now.
I'd like to thank the Academy...
Thank You, thank you, hairball fans! I am honored by this esteemed award!
I figured the Tapers's Section need a bit of humor to temper the mood. I'm done with cats and hairballs and will proceed to the next Big Issue, whatever it is, when it next comes up in the discussion.
Oh, by the way, Tiger Lillies grow wild here in Ottawa. They grow naturally in people's gardens, and they are an intrusive and aggressive flower which will overtake your garden. They are actually considered a weed by some. I have big bunch in my front garden.
The Time zone bug has hit again then
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Spanish Jam
A hint? No...
Just commenting about Tiger Lillies. Very beautiful flower, but an aggresive interloper. Not like you. You're obviously a sweet, delicate flower, who never ventures far from her flower bed.
Except for shows. 

on the other hand...
history has been rewritten in the intro to reflect gypsy's actual gender for the benefit of the reading populace, and marye apologizes once again for the error!
Oroboros gets the "old school" award for coolness
Oroboros gets the "old school" award for coolness!
and if you wanna or gotta ask why, I'm afraid you would never get considered for a nomination of said award. ( -:
This rarely presented honour is the epitome of fictional awards in my most humble of humboldt opinions.
love and peace,
Two Awards:
The first going to my friend, CC Joe for the Most Humane Use of an Avatar, which I believe speaks for itself;the second going to the NFL for the Most Meat Headed Waste of Money (in the civil sector, of course) for the use of millions of dollars in wages for a chump (Michael Vick - most NFL players are decent folks, I'm sure) that would otherwise be cleaning up dog poop but instead is wallowing in it, along with his mounds of money (apparently some people can't tell the difference). In addition, apparently after a "career" in football, some former players via for an award of their own, while getting paid obscene amounts of money (see attached video). American Dream, my ass....
And now to present the award, Mr. Jon Stewart, who would love to make enough money to buy an "H" for his first name.
The Dude Abides!
Thanks, CC Joe, but you know that my 3 sons would challenge the idea of any use of the descriptor "coolness" in the same sentence as yours truely. Heynow, what can be more fun than to practice what the band started with us years ago, "we can share..", and "one man gathers..", and to be able to participate like we always have at the shows.
A ticket, a drink, a song, a story, a ride, a smoke, a tape... (um,.er,.. CD's.. I am old school fo' sho'),.....all opportunities to share what the Dead has showered us with and that is a delight to me.
Being part of that circle is what it is all about.
"...just pass it on."
Very Strange Indeed*
I present the Bone Head Award to Damien Hirst for his work, "For the Love of God". * see "News & Talk" entry under sub section, "Turn on Channel Six...." for the full story.
Thu Aug 30, 4:35 PM ET
LONDON (AFP) - A diamond-encrusted skull by British artist Damien Hirst sold on Thursday for 100 million dollars (75 million euros), a record price for work sold by a living artist, a London gallery announced.
The work, entitled "For the Love of God," is a skull cast in platinum and encrusted with 8,601 diamonds. Carbon dating has shown that the original skull on which Hirst's work is modelled dates to the 18th century.
Hirst remains best known for earlier conceptual works in which creatures including a shark and a cow were pickled in formaldehyde inside glass tanks.
The diamond-encrusted skull was sold to an group of anonymous investors, a spokeswoman for the White Cube gallery in London, where it has been on display from the beginning of the summer, told AFP.
Death is one of the central themes in works completed by Hirst, 41, who once said that the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States were like a work of art, but later apologised.
Hirst also holds the record for the most expensive work of art by a living artist at auction -- his "Lullaby Spring," a three-metre (10-foot) wide steel cabinet containing 6,136 hand-crafted and individually-painted pills, sold for 19.2 million dollars in June.
"All energy flows according to the whims of the Great Magnet. What a fool I was to defy him."
Confused By It All
I guess I'll just have to listen to the music play.
Maybe get yourself a map, Steve-O ;-)
The Dude Abides!
sorry off topic but i was
sorry off topic but i was parusing IGN cause well it knows and haves all, but anyways there will be 18 full songs by Grateful Dead on Rock band. Even though it has good songs i dont know if i would spring for it cause 200 bucks is alot but the songs by them that will be on there are good they will have Trucking and Touch of Grey and everything in between. The article is short and sweet so if interested the link is posted.
teacher award
for izzie, for teaching at least 3 of us a great new word today! And also the Superwomen awards to our moderators for getting through the past few hours and still showing up here!
Techi award
goes to Richard, apparantly our resident electronic Guru. Your eternal patience with explaining file exchange techniques in a clear and comprehensible way is ULTRA COOL!
