- Post reply Log in to post comments1,020 repliesmaryeJoined:When our previous topic hit the 1,000-response mark, sleazy behavior by politicians was eliciting a certain amount of non-astonishment.
- maryeJoined:well done 1stShowYeah, we kinda are working within a structure that was set up many years ago so thanks for persevering. Dave, yup, the original thread in the Store is missing because, uh, I blew it up by mistake, but the second edition is rocking right along and when Dave's 53 comes along this will all right itself, I think.
- daverockJoined:Marye
Thanks for looking into this for me. They show up in Recent Posts for me too, but I can't find a heading labelled "Current Events". I look at the page under the top heading of "Community". Under "Store Products" is where I go to find the Daves Picks pages - although the one for 52 isn't there at the moment.
So I can access both the Daves Picks 52 page and the Trouble Ahead page, if there are Recent posts. But if there aren't any recent posts, then I can't seem to access them. This doesn't matter with the Daves Picks page, as there is usually a Recent Post on that one. But the "Trouble Ahead..." one isn't as popular, so I have to wait a while for a Recent Post before I can put a comment on.
My general low level of online skills doesn't help !
When our previous topic hit the 1,000-response mark, sleazy behavior by politicians was eliciting a certain amount of non-astonishment.
I hope you had a nice President's Day. Now that the Republicans got you to go along with extending tax cuts for the rich it looks like they want you to balace the budget on the backs of the poor. Maybe you should say "OK Mr. Bohener, I would like to cut spending and I suggest that for every worker in the Federal Gov. and military that makes over 40K a year, we take what they make over that 40K and cut what they get in half." Bet that'll shut 'em up. God Bless you President Obama.
Khadaffi-duck. erstwhile ruler in Libya, is cranked up and out of control. Everybody knew this guy was a serious fruit loop that ever heard him speak but he is seriously bent now. When you hear his public talks now it is like hearing a seriously sociopathic crazy person who truly believes he has a place in history as a martyr in the revolution.
He is now talking about using chemical weapons that will make his opponents rant with delusive hallucinations.
Can we target just his headquaters with a DMSO/LSD-25 solution? Could he get up off the floor and put on a tie-dye t-shirt and start singing Dancing In The Streets in Libyan?
I swear I'm not making this us. It came from a credible news source that also has worries about bio and nuclear warfare programs that were never truly abandoned by Khadaffi in the 90s
Maybe Jim Morrison will come back from the dead and film the movie.
As I recall we do have precedent for surgical strikes targeting him. As amused as I am by the notion of a cruise missile painted up in day-glo and repurposed with a payload of LSD instead of TNT I'm still not sure how you can insure appropriate or even adequate dosing. Aerosol distribution seems a little haphazard for something where a little goes a long way. Plus we'd have to get those groovy helicopters from Apocalypse Now swarming in, only blaring Dark Star instead of Wagner...
Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
an interesting concept, wish i had a couple would sort this world out alright!!
I know there are few who care for serious politics on this site. I uneertsand, this is really mostly about the good times we all had.
But this latest current event of banning collective bargaining (except for the unions that voted for the Guv. of Wis) that happened in the statehouse in Madison has rankled me and fired me up. It has set up the kindling for the ignition of the class war - which some believe has already started. Good thing I'm nonviolent.
I'm thinking about carrrying around a hammer and doing a number on obscenely rich cars that have conservative political bumperstickers like "So,How's That Hope & Change Thing Going For You?"
Time to for a glass of wine to wash down a few more valium.
Stop being sheep! Fight the Power!!! I'm filled with more and more loathing for people who choose to stay uninformed, or informed, do nothing.
Sunday Brunch conversation with my daughter (13): "Mama I am angry that zu Guttenberg seems to think he can cheat and the lie, and get away with it just because he is nobility and Minister of Defense. It is disgusting that he would say that copying 100 pages was a mistake-does he think non-nobles are stupid, or what? And how can so many people be morons and still accept that he represents Germany to the world?" (referring to the current German scandal where the Minister of Defense plagerized a good 100 pages of a newspaper article in his doctorate thesis)
Perhaps children should run the world :-D
I am not young enough to know everything.
Oscar Wilde
Lilly. Sad to say they grow up in spurts.
Very hard to follow a lot of Euro-news over here except the BBC (besides digging on the internet for who knows what could be the truth).
I got a kick out of the labels they were tagging on him though...
Cut'n'Paste Von Zuttenberg &
Google VonZuttenberg!
