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  • marye
    Great story, Mr. P...
    I congratulate myself on my fortunate escape from ever setting foot in the place!
    Block Heads
    I'm fairly certain that Pid was a BlocKhead (in one manner of speaking or other) at one time in his life, at least. Speaking of which, I saw John Turnbull play with World Party at Bonnaroo in 2006 which was awesome. He and Karl Wallinger were perfect together and I was told (and heard a few "tapes" proving the point) that some of the other shows they played together were hot as hell (I think they played together in San Fran). I wasn't into the Disco scene either, but I remember folks calling Terrapin Station "Disco Dead" when it was released (too funny). "Dancin', dancin', dancin' in the streets..."
  • Mr. Pid
    Okay, hit me with your rhythm stick
    Perhaps you do have a point, badger. To me, disco sound (i just can't refer to it with the M word) was just an incessant stream of indistinguishable throbbing. The most common complaint that I get from people who don't appreciate GD is that to them it "all sounds the same." So I guess art really is in the eye, or ear, of the beholder. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
  • cosmicbadger
    well well well
    we're smokin them all out now! Good story Mr P.. But hang on, aren''t be being a bit snobbish; Lots of people dressing up getting high and dancing to loud music and flashing lights? Sounds a bit familiar. What's wrong with that? Just a different generation. The whole acid house thing was the same in the 80s. I think the problem is the effect of the substance of choice for these movements and the culture it creates. What fuelled the psychedelic movement and the dance music of the last 20 years is very different from what fuelled the disco movement. As the wonderful and much missed Ian Dury once said: 'one snort and you're a fascist'
  • Hal R
    Thanks for the story Mr. Pid
    Very well written. I was drugged at times into going to discos, I must admit. Friends would say "There are women there". My reply was "But not our kind of women". My reaction when there was one of three 1. Run for the nearest exit 2.Shrivel up and become invisible 3. Get as messed up as possible, maybe I will just not notice or care I will be so numb. Or any combination of the 3. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
  • Mr. Pid
    My Studio 54 Story
    WARNING! No Dead angle here. I only post this because the subject came up, and there was an inquiry about what Studio 54 was all about. Those of you who were fortunate enough to have avoided direct exposure to Studio 54 can consider your perfect records intact. I was not so lucky, and so for the benefit of anyone interested I will relate my experience. Studio 54 was the "brain child" and first business enterprise of two guys named Steve Rubell and Ian Schrager. Steve Rubell is no longer visiting this planet, and these days Ian Schrager spends his time developing high end boutique hotels. Anyway, their nightclub idea was located in a former television studio located in New York on West 54th Street between Broadway and Eighth Avenue, so you can see how much thought went into the name of the place. They intentionally restricted admission to only fancy, upscale-looking people and it quickly became a celebrity hotspot. The bouncers at the door were the arbiters of who got in, and getting past their velvet ropes became sort of a status symbol. The only other way in was to be "on the list," which actually had a panache of its own. No waiting in the line, just walk right up, speak a few words and the velvet ropes part. The stage was used as the main dance floor, and disco was all that ever got played there. They charged ridiculous prices for drinks, and in reality the place ran on cocaine, which proved to be its eventual undoing. In 1980 I was in a band that had professional management. One of their other "artists" got booked into 54 to lip-synch two of her her so-called songs, and our manager asked us to please attend. After all, we would be "on the list!" I am absolutely certain that the only reason I was admitted was because I was on the list. I still periodically kick myself for having stooped so low as to have actually gone there. So in we go, me, my band, the manager, and this caterwauling ditz named Lenore O'Malley who was really just a white Gloria Gaynor clone. Thud-thud-thud-thud. Thud-thud-thud-thud. It was relentless, and getting louder as we went down the stairs. Thud-thud-thud-thud. Thud-thud-thud-thud. Thud-thud-thud-thud. It was