We think the technical issues that caused so many difficulties have been resolved.
If you are unable to log on using the email address you previously used in your Store account, please try setting up a new account.
If you are unable to complete an order online and get the Call Customer Service error message, your quickest path to getting this resolved is to actually call 1-800- CAL-DEAD (or 201 751 6746 for non-U.S. folks). Or email customerservice@dead.net.
If this does not work for you send me a PM with the details and we'll get on the case. But at this point it SHOULD work and we want to know if and how it doesn't.
Many people who were formerly having problems getting their orders through have now been successful. If you're still not able to get your order through, there is now a designated email address to get this fixed.
If you're still unable to comple