- Post reply Log in to post comments308 repliesmaryeJoined:Okay, folks, here's the plan as we roll over into the next stage of vining. Each vine will have its own topic. As has been noted once or twice before, Iz and I are the only ones who can start topics. Hence, if somebody has a vine they want to start, post the particulars here. Then Iz or I will cruise by, start the new topic, and delete the post from the New Vines area so it doesn't get unwieldy. We'll see how this goes...
- hippymike75Joined:cornell 77'
sorry i'm not sure if this is the place to ask i'm new to the site.i was looking for someone to clarify something for me ,early on during the cornell 77'scarlet/fire transition i can't seem pick out keith on keys but i hear a xylophone , is that mickey playing it or is it keith tinkering around with the effect? thanks for any help
- dstacheJoined:NEW VINE - Hunter's Trix FLAC on a flash drive
Hi Mary! The link for where to post doesn't work for me, says not authorized, so I am posting here for your approval. As far as I can tell, none of these shows have been officially released in anywhere close to their entirety ( a few tracks here and there have been released). Let me know if there are any issues.
Here is a flash drive filled with 14 FLAC Hunter's Trix! Most are recent releases. The shows included are:
2/14/86(1) DarklordBerto
(2) JohnRParker5
(3) - TommoJoined:Jerry's Last Show VineThe Last Grateful Dead ConcertSoldier Field, Chicago 7/9/95 2 SHN data discs and 2 WAV audio discs, to make it easy. Very clean soundboard with lots of late era songs in the setlist. The last song Jerry ever sang in public was "Black Muddy River"- very poignant. Some people have been asking about this one over in the Taper's Topic, so here it is... Grateful Dead July 9, 1995 Soldier Field - Chicago, IL dsbd(pre-FM)>dat>spdif>cdr>eac>shn Disc 1 ~ Set 1 Touch Of Grey Little Red Rooster Lazy River Road When I Paint My Masterpiece Childhood's End Cumberland Blues The Promised Land Set 2 Shakedown Street Samson And Delilah So Many Roads Disc 2 ~ Set 2 (cont.) Samba In The Rain Corrina > Drums > Space > Unbroken Chain Sugar Magnolia ENCORE Black Muddy River Box Of Rain First person to sign up please PM me me your address, and away we go ! -Tommo
- Hal RJoined:Valentine's Day DeadErickat - I would love to have this vine go out. Some of 2/13 and 2/14 is on Dick's Picks #4, but most of it is not. If this vine goes out with these two nights folks should be encouraged to buy DP 4, if they haven't got it. I bought DP #4 when it came out and welcome the chance to get the rest of these legendary shows. I just needed to put this out there so we were up front about it. Thanks for doing this. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
- erickatJoined:Marye - put this out as Valentine's Day DeadMarye - we all know you're overworked - and there's alot of text in the two posts above - if you could put a topic out named Valentine's Day Dead I will seed it with 2/14/68, 2/15/69, 2/13/70, 2/14/70, 2/15/70 - all close enough to be considered valentines day - or the day before or the day after - or