Cold rain and snow? Here comes sunshine?
What's Mother Nature up to at your house?
Here in lovely Oakland, California...
It's raining. Which is good, because we definitely need it.
weather report
oh the wind and the rain we need it here too. last week its was record breaking heat in northeast PA. I luv the fall, lots of color.
Schizophrenic weather
When I left Andalucia for the weekend, was sunny and close to 30 degrees (80 something for you farenheit guys) Was warm enough to get a wee bit of color in my face when outside. Here in southern Germany is crisp and cool, shocking enough to have given me a lovely cold.*********************************
Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live.
Samuel Clemens
Andalucia Weather
Today is warm and sunnyyesterday cloudy
the day before it Pi**ed down
like being in England, except for the warm and sunny
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Spanish Jam
Rain....."I dont mind"
Actually it was in the 60s yesterday and dry.The sun came out for a little while and the kids got a rare "play outside" afternoon. Up here in the NW its rare for mid-October. The cold rain and snow are right around the corner.....
Go f*#K yourself, San Diego!
OK, I love this line 'cause I'm sick of hearing how f'ing great your weather is out there. ENOUGH ALREADY! DO YOU WANT MY HEAD TO EXPLODE? Just kidding, Izz.
Over "here" we've had a summer of drought, heat and humidity (you do know it's not the heat, blah, blah, blah) and now it should be time for the greatest event of the year, autumn but the drought will be sure to abate our fun, in that regard. Sorry if I seem a bit bleak but here's how I see the weather report today (sorry this may be the wrong thread):
You want a prediction about the weather, you're asking the wrong Phil. I'll give you a winter prediction: It's gonna be cold, it's gonna be grey, and it's gonna last you for the rest of your life.
Of course that's just how I feel today. On other daze, I feel more like this (so don't worry, 'cause it's actually very beautiful here, crisp temps and vivid skies, with Halloween nipping the Autumn air with fanged teeth. No leaf color to speak of, as yet):
Winter, slumbering in the open air, wears on its smiling face a dream... of spring (with a box of Keenex on the night stand). Ciao.
The Dude Abides!
Weather Report
Yeah, we have 'em here in north Texas - you step outside and report what the weather is like.
Weather forecasting? We don't bother, nobody knows.
I believe it was Mark Twain who said - "Everyone complains about the weather but nobody does anything about it."
another nice day in pennsy
we sure are getting lucky in the east. this is the best ?pc? INDIAN summer yet. it's so beautiful out today!! lots of sun and 70's-AGAIN. feel like i've been living in that PLEASANTVILLE movie, where it's always nice.
nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
Fecking Raining
still dark here, but it is daylight supposedly
the joys of Spanish Weather
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Spanish Jam
tough choice
the Elvis clock dances, the legs move back and forth like a pendulum, the two other clocks have some nice, deep tones, but this one below is maybe my fav; if you click on the image you will be able to see the label "Made in Occupied Japan" which is pretty damn cool if I do say so my damn self.
so, what time is it where you are??
love and peace.
( -:

Comes a Time
When a blind man takes your hand and says;
Don't you see - you have the most beautiful face;
Don't you see - we're floating in space;
Don't you see - happiness makes you cry;
Don't you see - everyone you know someday will die.
Life goes fast;
It's hard to make the good things last;
The sun doesn't "go down";
It's just an illusion caused by the world spining 'round.
It's apparently music fusion time for me. Thanks Wayne Coyne and The Flaming Lips for not suing me for loving your music.
"All energy flows according to the whims of the Great Magnet. What a fool I was to defy him."
Nikola Tesla
"I have harnessed the cosmic rays and caused them to operate a motive device."
Golden Road - I knew that man's face, just hadn't thought about it and your quote but had an aha moment just now.
If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.
Wiliam Blake
its definitely raining here
its definitely raining here in idaho
Out of context but a great quote
And yes it has everything to do with the weather.
"It might as well be said that God has properties. He has not, but only attributes and these are of our own making."
Nikola Tesla
If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.
Wiliam Blake
Thanks Hal
I love it when folks "get me". Nikola belongs with "US" and that's what I've attempted to do for him and us.