Don't even know if I have the name right.
try your luck in a quiz to tell the difference between two delusional losers, one a danger to all of us, the other mostly to himself.
I am actually quite relieved that I only got 40% right in the above referenced round of Name That Nutjob. Any more and I'd be worried that I was too capable of relating to either one of them.
Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
You have to love this guy. He lives with two trashy blondes, one a porn star and the other a nanny. He needs to add Lindsy Lohan to this phalanx and open up a pharmacy in his house.
I think he is doomed, doomed i say.
As for Khdaffy Duck, well, there is just plain old 'out there' egominaical whacko. It's just a matter of how many people and brings down with him. The thing we don't get is that when he says "His" peope love him he means mostly the people of his Bedouin tribe, not the rest of Libya and I'm not sure he has an accurate handle on that.
Well, "Fuck The Doomed" as Richard Nixon said to Hunter Thompson one day. Ahhh, that would be Sheen and Khadaffy and not the rest of those poor souls.
I kind of felt a little bad Charlie when I saw they took his kids from him this morning, but my biggest laugh yesterday came when they were talking about the possibility of John Stamos replacing Charlie on 2 and a half men. Charlie was asked about the possibility of that happening and he of course made a disparaging remark, then later in the day John Stamos tweeted, " I am not going to replace Charlie Sheen on Two and a Half Men, but Martin Sheen did ask me to be his son." As for Khadaffi Duck, now that it's known he ordered the Lockerbie bombing, there ought to be a cruise missle with his name on it headed for Tripoli right now. (forgive me Lord, I'm only human)
U.S. Marine Corps Hymn (Marine Hymn)
From the Halls of Montezuma
To the Shores of Tripoli;
We fight our country's battles
In the air, on land and sea;
First to fight for right and freedom
And to keep our honor clean;
We are proud to claim the title
of United States Marine.
Our flag's unfurled to every breeze
From dawn to setting sun;
We have fought in ev'ry clime and place
Where we could take a gun;
In the snow of far-off Northern lands
And in sunny tropic scenes;
You will find us always on the job--
The United States Marines.
Here's health to you and to our Corps
Which we are proud to serve
In many a strife we've fought for life
And never lost our nerve;
If the Army and the Navy
Ever look on Heaven's scenes;
They will find the streets are guarded
By United States Marines.
Supremeo Comanndermundo David Petraeus, Head Ramrod of American armed forces in the in the American occupied countries of Iraq and Afghanistan, made an unprecedented apology to the Afghan government and people because a US attack helicopter fired on and killed 8 Afghan children collecting firewood. Two of them were sets of brothers. The US has a policy of compensating accidental deaths in Afghanistan with $1500-$2000 a person. Of course, when they wipe out whole families it is difficult to know who to give the money to. But it supposedly it is a tradition among tribes to compensate for death in that country.
In Frankfurt, Germany, a 21 year old airport worker shot at a bus carrying US Armed Forces and killed and/or injured 4 of them in what the German Government is confused about. They can't figure out if it is an act of terrorism even though the shooter was Muslim. Hey Germany! Let me clue you in... IT WAS TERRORISM (morons!) TLilly, any more info. on that?
A Wall St Journal/NBC Poll, surprisingly, found that 77% of the American public support American worker's right to collective bargaining and going on strike. Well, that is encouraging.
So encouraging in fact, I'm going to shout down the only Socialist/Independent Senator of the US in a "Town Meeting" in Montpelier, Vermont this Saturday. I will tell him that politicians are irrelevant, the class war has begun and he should go fuck himself with his populist rhetoric!
I plan to bring a hammer for a gavel. Sorry folks, the Valium isn't working anymore. Time to tell some human/corporations stomping the shit out of the middle-class on down that what is happening in N. Africa can happen HERE. Maybe I'll self-immolate myself to make the point clear if the AFSC can get behind me.
I'm sick of it all and I'm not taking it anymore. I know I speak for myself only and not most deadheads, especially the ones who have been helplessly bleating that the Dead were not political in the day, though they continue to support worthy groups with REX.
Hammer down in the morning, hammer down in the evening, hammer down ALL DAY!!
"Machine Gun" Sammy Alito was the lone dissenter in the 8-1 affirmation of Fred Phelp's 1st amendment right to hold a controversial protest outside funerals with his Topeka, KS Baptist church followers. Controversial can be interchanged easily with outrageous or repulsive.I agree with Justice Alito in his dissent, siting how inappropriate it is to picket at a funeral.
