- Post reply Log in to post comments147 repliesmaryeJoined:Here and there lately, folks have been mentioning some of the great T-shirts they picked up on tour and elsewhere. Several decades having passed in many cases, the shirts are no longer with us. Which ones did you wear till they fell apart, accidentally leave behind at the campground, give to your best friend, or otherwise part with, and now you'd really like to find another one?
- MeatyardJoined:Two shirts I wish I still had
I have pictures of both. The first was a very home made shirt. On the front was a one color screen of Felix the cat, with stars and lines swirling like he was stoned. On the back, in simple blue letters it said 'RESIN HITS'. Man, I would die for that shirt. The second was a Jeff Levine lot special, the Europe 1990 with the flags of the countries in 4 steal you faces.
- lotshirtprojectJoined:I'm working on a project…
I'm working on a project where I want to attempt to archive Grateful Dead bootleg lot shirts. I would like to create a print publication as well as a website celebrating the lot bootleg shirt. I would also like to document the stories and lore behind the shirts. I would love to hear any stories about anyone funding their tour by selling shirts, stories from shirt creators, any crazy Dead bootleg story (favorite shirt, shirts tha led to introductions, crazy adventures, etc... Feel free to send me any pictures, stories, ideas, suggestions, etc.. Thanks! Peace.
- Chris DJoined:Dead T-Shirt Story
No exactly a T-shirt I wish I had (I still have the shirt) but a Dead T-shirt Story nonetheless. After leaving the closing of JFK in Philly I returned to the spot the Dead heads in my town had claimed for our own (Under 95 at FDR park) only to find one of the girls from my school suffering bad from alcohol, heat, etc. While not exactly with it, I was with it more then the guys trying to help her. The boy scout in me takes my T-shirt off, dunks it into a cooler of ice and wraps it around her bed. Next some water and she was coming around. Now I have no shirt. So i find a nice patch of grass in center field of one of the ball parks to watch the sky move. 2 ball fields away I spot a girl with shirts. I bought one. A simple shirt with a stenciled Bear. 5 years later the Girl that made the shirt grabs me at a capital center show and says thats my shirt. She remembered our encounter years earlier. I wore that shirt when my first son was born. it sits in a box with the Instant breakfast stain still on it from my brother -in-law's frantic drive of my wife to the hospital to give birth to my son. I have no intention of ever letting that shirt go as it reminds me of the 2 best days of my life. Yes the JFK show was that awesome. By the DVD-Crimson and Indigo-I only wish they had included Jerry saying F the fine we are playing late as the condemned (that morning) venue was literally falling down around us.
- Way Out WestJoined:Elusive, little, tiny Grateful Dead records...
Still searching for pictures, confirmation, conversation about some of the rarer, (or perhaps non-existent), Grateful Dead & related US 45's from the 60's & 70's... One More Saturday Night/Cassidy Stock-Copy? - Anthem of the Sun Radio Spots? Test Pressing/PROMO Pressing of the rumored 2nd 45 release from the 1st Dead LP - Sittin' on Top of the World / Minglewood Blues? - Happiness is Drumming/Razooli from the Diga Rhythm Band LP? Been chasing these records, and rumors of these records for decades now. Closest I have come is a release number for the Round Records single from the Diga Rhythm Band LP... anyone else out there to share details???
- digiskelJoined:To share designs that I miss…
To share designs that I miss immensely, the 1st is the 20th anniversary 1985 tour "patriot skeleton" design, Which was also used as the backdrop banner for the grateful dead on stage in Cincinnati that summer.
The 2nd shirt design which I have never seen again is from the 90s.
In Louisville Kentucky there was a "Tom Sawyer going down the river on a raft" Tour shirt.
Yes I had it, yes I wore it out!
I would love to have that shirt again!