"All energy flows according to the whims of the Great Magnet. What a fool I was to defy him."
its alittle misty
man i envy people on the east coast ,this is always been my fav,time of the tear.New ENGLAND,is like gods canvase all the colars youll never see here in suc ramnto.,meant has its good points.eehemm???anyhow weather this afternoon,was nice ,later in eve it misted!this is not rain...
Sunshine in Spain
Here in the original Sierra Nevada it is a sunny morning with a little autumn chill in the air
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Spanish Jam
Sunny Alpujarran morning
i have been out for a walk with Nico the mutt and picked some mushrooms for breakfast.
There are lots this year because of the amount of rain we have had
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Spanish Jam
here come those santa anna winds again....
my condolences to anyone affected by the fire in malibu.
nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
SoCal fires
I'm down here visiting family in Laguna Niguel till tomorrow, and while there are no fires in the immmediate area, there are at least 10 significant fires in SoCal, and the air is so thick with smoke you can barely see the houses across the street, forget the ocean.
I can only imagine what it's like in the actual fire area. My brother's a volunteer firefighter in Fallbrook, and consqeuently couldn't come to our family gathering yesterday.
The Inland Northwest
Here in Eastern Washington the skies are grey and the temperature is in the 40's and it feels damp. The hardwoods leaves are falling and some of the trees are getting bare and others are quite colorful. The rains have come and fire season here is over until next July or August. Always a bit of relief with that.
I know what you are going through in So. Cal. with the fires. A big part of our lives here.
If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.
Wiliam Blake
Beautiful Day
Sorry about the lives affected by the fires. Here in Erie, PA we had a very nice day, warm and dry. Just took my son for a walk in the stroller, I think he enjoyed it. Tonight the weather should turn more fall like accordinding to the forecasters. Rainy and much cooler for the rest of the week.
Second that Emotion
What Steve-O said goes for me, as well, in regards to those terrible fires. I'm praying for any relief possible for you guys. The news can't do the situation justice, I'm sure, and yet the images and scope presented on TV and internet are terrifying to everyone here on the other coast. Everyone I know is concerned and pulling for the situation to turn for the positive.
The Dude Abides!
positive vibes for the folks in firefighting and everyone
positive vibes for the folks in firefighting and everyone in the area.
for anyone who has never been in the belly of the beast in a wildfire, consider yourself blessed because it is like being in Dante's inferno of hell.
Dante's Hell
Thanks for that update, CCJoe! (GRTUD's hands tremble as he opens a Xanax bottle and liberally pours them into the funnel he now hold's in his mouth). In a garbled voice GRTUD continues, "Ah, Dante's Hell...", as he chews, swallows the pills and his eyes glaze over.
Thank you Walter, that makes me feel very secure, it makes me feel very warm inside.
cold and windy.cant wait
cold and windy.
cant wait for the first snow.
San Diego
I am not in the firestorm as I live at the beach, but have been racing through three cell phones today trying to keep track of the 35 folks in my staff at work, several of home are facing the loss of everything material in their world. It is a very weird time in San Diego.
Cloudy here
There have not been any fires here this year, a few years back we had one thet come about 200 yards from the house, frightening
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Spanish Jam
GRTUD et al,
we were in our own Dante's inferno of fire hell and back, but that was years ago, not now.
izzie, and everyone else in the So. Cal area that is affected by this terrible fire; positive vibes are heading your way, to all of your family and friends and, again, to all of the firefighters, people who risk life and limb. hopefully the gods of Santa Anna will cut the wind, and the rain will come.
it is
it was great here today in the hill it was to took the putt out for a ride and had just a sweatshirt on.leaves look nice to .on good thing about sacramento is that you dont need all your leathers on at this time of the year..just to enjoy the ride. peace heathaafeathaa
Cool with thin cloud layer
hopefully it will clear later,when the sun gets up
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Spanish Jam
Fall Like Today
Temps in the 50,s, got a ton of rain yesterday, brought the creeks way up. There will be lots of Steelhead in the creeks, but I'll have to let the water levels drop to be fishable. Probably will be fishin tomorrow!!!!