Alito's been the only one with a brain and a spine on that court. Goes to show simplistic labels don't mean much.
....as with the "Community Center" at Ground Zero it is a fundamental, basic right. In this case, to FREE SPEECH! I don't like it, find it distasteful in the extreme and would probably counter-demonstrate, as a group had continually vowed to do.
But as Roberts(?). for the majority, said "It may be hateful but it's free speech".
C'mon people, you can disagree but support the freaking Constitution. It's all that stands between us and the army's new "Hummingbird" drones that can spy on individual Americans.
Would you rather the night time torch parades of Mormonism when Mitt Romney gets the nod for the Repubs. in the next election? Thousands of Tea Party members marching in lockstep with Klansmen shouting in perfect unison "Seig Hei Romney, Seig Heil Romney!"
A future w/o any rights is closer than you think. So support the ones we still have!!
in which free speech is kept from getting in people's faces. Funerals should certainly be one of them. Let them protest outside the White House.
That is why the Court also has said that all of this is subject to local, county & and state rules. They can keep people back to a point of 500 feet where they can't be heard. There can even be a buffer of supportive people (a group has already started to fill that role).
I find these Baptists (and Baptists in general) distasteful. However, they have the right to be there. This was an 8-1 decision by the Court. As anybody knows who's read my posts, I am no fan of the Supreme's.
I am going to a Town Meeting with my Senator Sat. to discuss the Supreme's decision on corporations rights like they are human beings.
I don't know why there was not one single response on this site when the AG Eric Holder requested the Supreme's (who complied) to TAKE AWAY OUR MIRANDA RIGHTS UNLESS WE EXPLICITLY INVOKE THEM. I posted it, no response. That is far more repugnant than this , however hateful it is.
Unfortunatly free speach doesn't include manners, tact, or even truth. And it isn't free if you consider jive an opportunity cost.
Lamagonzo I agree with most of your heartfelt observations, but I suggest you reconsider that "hammer at the rally" idea, as soon as you pull it out you'll lose your audience and then your freedom. But I have a solution....get a blow-up or maybe even a cartoon hammer. A cartoon hammer would be best but they are hard to come by.
I should use Jim Boehner's gavel but his office said he won't lend it out. Maybe a really giant gavel. I definitely want the crowds attention, comedy rarely does it, but a blow-up air gavel symbolizes airhead politicians
Bad news, the AFSC doesn't support self-immolation. Too bad, that is a real attention getter and the people on this site who don't agree with me would be so relieved!
Do away with people blowing my minddo away with people wasting my precious time
take me to a simple place
where I can easily see my face
maybe, baby I'll see that you were kind
know I love you baby, yes I do
know I love you baby, yes I do
do away with people laughing at my hair
do away with people frowning on my precious prayers
take me to a circus tent
where I can easily pay my rent
and all the other freaks will share my cares
know I love you baby, yes I do
know I love you baby, yes I do
do away with things that come on obscene
like hot rods, beauty queens, real fine nicotine
sometimes it buys for 65 dollars
prices like that make a grown man holler
'specially when it's sold by a kid who's only 15
know I love you baby, yes I do
know I love you baby, yes I do
3/5's of a mile in 10 seconds...
(God bless the Jefferson Airplane)
(by B. Brecht, M. Balin, M. Cummings)Translated by H. R. Hays
People of the world together
Join to serve the common cause
So it feeds us all forever
See to it that it's now yours
Forward without forgetting
Where our strength can be seen now to be
When starving or when eating
It's forward not forgetting our solidarity
Black or white or brown or yellow
Leave your old disputes behind
Once you start talking to your fellow men
You'll soon be of one mind
If we want to make this certain
We'll need you and your support
It's yourselves you'll be deserting
If you rat on your own sort
Forward without forgetting
Where our strenght can be seen now to be
When starving or when eating
It's forward not forgetting our solidarity
All the gang of those who rule us
Hope our quarrels never stop
Helping them to split and fool us
Just so they can remain on top
Forward without forgetting
Till the concrete question is hurled
When Starving or when eating
Whose tomorrow
Is tomorrow
And whose world
Is the world
We can be togetherAh you and me
We should be together
We are all outlaws in the eyes of America
In order to survive we steal cheat lie forge fred hide and deal
We are obscene lawless hideous dangerous dirty violent and young
But we should be together
Come on all you people standing around
Our life's too fine to let it die and
We can be together
All your private property is
Target for your enemy
And your enemy is
We are forces of chaos and anarchy
Everything they say we are we are
And we are very
Proud of ourselves
Up against the wall
Up against the wall fred (motherfucker)
Tear down the walls
Tear down the walls
Come on now together
Get it on together
Everybody together
We should be together
We should be together my friends
We can be together
We will be
We must begin here and now
A new continent of earth and fire
Come on now gettin higher and higher
Tear down the walls
Tear down the walls
Tear down the walls
Won't you try
Time to meet with my affinity group and do our thing. The rest of you can sit around arguing about E72 codes, smoking joints, playing video games and taking Watson 10/325s.