at this point that I coined the term Brain Slapping Disco. There was just no other way to describe it. Thud-thud-thud-thud. Thud-thud-thud-thud. The gain on the bass was jacked up so high it made your pant legs wave in the breeze. It was what an old sound engineer friend of mine used to describe as Too Loud For Humans. Manager and Ditz headed off to get ready for her act. I looked out at the writhing sea of what I could only assume was humanity on the dance floor. There was more polyester than a recycling plant, enough gold chains to rival Fort Knox, and the most ridiculously overproduced hair I had ever seen. None for me, thanks. Where's the bar? OK, there we go. EIGHT bucks for a beer? Twelve bucks for a well drink? Christ, it was 19 freaking 80. There are lots of places now that still don't have the cojones to charge that much! I didn't ask how much for the lines all those people were doing. And you certainly didn't need to bring your own weed. Oh well, it was far too hot and smoky in there to not have something to wet the whistle. Thud-thud-thud-thud. Thud-thud-thud-thud. Thud-thud-thud-thud. Thud-thud-thud-thud. Doesn't it ever stop? How much longer am I going to have to put up with this insipid crap? Time to hit the john. Good lord, there's some freak in a tux in here with an array of bottles filled with various types of chemical stench, turning the faucets on and off, and handing out towels. He seems to think I somehow owe him money for the privilege of using the urinal. "It's okay, buddy, I don't need any help with this, I've had lots of practice already. Maybe I should charge YOU something for the show?" What sort of a weirdo would ever take a job like that? I thought about asking him how much to piss on him instead, but decided I really didn't want to know the answer, especially if it involved him paying me, which seemed like it could be a distinct possibility! Couldn't get out of there fast enough, and I really didn't want to know what was going on in that stall. Thud-thud-thud-thud. Thud-thud-thud-thud. Thud-thud-thud-thud. Thud-thud-thud-thud. My brain hurts! Please make it stop! Thud-thud-thud-thud. Thud-thud-thud-thud. Finally, it's the Ditz's numbers! They're only about three minutes each, the end is in sight! Manager reappears and says, "Hey, what do you think?" At least that's what I think he said, it was almost impossible to hear over the thud-thud-thud-thud. So I tried to scream back at him "Couldn't I just pound railroad spikes into my temples instead?" I'm not sure if he got it, though. He thought this stuff was cool! That night he was Somebody! Sap... Well, Ditz was done, we'd done our duty for the team, so the guitar player and I waved goodbye and got the hell out of there before we got infected. Apparently it was too late for the singer and the bass player who decided to hang around. They thought it was cool, too! More saps... Sometimes I kick myself for having had anything to do with that band. The material was all really just commercial pop crap that surprise, surprise, never went anywhere. So happy I never signed that record contract. Even happier that I never got dragged to 54 again. Okay, ccJoe, please enlighten us! Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
  • deadheadkid
    not here
    no shes not a member. The evil Devin is brooding in her cave, sucking the marrow from the bones of her latest victims. think of the mother of Grendel from the book Grendel. except with red hair.
  • Gr8fulTed
    Not so fast
    I've got a great video, on DVD, of the BeeGees. Makes me want to put on my white suit and do some grinding.
  • Golden Road
    Arch Nemesis?
    *looks Around and Around* (cue "Beat It", by Michael Jackson) Where? "All energy flows according to the whims of the Great Magnet. What a fool I was to defy him."
  • deadheadkid
    Believe me, HalR, I know disco sucks. we have taken the liberty of purging most of it from our stations librarys, but the hunt goes on, for it seems our electronic DJ likes to taunt us and play it occasionally ;). good luck with the research. I am curious about this story also. But enlighten me on this Taj Mahal story. I need excitement in my life for all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy indeed. a little history that doent involve the depressing and sad conditions of the Industrial Revolution would be great. Also, anyhistory that does not involve having to deal with my arch nemesis here woulf be wicked awesome.
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17 years
an open space.
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17 years

