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Grateful Dead Original Members Add Two Dates To Final Concerts
April 10, 2015

The original members of Grateful Dead have announced two additional shows at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, California on June 27th and 28th, as part of their “Fare Thee Well: Celebrating 50 Years of Grateful Dead” run. Along with the three shows at Chicago's Soldier Field on July 3rd, 4th, and 5th, the run will mark the original members' last-ever performances toget
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One Kind Favor
If you are planning to spend a pretty penny on Chicago, i would like to suggest this may be of interest.. This goal would surely be achieved if we all pitched in a $5 , $10 , or $20,, thanks for your kind attention and know this contribution will bring many good things to light.…
I suppose the clouds wind and rain drops falling on my wife and I were fake too??!!....People are so unbelievable! I have to assume there are trolls on this forum....Great moments in life actually do happen!!
@Eyes of Rocklin
You are denser than brick my friend. The mention of gullibility was in response to so many people believing a billboard article without any understanding of atmospheric science or optical properties of water.The "real fake" rainbow professor is a guy that manipulates the optical properties of misted water to make 2 story fake rainbows as an art installation. look it up. That was supposed to be sarcastic humor. Couldn't you tell by the claim of a 3D holographic Jerry? Geese man read between the lines :)
Yup...a troll.
I joined in 2007, 8 years before you made an appearance on here and I'm the troll? Somebody has no sense of humor, I'm sorry that jibing and jestering doesn't translate well to the internet.
Just calm down now there, sport! I know it was a real rainbow, I was watching the webcast and I was only attempting to joke and playfully dig at people who were so insistent it was produced.
I don't know what your deal is but I think you owe me an apology good sir! I say, I demand satisfaction!!
On a more pleasant note, everyone keep an eye out for the Venus and Jupiter conjunction tonight! Its been building the last few evenings and tonight it should be spectacular.
No worries...Dude!! Been on here for many many moons!! Had to change my acct this year...was jmann68 (prior to 2007). I am not a scorekeeper.. or mad. Just had such a magical weekend with old friends, amazing vibes and the best party I have been to in over 20 years!! I hope you got to experience the magic of both days as we did or are going to Chicago to get some good karma!
And yes...the planets look amazing!! Peace!
Re:Trolling vs sarcasm...
Simmer down kids... Jeeze, pre show jitters already? ;p (the universal ascii symbol for tongue in cheek smart-arsery) Still looking for my original date user password as well. :/
**I CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!**
This is going to be my longest day of work ever. Last shift until I leave for Chicago. Clocks are moving at half speed.
Do You Need a Place to Stay on Your Way to Chicago?
There are probably more than a few people rolling down the road right now looking for a place to pitch a tent, park a bus, an RV or a car while en route to Chicago. We are on a patch of ground in Nor'western Illinois and have some room if folks need a place to stop for a few or overnight. The gate is open; we don't want anything in return (AKA - free). If there are any takers, we will rent a porta-pot. All we ask is that anyone stopping/staying treat the place with respect.
Please let us know.
J and T
"He's Gone" for Good?
Who thinks they will try to tackle that one again haha. All in grate fun. Chicago will see more cohesion no doubt. What other band could jam together basically for the first time as a unit in front of 80000 and pull it off. Why they last a lifetime, lov'em!!!
J and T get it
Exactly the spirit and friendliness we saw in the Santa Clara lot last weekend. Sharing food, fun, laughs, other stuff...strangers stopping strangers......Great to get the "family" back together. Have great fun in Chicago
Here is a perspective for someone relatively new to this world. I never saw the Dead live before Jerry's passing. Had a handful of opportunities, but always thought they'd be around forever. Then Aug '95 happened, and I regretted not going when I had the chance. Saw Phil a few times over the years. Some off shows, some rocked my world. And every time I have seen Bruce, he leaves us totally satisfied. Over the last 20 years, I have amassed an archive like most folks, and although I was not even alive in '72, could tell a '72 show from a '71, from '69, from '77, from '78, and so forth. Have my faves as well as stuff I could really take or leave. So, there's your background for what it's worth.
Only had the dough for one show, and am not deadicated enough to do the "miracle" thing, so 6/27 was it. Probably for the rest of my life.
My highlights:
- Bobby just ripped through some of those songs. The look of surprise, relief, and even ecstasy on his face when he finished the marathon verse near the end of the Eleven, and then the roar of love back from the crowd was worth the price of that ticket. Beautiful moment. Truckin', The Other One, Morning Dew, all had similar moments where Bobby laid it all on the line. Love that guy more than ever.