To those who are acting:
Bou-yahhh! Longhairs!!!
why the hostility I am sensing?**********************************
I am not young enough to know everything.
Oscar Wilde
...you usually cheer on the radicals. I am not trying to be hostile but the fact is (and remains) that few people will act, despite the unbelievable events unfolding in Northern Africa and here in America with the move of Repubs to take away the right to collective bargaining.
The rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer. 1 out of 8 people in America is on food stamps. The time to act was 30 years ago but we let it ride and anything done now is merely for one's conscience. But it is important to act.. I think Zarathustra would say we have no supermen to save the day.
I feel that Deadheads, with expanded consciousness, should not be couch potatoes at this time, That is all I am trying to convey.
Doing nothing is taking a stand. Apathy reigns. I accept it but refuse to stay silent! Bliss to all, be happy , healthy and whole. Keep rearranging those deck chairs on the Titanic.
"What, me worry?' Alfred E. Neumann
Sorry-was a bad night last night too, and was also sensing extreme tenseness in your posts, felt aggressed somehow :)
If it cheers you up-my daughter and I defaced a poster yesterday, with a giant black marker. A campaign poster for the Republikaner (neo-fascist party here). On this poster was a lovely photo of a mosque, with the sun going down behind it. The caption read: "German culture instead of multi-culture".
My daughter saw the poster first, and came and told me about it. She was absolutely furious, and wanting to tear it down. But we wrote on it instead. We wrote "Never forget the last time Germany was intolerant. 0 Votes for Republikaner."
How could I sit here and do nothing, when my child (who I have been teaching tolerance) was wanting to take action? THAT would have been hypocritical! :-P
I am not young enough to know everything.
Oscar Wilde
If this following is really awful in German please just forget about it. The English translation ain't no pic-nic eith
Never Argue With a German If You're Tired Of European Song Lyrics
Artist(Band):Jefferson Airplane
Sticken in mein Hachen
Sticken in mein Haut
Fugen mein weiss mit mein auss Pucken
Sprechen Sie nicht
Meinem Deutschen wenn Sie
Müden sind
Meine Auto fahrt sehr
Schnell aber es rast
Gegen mauen
Ah, ja, das bin meine
Ja, das bin du
Du, das bin ich
Ver such es
Send "Never Argue With a German If You're Tired Of European Song" Ringtones to Cell
If you find some error in Never Argue With a German If You're Tired Of European Song Lyrics,
would you please submit your corrections to me? Thank You.
Thanks to Ali for submitting the lyrics.
Never Argue With a German If You're Tired Of European Song
Never Argue With a German if You're Tired
by: Jefferson Airplance , circa 1971
The lyrics given here (and in most places) are completely awful. The German in the actual song is not very good either, but here is my best understanding of the song:
Stecken in mein Haken.
Stecken in mein Haut.
Fügen mein weiss mit mein Ausspucken.
Streiten Sie nicht
Mit einem Deutschen wenn Sie
Müde sind.
Meine Auto fährt sehr
Schnell aber es rast
Gegen Mauern.
Ah, ja, das bin meine.
Ja, das bin du.
Du, das bin ich.
And in English:
Stick in my hook.
Stick in my skin.
Mix my white with my spit.
Do not argue
with a German if you
are tired.
My car goes very
fast but it races
against walls.
Ah, yes, that's mine.
Yes, that's you.
Well, that's me.
All the best to you and your daughter Tiger Lilly
Like CSN&Y say "Teach your children well"
had been helping you out Gonzo, with some corrections. Then I got "you are not authorized to post" and the whole thing was lost. Will do it again a bit later, as must cook now**********************************
I am not young enough to know everything.
Oscar Wilde
Here's a video with some things to think about today
have a good one
Another sad ending for a great musician.
