- Post reply Log in to post comments91 repliesmaryeJoined:If the Tapers' Section or Grateful Dead Hour streams (or any other streams that may appear from time to time) aren't working for you, please post here. In some cases, your fellow Heads will come to your assistance. In others, the Rhino techs may have a fix for the problem. In others, we may have a can't-get-there-from-here issue, but really, we'll do our best. Thanks!
- Glasto72Joined:Only GD Hour streams pages 1-15 working p16 onwards do not work
First visit here. Wanted to hear some old GDH I listened to on WNEW back in 1989. Page 16 has a couple I'd like to hear again. I taped many of the shows in 1988-89.
Grateful Dead Hour streams play fine but only shows from the first 15 pages in the listing. There is a clear cutoff with the last GDH on page 15 playing and the previous GDH top of page 16 and all the rest to page 100 or so won't play at all although the jplayer does pop up. Thank you Marye for offering to help. Could be a Rhino tech glitch with this simple cutoff of older postings of GDH. My sense of this is that Dead.net intended all of the streams to work as Marye alludes to.
- maddogjeffJoined:Streams not working
For close to a week now, Jam of the week won't play as well as others. If I click "Listen Now" button, the player displays but nothing plays. If I click "Jam of the Week" button and then "Listen Now" on the next page, a separate window pops up with the player but nothing plays. Have not had problems in the past. Win10pro v1903 with latest updates, Chrome v80.