Old media, new media, and what to do with them

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17 years 1 month
This came to mind because I'm cleaning out closets and coming across boxes and boxes of tapes and slides... Back when the boys started playing, cassettes were a big breakthrough. For years, mailing them around the country was a huge part of the scene. Now you can often download a show right after it's been played, or watch it in real time from thousands of miles away. Things we could only dream of a couple of decades ago are now routine--not just real-time setlists, real-time video for all to see.

DeadBase Needs Your Help!

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17 years 1 month
Posted: February 8, 2010 - 5:59pm Just got this from Stu Nixon, who asks me to pass it on to the Dead.net community: DeadBase Returns! And we’re looking for a little help from our friends… We're back! Or at least we're thinking about it... By popular demand we are in the process of determining the feasibility of publishing a new edition of DeadBase and are looking for some help. While a totally revised DBXII is still a possibility for the future, right now we are considering putting out a reprint of DBXI with an appendix of corrections and additions to the setlists.

The Vindex

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17 years 1 month

Cosmicbadger maintains a comprehensive list of what's currently being vined here. Originally he kept and updated the list here, but it has proved less cumbersome to maintain it as a spreadsheet in Google Docs where it can be kept current easily. As Badger says, it includes a whole lot more useful info too, including a list of all the shows the GD ever played and dates of all official releases. The Vindex

Tape Trading Topic

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17 years 1 month
Also DVDs, CDs, MP3s... Post requests and offers here. Please note that while trading, vining, etc. are welcome here, trading, vining, and other unauthorized copying and distribution of commercial releases, including those of the Grateful Dead, is not. Thank you.