"It's got no signs or dividing line and very few rules to guide"
We're thinking about everyone on the Pacific coast. One year ago today I staid the night in Crescent City on my way to SF to see Phil's birthday show. I sure hope everyone is ok out there. Prayers go out to you all and to Japan.
"It's got no signs or dividing line and very few rules to guide"
some boats in the harbors around Santa Cruz and Monterey have been tossed around and some docks torn up a bit, but nothing worse. I've heard up by Crescent City it's a good deal livelier.
some person of more photographic zeal than sense appears to have been swept away by the tsunami in Crescent City. Like, dude, it's chewing up the harbor and you think you're gonna stand there and get a few snapshots?
The ocean has always made me a little nervous. Probably from living up at least 5000 feet my whole life!
"It's got no signs or dividing line and very few rules to guide"
this is definitely more drama than usual. Though Crescent City is quite badly positioned for this stuff and has historically taken quite a beating on previous quakes/tsunamis.
Japan famously has quakes by the bazillion and builds for them--way more than California--but this is one huge quake and Japan's not that big a place.
Crescent City and Brookings,OR. both had their harbors badly damaged. Many boats destroyed or damaged and the docks washed out. Our little port came through unscathed but one wave was funneled up by the jetty and pushed logs a couple hundred feet inland. There is subduction zone about 50 miles off the coast here that hasn't ruptured in over 300 years and is expected to produce a 9.0 or greater earthquake when it does. Thoughts and prayers to the people of Japan.
...Would lead one to a reasonable conclusion that more seismic activity off the Oregon coast now has a higher probability. Lets hope LA & SF aren't included.
The Jappanese are now using last ditch efforts to cool the reactor cores in six power plants with two in dire danger. There have been two partial meltdowns.
They are using sea water in a last ditch effort to cool the remaining reactors.
Hopefully, this will kill the effort to revive the nuclear power option, though Obama is quoted as saying that we need to learn lessons from these accidents so we can move forward with this type of power production. His unflagging support of nuclear power is puzzling, to say the least.
free live stream of NHK news in English:
But perhaps apropos of not that much, I've been reminded in recent days not of Chernobyl, but of that very sick feeling I had driving home from seeing "The China Syndrome" and hearing the breaking news about Three Mile Island on the car radio (we thought at first it was some kind of "War of the Worlds"-style promo for the movie that we'd just seen). The movie scared the bejeezus out of me, and combined with the TMI news I thought we were facing the end of the world as we knew it, and I most decidedly did NOT feel fine. That feeling is back....
Don't worry, it all good. You don't need the thyroid pills,
Pat Oliphant takes a swing at European leaders for not acting aggressively toward the Libyan situation, expecting Uncle Sam to "take care of it". (Yesterday's cartoon)Today, French President Nicolas Sarkozy has stepped forward to provide air support for the rebels in their effort to maintain control over the city of Benghazi and to stop Gadhafi from killing his own people.
Meanwhile, conditions in Japan reveal the Japanese resilience and determination in the ugly face of natural and nuclear catastrophe, winter weather, and the disruption of food and medical supplies. Please consider financial assistance through the Red Cross, Salvation Army and Heart to Heart International, to name just a few charitable relief organizations.
What a freaking mess. I've seen news reports of American soldiers in open revolt to their Commander & Chief's (Obama's) policy in Libya to the tune "What the hell is the objective here?"
The left and the right (among anybody paying attention) are going nuts that Obama did not inform Congress and the American people with a clearly laid out plan of going to war as The War Powers Act demands. This is a mess! Some of these "rebels" in Benghazi are indeed Al Quieda.
We stopped the slaughter of innocents in Benghazi and now it's time to turn it over to the British, the French and The Arab League and let the blood be on their hands.
Obama's actions in this fiasco are worrying to a large degree. Maybe he doesn't get it and maybe if the Repubs come up with non-loony ticket in 2012 he is going to get his ass kicked by a Romney/Paul ticket.
MacArthur said to March on Beijing in the 50s. Looks good in retrospect.
Common sense says it's time for the allies to put boots on the ground to Tripoli and take out the camel turds. It may force another issue on the matter of the Libyans having retained weapons of mass destruction. Better to find out now than when an all-out conflagration happens in the Middle East as it is clearly heading in that direction.
Save American might for Yemen, the most radical terrorist state in the process of falling to the terrorists in the next six months as well as Bharain, where the 5th American naval fleet is based.
Democratic change is good bot nobody said it wouldn't be scary or hazardous.