That's very nice TL
But I assure you I'm no guru. I can tell you everything I know in about five minutes. I'm only one or two steps ahead of you on the learning curve. And somebody else took the time to teach me.
That is about 4 minutes more then with me
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Spanish Jam
Photographic eye of excellence award
to Jurassic Blueberry, for that awesom eye-catching "fire on the mountain" photo!*******************************************
Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live.
Samuel Clemens
Oroboros - Master of the Vine
Oroboros takes the Master of the Vine award for updating most of the vines tonight and staying up way past his bed time and seeing double double.
This poem from Lew Welch is for Master of the Vine
Never ask Why What
Always ask What’s What.
Observe, connect and do.
The great Winemaster is almost a
Magician to the bulk of his Tribe,
To his Peers he is only accurate.
“He knows the Grape so well”, they say,
“He turned into a Vine.”
If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.
Wiliam Blake
The Tale Beyond Description Award
Awarded at this belatedly late date to cosmicbadger for his tale in the tapers section dated Sept. 21 in the Sept. 17 - Sept. 23 tapers section ; The Tale Beyond Description Award.Check out the story if you missed it, full of laughs.
If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.
Wiliam Blake
Small but brave award
Goes to
The small brown suitcase
perhaps a little Dead Head sticker could be applied to the recipient!
Small brown bag
is delighted to accept this award. It´s owner will indeed look for a Dead Head sticker to apply, as is a just reward to show valiant heroism of this bag. For all recent fans of this small brown bag, it will be undertaking a new adventure this upcoming weekend-flying Sevilla/Madrid/Dusseldorf and back, so stay tuned for "part III"**********************************
Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live.
Samuel Clemens
May the Music Rock Their Souls
good morning all my sisters & brothers,
i hope u all get a few minutes this memorial weekend to remember those other sisters & brothers of ours who have perished or were maimed while in harms way. although we may disagree with the reasons of war these souls have paid the ultimate sacrifice and deserve>no demand our respect..."may the music rock their souls"
stay safe and feel good!
Veterans Day
Folks, in the interest of not derailing the Joke Award topic with this serious and excellent thread, I suggest moving the discussion and appreciation of our brothers and sisters in uniform here:
Dead Heads in the Military
The Morale boosting award
Awards are I think deserved by some of the folks associated with this site. Most of them have been given a pretty hard time at various points these last months, but they are all doing a lot right now to restore morale. So thanks to (in no particular order)
Marye for heroic efforts redesigning the Vines (with additional awards to Oroboros and others who helped make this happen)
Izzie for resurrecting the 'Today in Grateful Dead History' feature after dealing with all that wildfire trauma
Blair Jackson for initiating some welcome 2-way communication and helping to break down some of the prevalent conspiracy theories (this is of course not good for us satirists, so we retain the right to invent some new conspiracy theories)
David Gans for speaking up and for GDH and Sirius:clearly making many folks very happy.
David Lemieux for all he has done and is doing in the Vault and for suffering in silence!
Don't know if they have started putting something in the water over there, but whatever the case you are all worthy winners!
As for Rhino records, well the stubborn pachyderm is definitely trundling in the right direction and they may have now squeezed onto the awards short list for positive signs of recovery from chronic 'Silent Rhino Syndrome' , for Road Trips and for making some very encouraging assurances. Maybe next time round ;-) . I'm still not sure if rhinos respond better to carrots or sticks though!
ditto to what the badger said
Thank you folks for this great ride and your recent efforts.I didn't know that badgers could speak but this one sure does, guess that's what makes him cosmic.
If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.
Wiliam Blake
Cosmic Badger gets the
Cosmic Badger gets the second "old school" award for coolnessCosmic Badger gets the second "old school" award for coolness!
and if you wanna or gotta ask why, I'm afraid you would never get considered for a nomination of said award. ( -:
This rarely presented honour is the epitome of fictional awards in my most humble of humboldt opinions.
love and peace,
Thanks to those
Thanks to those awesome viners who have schooled me so much over the past few weeks, I know, I ask alot of questions. A very special award goes to Ltapilot ~ the unexpected gifts are groovy & played often. I really dig the Soul Revue
how did you know I had one of these installed?
you want backwards? I'll give you backwards!
( -:
nothing like freaking out THE MAN and suits-- going 70 down the road in reverse.
( -;
(another reason why one of the Cs in CC sometimes stands for 'caboose' by the by)
Zen firefighter award
goes to Hal R for dousing occasional hotspots of conflict on this site with good humour and wisdom!
hear hear!
though I think a few others did well with the firehats too.
thanks cosmicbadger for the mention
though I think you should share the Zen firefighter with me for doing the same
If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.
William Blake