- Cryptical. What a way to start the first of the last second sets!
- The moments when Dark Star and St Stephen began. Those iconic notes, 70,000 folks recognizing the magic that was happening. So choice.
- The guy with the hugs during St Stephen. Those in section 122 know what I'm talking about.
- Decent view from a "No view of the stage" seat.
- Kind people all around.
- Trey has clearly done his homework. So impressed, especially with Cream Puff, Truckin, St Stephen, The Other One, and Morning Dew. Those songs require much more than just proficient musicianship, and he delivered.
- All the boys appeared to be enjoying themselves.
- The rainbow and stunning sunset. (perfectly timed?)
- Loved the old folks. So chill and just happy to be there. A lot of young folks seemed more worried about scoring their next hit than enjoying the music. But you old heads seem to have a perspective.
Stuff I could have done without:
- A first set that takes a full hour to get through six songs is not my kind of first set. Seven, I guess, if you count the Born Cross-Eyed, which nobody around me seemed to notice before it had already come and gone.
- Soooo much directionless noodling. I took a break during an extended noodle, and the concourses were packed with thousands of people who, like me, had lost interest. Not even paying attention to the music anymore. Coulda been intermission for all I knew. I got the impression that at times, other members of the band were trying to get back on track, but Phil would pull them back to another meander. Other than those moments, they seemed to be roughly on the same page.
- There were maybe three moments when I actually heard Bruce's keys. The guys knows his stuff. Turn him up! And why was Chimenti even there. I only heard him once, and it was some kind of Spacey electronic effect. Like Bruce, use the guy! Turn him up!
- Drums was great until Mickey stopped playing. And then I could barely hear Billy over the electronic noise. If you're going to do a '69-style second set, put the gadgets away and play some drums, man!
- Left Cryptical unfinished (should be a big asterisk on any setlist). Was so excited to see how they would bring it back around, but they never did. Would have been a great bookend to Dark Star, St Stephen, Drums/Space, The Other One. But I'm being too picky here.
- I guess Phil moaning into the mic during Space was supposed to be What's Become of the Baby? Heard many old heads around me who were just as confused as I was about that.
- Bruce and Trey can sing many songs and do right by them. I loved to see Bobby hit those tunes with his entire soul. But, it wouldn't hurt to let Bruce or Trey bring him some relief. And with Bobby, Trey and Bruce all on the stage, why is Phil singing so much?
Went to see JGB with John K at the Warfield the night before. Much tighter set, plenty of jamming, but with intent, like they were taking us somewhere. And the tunes!
Those are my thoughts. Love.
I know the answer to that one......C, S, N, & Y at Woodstock !!!
Wow what a cool offering! Love your spirit, like a reminder from a bygone age.Reading these posts I am smiling ear to ear. I hope this weekend is something that stays with each soul for the rest of their days, the peace and community can help heal those around you.
Been listening to some 77 and put on Nick Drake as a little intermission. Creates such a warmth in the heart and mind!
Journey Proud and Safely............
the rainbow question
Maybe I could offer some helpful information. In the link to the photograph I saw, the rainbow appears to be orange. This could be a photographic effect or (less likely) an atmospheric effect resulting in the orange part of the spectrum being unusually emphasized. What would really settle the question is, in what direction was the rainbow seen? Rainbows are only seen when your back is toward the sun; if the sun is setting, a rainbow can only appear in the East and its altitude (angular distance above the horizon, which determines its size) will depend on the sun’s altitude. There’s a simple formula for calculating a rainbow’s altitude from the sun’s elevation; I can’t remember it at the moment.
Anyway, from the one photo I saw it appeared that the “rainbow” was in the West, because the clouds around it looked pink and orange, sunset colors. So, if the rainbow appeared in the West in the late afternoon, it was most definitely not a rainbow. If it appeared in the Southeast and it was also raining (this might not be easy to see) anywhere in that direction — likely a rainbow. IMHOP, of course ;-).
Can anybody tell us whether the rainbow was seen in the same direction as the sun, or in the opposite direction?
I won’t be in Chicago, but I will be doing the meet up at the movies to see the last show on the fifth. They should be selling Fare Thee Well hankies…
real rainbow?
the rainbow was in the east...sun in the west...raindrops fell as well...unless they faked the rain and the rainbow together...the rainbow was real..
Rainbows & Unicorns
It was exactly opposite of where the sun was setting! Such a wonderful moment. Gave me chills!
Hey Blue Mike!
Yep, I was there, double rainbow was real no doubt about it whatsoever. Super magical night!
Star Trek: Insurrection
In Star Trek 8, she asks Picard "have you ever experienced a perfect moment in time?" Like time itself comes to a stop in that moment.
Well, I have now...
Chills, tears, elation, pure magic.
Sounds like the real deal to me. What a gift!! Did you happen to notice whether Jerry signed the rainbow?
Klangstone: thanks for more confirmation. In Goethe's Faust, Mephistopheles tries to strike a bargain in which (in exchange for certain considerations) you are given the power to say, at the best, highest, most ecstatic moment of your life, "stay this hour", and time will stop then for you. I have had a few such moments, but I've never said the words.
I wonder if people thought the eclipse was fake back in 1978? While the rainbow was truly beautiful, I found it very moving when before Brokedown Palace Bob asked the crowd to be quiet. While it didn't last very long there was at least a second where the entire stadium of 60,000+ fans were Dead silent. Eerie but wonderful.
poster trade
I have extra posters from Santa Clara I am looking to trade for Soldier's field, since I am unable to attend. For starters, I have extra Michael Everett, a holographic poster, numbered out of 2015. plus a couple more. If you are going to Chicago and are willing to trade, please send me a message. Oh, and bring your own poster tube! They don't have any.
moment of silence
i agree, a very nice sentiment, for all those "who couldn't be here today"... then a sweet Brokedown!
Amused by the rainbow discussion
I feel bad for the " reporter " who first questioned the authenticity of said rainbow. He / she was obviously unaware of the cardinal rule of covering the Dead: don't believe anything that someone on the crew tells you! They are messing with your head, plain and simple.
The rainbow was real and glorious, the light rain was real and refreshing, and the clouds to the west were burning with orange splendor.
God picked a perfect time to show off!
King of the Road
So I napped after supper and dreamed the band was playing King of the Road! The old Roger Miller song. It was really freaky. Jerry was grooving and the band was really swinging it.Did they ever play this song I wonder? Kinda fits when you think about it,
Distinct bands of color. In their natural order. As it would be whether or not the rainbow was man-made. If it was man-made, then what a kind gesture from the band. If it was naturally occurring, then what a kind gesture from our Maker. Either way, it was beautiful.
Seek 2 CID Steal Your Face or Golden Road VIP ticket packages
We will buy your two (2) CID Steal Your Face or Golden Road - we pay the 2% PayPal fee; no hassles; 100% secure.Talked to CID and have the name and number for you to call. Even better, we will give you EZ instructions on what you need to do. It is a secure process for everyone. You get your money - we thank you forever. What's not to love? Our PayPal is ready for you.CoT link
Why Quit?
SC shows were great - especially Sunday. But I really got bummed on Saturday when, right during the rainbow and flaming red skies, the band abruptly took a break after playing an hour first set! Sorry - but it is inconceivable that they didn't seque into a song (wake of the flood? Estimate prophet?) and acknowledge Jerry in some way at that inspirational moment! How did they not take advantage of what nature was handing to them? Go off-script a little. My guess is they were struggling musically during that first set and had to regroup - which they certainly did. But that moment was a real letdown - not just to me but to many others around me. Just sayin I'm surprised no one has mentioned that, cause I heard a lot of grumbling at the time. Anyway no one's perfect and it was a great weekend overall! Here's to no let downs in Chicago!
Full Moon over Chicago
Tonight at 8PM local time, there will be a full moon over Soldier Field while the crew finalizes the stage.I can't help but think with all the talk of rainbows that the moon on the first show will be nearly full, rising above the lake. The moon rises over the lake at 9:36PM. It should be 98% full at that time. Look east (Towards the lake) probably during set break. Last night's moon was beautiful.
It got very cold here last night. It is supposed to be nice this weekend, but please remember that Soldier Field is literally on Lake Michigan and weather can change here in an instant. I am so excited to see the boys play one last ride.
Officially Pumped-Up
Okay... I just realized that in less than 44 hours, I'll be in the car headed to Chicago to take in this final hurrah. 3 solid days of all Dead, all the time! What could really be much better than that? I hope to meet lots of new, friendly faces, and I hope that the boys are on fire. I feel like they were just getting comfortable with one another last weekend from what I've seen of the shows in Santa Clara. So... here's my wishlist for this weekend. Don't judge... some of these aren't crowd-pleasers, but they are me pleasers! And they're in no particular order:
1) Jack Straw w/ Bruce on lead vocals;
2) A Saturday night encore of either One More Saturday Night or U.S. Blues, with a killer fireworks display accompanying said performance;
3) A smokin' Big Railroad Blues with Trey on lead vocals;
4) A Sunday night second set opener with a driving Samson & Delilah;
5) One last killer Dark Star;
6) An even hotter St. Stephen > The Eleven (complete with the William Tell bridge) than was played in SC;
7) One last Not Fade Away;
8) A beautiful rendition of To Lay Me Down with anyone on lead vocals except Phil;
9) A thumping Shakedown Street to open up Friday's show; and
10) An epic Scarlet > Fire.
Honorable Mention to a sighting of a New Speedway Boogie. Am I asking too much?
Just say NO!!!!!! come on guys. Trey and Bruce are fantastic. TURN JEFF UP and stop letting phil talk and /or sing. good lord
I am firmly in the less Phil singing camp. It is why I haven't gone to Phil and Friends shows all these years. There are perfectly competent singers on stage, yet Phil sang Eyes, Dark Star, etc... Let Trey sing, please. Looking forward to the shows this weekend!
Thanks for all the support the past few months!
Everyone (well almost everyone) has been so kind and supportive, consoling and comforting, funny, sad, happy, encouraging and most of all, loving. Great group of peeps here that I have been so fortunate to be associated with.
I have made friends, became part of a group collective, amassed a ton of good feelings, vibes and music. Seriously I never thought I would be where I am right now thinking back. Thanks for putting up with my ramblings, fears, joy, frustration, depressing late-night rants and endless dribbling. I didn't think that I would be going to all 3 days in Chicago when I initially felt I would not get into any, and would feel lucky to get into just 1. Now I will have attended 4 out of the 5 and got to watch the 5th on stream.
I am truly blessed to have made this journey with you all and I am very grateful to have had the chance to experience all of this.
To the naysayers, open your hearts and minds or stay away. It is what it is and it can't be anything else. We love the band and the music, and they are delivering it with passion and sincerity. What else can we ask of them? I say, nothing. We are the lucky ones to get to experience this again 1 last time.
RE: Officially Pumped-Up
Everyone is omitting the FACT that one entire set at the Chicago shows will be Trey leading the boys through a ripping Gamehenge.
yessirree Bob
You did, and so did others. I didn't believe it. But my wishes came true and a whole lot more...(with a little help from my friends)
Getting the final ticket (for 7/4) tonight and then I will have all 3 tix physically in hand and ready for Chi-town.
Gung ho and bon voyage! We are gonna get funky!!
I stubbornly held on to my air and hotel reservations and now I finally have GA Field tickets for all three days in my possession. I'm sure I could have done a better deal by pacing around the stadium with cash in hand and my finger in the air but I was not willing to travel so far without any tickets in my pocket. Yes, I caved in to Stubhub and eBay. I've been to hundreds of concerts and I have to say that this has been the worst ticket buying experience ever. Seeing Led Zeppelin at the O2 Arena was fraught with hassles but this has been far more frustrating, stressful, and costly.Finally everything has come together at no small expense. Now I can relax a little before getting on the plane tomorrow (although I won't really relax until I'm inside the stadium each day) and my wife can relax because I won't be stressing over tickets while we're in Chicago.
Anyway, I'm really looking forward to being there and enjoying the shows. No leftover bile from the ticket cost and process, that will all be behind me.
See you all there.
SC shows!
Santa Clara Saturday show was amazing! Uncle johns band blew my mind ..then the rainbow! Dark star. St stephen !@!! Icouldnt have asked for any thing more!was great seeing all the heads everywhere ,it was a very positive and greatful scene!!warf rat and broke down palace were my sunday favorites! Seeing bill and phil riding around in golf carts in the parking lot waving and saying hi to everyone that noticed them..bill threw a cd to a guy walking next to me, that made are day!
looking for tickets for 2021 SPAC, 2 Mansfield shows, and Hartford
The tree of might just may have the most beautiful yet strangest creatures I've ever seen.., jesus Christ.. bring the sunshine