I got a few pairs of ratty
PA Fern Fossils
For very cool stickers and buttons go here:
free art for cd covers
RatDog Live - official live recordings of RatDog shows
Chicago Area Hippie Shop
When I Paint...
not making money but
The Blotterati
Grateful Dead portraits
Gel Pen Artwork
Stylin Tie Dyes and Jammin Jewelry
Grateful Dead portraits, among others
Bead of the Soul
bead of the soul
Twisted Love Songs
Free Beer at Exit 80
Hey if you have a minute
Hippie Shop: Fairfield,NJ Store
hey sunshine daydream
Top quality tie dye
Free tapes!
Fresh carved heirloom Guatemalan Jades and Tipico weavings etc
Glass art
Crow Speaks
Devil Sticks
Hey Superior Dye Works...
radio city poster-original-a little rough--also zeppelin express
movies, books
Eyeglass retainers
Space Your Face Tie Dye Shirt Brand New for Sale!
looking for tie-dyes with dead prints on em