that clip is from a CBS documentary, circa 1967, called "The Hippie Temptation." Narrated by Harry Reasoner, who usually had better sense, as I recall. It's about half an hour long. Let's just say it will probably provoke mixed emotions.
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16 years 11 months

Harry Reasoner... thankx. I was going nuts trying to place the voice.
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16 years 11 months

dude, check you local public library, if they have a video lending library, sometimes you would be amazed at what you will find... or if you have access to a big city University library... good luck, if you find it, please send me a private message. thanks, CC Joe
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17 years

I think I found about a dozen versions of it on YouTube but that was a while ago. For some reason all the online versions I've seen are very purple.
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16 years 11 months

marye, any idea of the search tags you used? could you please find the vid again and embed it here or post up the tiny urls (see I'm learning) to the link. I searched on youtube right after I first saw the vid, but couldn't find it, then I searched again using Hippie Temptation, and other combinations, and other words, documentary, Harry reasoner, etc. etc. Haight, naturally 'hippie' gets a million hits... so it is impossible to wade through all of that... any ideas? I was going to go at this from the other end - and look for an original full copy, any idea what station broadcasted it or who owns the rights? was it on the history channel or something? I was even thinking if I called up Harry Reasoner, he might be 'reasonable' enough to share a copy... ( -: thankx and peace.
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16 years 11 months

CC Joe, it's on this DVD also (well a small clip of Reasoner with the most famous sound byte) which Rhino would love for you to know about I'm sure. GREAT DVD, one of my favorites, in fact. Mickey's reaction to the label "hippie" is classic, among many great moments. "We were somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the drugs began to take hold."
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16 years 11 months

OK, cool, I'm gonna watch Anthem RIGHT NOW, I haven't watched it for about 6 months... got it! great shit. it is a good primer for new/younger deadheads.
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16 years 11 months

Anthem had the one Garcia quote about living a good life, living a simple life... words to live by. anyways, Anthem is totaly fucking cool. I like it when they are at the mixing boards. peace. "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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16 years 11 months

Yeah, "Anthem" is good stuff, for sure. My mom gave it to me as a Christmas present some years back. She had no idea what it was and made it through about 5 mins. with me, when I opened it and slammed it into the DVD player. It was my favorite present that year. My kids really enjoyed it and I agree with your assessment, CC Joe, it's a great "primer". In another note on this DVD, a friend included that Garcia quote on an old bootleg tape, many years ago, and I used to play it over and over to people but no one seemed to "get it". I left it on the answering machine of one of my supervisor's, when I resigned from an old job. They actually hired me back and were really cool until I ultimately left the company more than 5 years later. I actually should have never left that job, although the cultural shifts that were occuring there would have made it a moot point in time, I'm sure. It is a cool world sometimes. The Dude Abides!
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16 years 11 months

also I especially enjoyed Phil and Hunter's explanation of writing box. I dig stuff like that, too. I actually picked up Anthem of Beauty not really knowing what it was about, or that is was a documentary. I was at best buy or somewhere, getting a few of the Views, in a mad rush, spotted it, oh, a GD DVD?, into the basket, I kind of thought it was going to be studio footage of them recording American Beauty... or something like 'So Far' little did I know. ( -:
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16 years 11 months

the kind of funny irony, is that Rhino, which many fans give shit to, put this DVD out. and, of course, the vid contains band members discussing their relationship with Warner Bros. it was especially funny to see the ex-WB executive, I forgot his name, STILL wearing his cheesy sportscoat talking about how Phil and Micky are insane. I wonder if he got it out of 'a time warp wardrobe' just for the occassion? my criticism of the DVD is the stupid, self promoting, valentine Rhino wrote for themselves which we HAVE to watch at the start of the DVD, and the fact that the whole DVD is too short. ( -; there has to be more historical film of the band's off stage antics on the road out there. more historical interviews and more in studio film would have been a big plus. enough complaining for one day. peace.
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16 years 11 months

Yeah that opening advertisement is about the worst piece of self promotion I've ever seen 'cause "our trip was different. It was to be a classic affirmation of everything right and true in the national character. A gross physical salute to the fantastic possibilities of life in this country. But only for those with true grit......." Great video, though!
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16 years 11 months

thanks dude, you too! the encore at Rich Stadium, Buffalo, NY, July 4, 1989 "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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16 years 11 months

I made through another 4th of July with all my appendages. Actually had a great day and I hope everyone else did, as well. Fuck it Dude, let's go bowling!
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16 years 11 months

One more day I find myself aliveTomorrow maybe go beneath the ground See here how everything Lead up to this day And it's just like any other day That's ever been Sun going up and then The sun going down Shine through my window And my friends they come around
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16 years 11 months

Hi Y'all, I wrote this poem about Jerry the day after he died. It is from memory, so it is not exactly what I wrote, but it is close. I wanted to share it with my family. Please share it with any family who might get something from it. My gift to all of you.... No Stella, No Dew, No Cumberland Blues No Speedway, No Aiko,Or Row Jimmy too No Bertha, No Shakedown, No Wheel No more No Terrapin, No Eyes, No Knocking on Heavens Door Comes a Time Came, and He's Gone went Money Honey finally came up with the rent Dark Star shattered, Black Peter played Shining Star shined 'till its dying day The Breadbox has dough, The jelly has rolls, The Fire on the Mountain is nothing but coals The Wharf Rat did, and Don't Let Go didn't The Eyes of the Maker are always well hidden The Wheel is turning, Stagger Lee has Balls, St Stephen has gathered all that he lost The Sunshine came, Help is on the Way, Visions of Johanna are now all that remain The Loser is losing, The Deal is done, and we'll never forget you, who shined like the sun. Be well all of you. And rest well,Jerry! I think about you every day! Midnight on a carousel ride, reaching for that gold ring down inside. Never could reach it. It just slips away. BUT I TRY!
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16 years 11 months

shivers in my spine, dude. shivers up and down my spine. thankx for sharing. ************************************* Hunter wrote this, and it was read at Jerry's funeral: Elegy for Jerry Garcia Jerry, my friend, you've done it again, even in your silence the familiar pressure comes to bear, demanding I pull words from the air with only this morning and part of the afternoon to compose an ode worthy of one so particular about every turn of phrase, demanding it hit home in a thousand ways before making it his own, and this I can't do alone. Now that the singer is gone, where shall I go for the song? Without your melody and taste to lend an attitude of grace a lyric is an orphan thing, a hive with neither honey's taste nor power to truly sting. What choice have I but to dare and call your muse who thought to rest out of the thin blue air that out of the field of shared time, a line or two might chance to shine -- As ever when we called, in hope if not in words, the muse descends. How should she desert us now? Scars of battle on her brow, bedraggled feathers on her wings, and yet she sings, she sings! May she bear thee to thy rest, the ancient bower of flowers beyond the solitude of days, the tyranny of hours-- the wreath of shining laurel lie upon your shaggy head bestowing power to play the lyre to legions of the dead If some part of that music is heard in deepest dream, or on some breeze of Summer a snatch of golden theme, we'll know you live inside us with love that never parts our good old Jack O'Diamonds become the King of Hearts. I feel your silent laughter at sentiments so bold that dare to step across the line to tell what must be told, so I'll just say I love you, which I never said before and let it go at that old friend the rest you may ignore.
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16 years 11 months

welcome back, Gypsy Soul, this show is for you! ummm, I'm afraid that JB Goode is not correct for any of the rounds... by the by; the most recent round is here: after round 2, the 'network' gave us our own channel. it is in the News and Talk Section, under: False Alarm. Round 12 is up for grabs. love and peace. "What's the point of calling shots, this cue ain't straight in line Cue balls made of styrofoam and no-one's got the time"
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We've missed you gypsy soul. Where ya' been? The Dude Abides!
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somebody help me find my 53 comments to kinstones play too GTP ALBERTSON NC ITS been DEEP RUN NC to a PINK HILL NC so KINSTONES play too?
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16 years 11 months

i had been on a 30 day vacation thanks to my local county judgeness. very scary- but let's move ahead. i missed this board sooo much. thanks for the welcome back-s!!!! nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
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16 years 11 months

my darlin'I hope your time was soft. moving ahead... "I got no lime!"
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16 years 11 months

hey, does anyone have the rest of the comedy sketches from this NYE cable TV simulcast?? I remember there was one with Jerry cooking in the kitchen... powdered sugar. thankx for making that vid!!! awesome!
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16 years 11 months

hey that was excellent. grate way to start the day folks!! what was that from?? is htere more???? nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
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16 years 10 months

i sure am loving this new place ... good morning !!!!!!!! from SF
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16 years 11 months

there was one or tw more bits... this was the 86-87 NYE show or the 87-88 NYE show which was simulcast on cable TV or PBS or something... they put in these clips during the set-break or before the show. I had an old VHS tape of this, along with a copy of So Far, but I think it is packed up in a box inside my sister's closet... maybe Christmas time I will hed that way and see if I can find them. peace
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16 years 11 months

do a google search for Ticket To New Year's Grateful Dead and you will find the DVD that has these extra comedy clips, and, of course a smoking show. 1987, Dec. 31!
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16 years 11 months

RATDOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KELLER!!!!!!!!!!! TERRAPIN FLYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chicago is on fire right now!!!!!!!! This weekend is going to be insane!!!!!!!! Thanks to Terrapin and TC and BOOMBOX (Zion!!!) for the amazing show last Friday and to David Gans for the great interview with me on Monday....WHAT A WEEK!!!!!!!! GET OUT TO KINETIC PLAYGROUND SAT FOR TERRAPIN!!!!!! Flyer to come! Dead to the Core
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16 years 11 months

you answered my next question. love that kind of stuff. almost hurts too in a bittersweet kind of way. i think you know what i mean. thanks again baby, you are the best!!! nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
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16 years 11 months

you enjoy and be safe out there dude!!! swirl a few times for me!! nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
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16 years 10 months

What do you think the chances are of convincing the dead to put their sb tapes on the net something like David Grissman does with his Acoustic Disc label? You know, charge a nominal fee and let us download them. It seems a shame to lock all that rare and unique music away in a dungeon. I.m new here, so this may have been discussed before. Art "Ain't no time to hate... barely time to wait"
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16 years 11 months

gypsy soul SAID Posted: July 20, 2007 - 5:33am "thanks ccjoe you answered my next question. love that kind of stuff. almost hurts too in a bittersweet kind of way. i think you know what i mean. thanks again baby, you are the best!!!" no, YOU are the best, babe, you are the best. I know exactly what you mean in bittersweet. yeah, it does hurt. and while it hurts, I still can not get over how wonderful it is. I see the band lounging together, probably the only band in the history of the fucking world that had such a relationship with their fans. such a sense of humor, such touching, caring love for everyone -- a true two way street. as much as the fans loved the band, the band loved the fans. they always did. that was the special relationship we had with them, and them with us. being near the front of the stage, and Jerry smiling at ME. smiling at US. the boys playing their hearts out for our joy and pleasure which bounced off us and back into them to open their hearts yet further... do you think Madonna has such a relationship with her fans?? I remember watching that show 'live' on cable TV or whatever with a group of hard core east coast heads... well, hardcore to a certain extent since we never motivated enough to get to the left coast for a NYE show. (sigh) man oh man, when we saw those comedy clips we were fucking freaking out. nice memories, thankfully preserved on tape for the generations to come to see and enjoy. but it makes me remember... the one year, the one fucking year, I had all of my shit together, had all of my plans carved in stone, to be in the bay area for NYE... what happens? oh, yeah, bittersweet to say the least. peace.
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16 years 11 months

Hey now folks! I'll be heading down So many roads I know So many roads to ease my soul... see ya in a few months! love and peace! c'mon everybody, sing along! So Many Roads Lyrics: Robert Hunter Music: Jerry Garcia Thought I heard a blackird singing Up on Bluebird Hill Call me a whinin' boy if you will Born where the sun don't shine And I don't deny my name Got no place to go, ain't that a shame? Thought I heard that KC whistle Moaning sweet and low Thought I heard that KC when she blow Down where the sun don't shine Underneath the Kokomo Whinin' boy got no place to go So many roads I tell you So many roads I know So many roads, so many roads Mountain high, river wide So many roads to ride So many roads, so many roads Thought I heard a jug band playin' "If you don't... who else will?" From over on the far side of the hill All I know the sun don't shine And the rain refused to fall And you don't seem to hear me when I call Wind inside and the wind outside Tangled in the window blind Tell me why you treat me so unkind Down where the sun don't shine Lonely and I call your name No place left to go, ain't that a shame? So many roads I tell you New York to San Francisco So many roads I know All I want is one to take me home From the high road to the low So many roads I know So many roads so many roads From the land of the midnight sun Where the ice blue roses grow Along those roads of gold and silver snow Howlin' wide or moaning low So many roads I know So many roads to ease my soul ( -;
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16 years 11 months

Have a good trip, and will miss your sense of humor here. Really enjoy your smartass tone sometimes! Be safe and have fun.
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16 years 11 months

i miss him already!!!! nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile