• 1,240 replies
    If you'd like to know where to find something, how to use a particular feature, or why something doesn't seem to make sense, ask here! We'll do our best to help.


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  • marye
    Hi Oscar
    If you're just looking to find an appreciative home for these tapes, you will probably have good luck in the Tape Trading Topic or the Old Media, New Media, and What to Do With Them thread. (Since I can't post the link in a comment, I recommend typing "tape trading" or "old media" in that handy search box on the upper right, and it should take you to the right place.
  • oscarhorwitz
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    Cassette Tapes 70-90s

    Hi! I recently found hundreds of Grateful Dead cassette tapes from someone who must have worked for the band or travelled with them to every show from the 70s through the 90s. I have no idea what to do with them or who to inform. Someone please point me in the right direction. Thank you so much!

  • marye
    well said, you guys...
    And I have to admit I've been a bit remiss as I've only listed my first show and Boreal, and there were quite a few others.
  • 1stshow70878

    And to enter shows attended find the show using the search field and there you will find a "mark attended". Clicking on that will put it in your list on your my account page. Took me years to figure that out.

  • daverock

    I don't know if you mean something different from this - but if you click on the icon at the top right, where your picture is - then go three down to "my account" and click that you will see a section marked "shows attended". Apologies if you already know.

  • Rob Cork
    Hey everyone. There used to…

    Hey everyone. There used to be a feature where you could mark the shows you attended. Is it gone?

    Thanks in advance!

  • marye
    Send me a PM and I'll get you connected with the licensing folks. Thanks!
  • DancinBear69
    I have a T-shirt Id like to…

    I have a T-shirt Id like to print, but want to make sure its OK with GD, how do I submit the artwork?

  • 1stshow70878
    30 days

    Yesterday's selection was 11-22-72 Austin Municipal Auditorium which was completely easy after a poster entered some totally obvious hints about his brother, blah, blah. I didn't even have to hear it it was so obvious and the timing matched.
    The email comes later for the winners, supposedly. Some past calendar winners said it took "a couple of weeks".
    The past days can be viewed individually. Just enter 30 days into the search field (top right near sign in drop down) and lots of days show up in a sort of random order. Or at least they were coming up this morning which is how I got to yesterdays winner and folks are still posting their goodbyes there too.
    From what I've read in past year's comments the grand prize winner is not announced anywhere. One guy said he won but never got the prize and when he questioned the powers that be about it some time later they sent him some other swag instead. Well, we're all old hippies so I don't expect them to be overly organized, lol.
    If you have other questions I would PM MARYE (site admin.)

  • mboyce
    Nov 29th & 30th 30 Days of Dead Venues & Dates

    Nov 29th Deal, Cassidy, Friend Of The Devil was recorded 1976.10.01 Market Square Arena, Indianapolis, IN

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17 years 8 months
If you'd like to know where to find something, how to use a particular feature, or why something doesn't seem to make sense, ask here! We'll do our best to help.
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Member for

16 years 1 month

I was just wondering about a list of all the people working on the tour this time, "Lights, Sound, Management, etc." Was just wondering if it was some of the same crew from back in the day.
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17 years 8 months

at the moment it's acting a bit weird. I've reported this. It's probably not you.
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Member for

17 years 7 months

i was wondering why under the all shows page, the other ones, phil, bobby, and the dead, etc aren't listed? i'm sure a lot of people would like to add those to their my shows page.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

The gdh supposedly to be provided yesterday seems to be #1, but it does not show up on the front page 'The Latest'. When I went through 'Features' to 'GD Radio Hour' to 'Grateful Dead Hour no.1' at the top of the queue I get the text with 'Listen Now" radio button, but it won't play. I can play other Taper Section and GDH music, so it is clearly just this link that is the issue. Please let the right person know that the link is not working and hopefully they can fix it. lethedoom
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Member for

17 years 7 months

Does anyone know if the pre-sale chicago added show have gone out yet? I did not hear one way or another wearther i got them or not. tickets are still avaiblabe through ticket master but was hoping for the presale tics.
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Member for

16 years 1 month

Me & my wife spaced last night in Worcester and forgot to pick up our disc's of the show. She still has her bracelet and receipt, does anyone know of any way that we can get the cd's that we already paid for? Thanks.
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Member for

15 years 9 months

Hi there, I heading to Buffalo for Tuesday's show .... pretty sure I can take pictures in the concert. Can anyone tell me for sure?
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17 years 8 months

I'll see what I can find out!
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Member for

15 years 9 months

I didn't know if anyone could help me get in touch with anyone associated with the store. I ordered a download on the 15th to take to charlottesville with me but it didn't post that day, and upon returning from out of town, I'm being told that my download has expired and I was pegged the 16 bucks. I've posted multiple tags with customer service with no response, and I've already filed for a return through my bank. I didn't know if anyone here could get me in touch with someone who could help me resolve this without a bunch of paperwork and mess. Thanks in advance.
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17 years 8 months

send me a PM with the order number etc. and I'll try to get this straightened out.
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Member for

16 years 1 month

Thanks for trying to help Mary, you're the best!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

as I suspected you're not the only one to have this problem (life happens...) and I hope to have a solution for you soonest.
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Member for

15 years 8 months

I was at the Forum show on Saturday 5/9. I bought the wristband for the show CD, but unfortunately my wife ended up in a ambulance at the end of the show because of an asthma attack so I didn't get to pick up my copy. I still have the wristband and receipt, is there something I can do about this? I tried calling 1-877-deadnet and they said they would have corporate offices call me but I have not heard anything yet. P.S. She was kind enough to wait for the encore before her attack.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

please pm me the details. We're trying to get something set up to address this situation.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

hope your wife is okay. Yikes!
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Member for

15 years 9 months

If you or anyone you know may have witnessed ABUSE by the Chicago police the evening of 05-05-09 at (night of Allstate Arena show in Rosemont), you are urged to call attorney Goeffrey Fieger at 248-355-5555 and leave info with Robert Giroux. You can also call the Chicago division of the FBI at 312-421-6700. This is Rabbit and I can be reached at 419-215-0577.
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Member for

16 years

Ive been hearing that theres a lot of problems with orders from the store...Are they short handed??? Send me an application man...Its gotta be a better job then what ive got here in Ohio..LOL:)Peace- Moye
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15 years 8 months

hi, sorry if this has been asked before (i'm sure it has) but is there a place to send messages to bobby, phil, bill, mickey, warren and jeff? do they ever get messages from this site? thanks!
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15 years 8 months

this was a great surprise, to find i could get the show, clearer, and better quality recording, then the old taper recordings i use to hunt down. i too had my wife taken away in an ambulance, at shoreline 5-14-09. it was asthma related, but my wife lost half a lung about 5 months ago to pneumonia, and has a tumor low on her back pushing into her spinal cord, and cuts off leg movement sometimes. the attack ,the crowds, and all got too her we figure. RockMed are the best. they was right there, on the ball, and got my wife off the lawn at shoreline, with my wife in a wheel chair, had an O2 tank ready for her not 2 minutes after reporting my wifes position on the lawn Thank You RockMed. now the question. the wristband CD had 3 discs, my disc three wont play any track after the 1st track on my car CD player. in my home CD player, a bit better quality wont play track 3-5-6 it shows "read error" the way it is, i only really get to listen to my car CD player. so i only get 1st track on 3rd disc!! i lose all but 1 song after drums/space. this disc is the same time frame my wife was having problems. i spent most of the last part of concert calming her down, and hunting down RockMed, and sitting in RockMed office with my wife. i dont want to lose last half of 2nd set again. who do i contact about this? you can ask RockMed at shoreline, the got a full report from me and wife there on file.
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15 years 8 months

on a lighter note, when rockmed people asked if i know why my wife got this bad, i told them she was too sick for raise the flag tour, now once again, she was sick, but we felt she was well enough, but we guessed wrong as it seams. then i told him it was the bands fault, if they did shoreline 2 times a year, 2 or 3 nights in a row, i could of taken her when she was feeling better. this 3 shows in 13 years at shoreline just isnt enough. we just had to go, we never know when they tour together again, like all outdoor venues, rain or shine, the show must go on. tix was bought, with no foreseen time of a return, we risked it. in truth, it was worth it, a bit scarry there, on the encore, i couldnt fight the crowd on the lawn, to try to find her, and if i left in the encore, i would of had to leave her alone, in a panic. i had to wait for lights to come on, to get help for her, without leaving her side. RockMed is the best. i wont get a lawn t9icket again, if they return, i like lawn at shoreline, but the wife is too ill. i sit in lines for hours'n hours, to get tix the day they come out, (now it is prebuy online, as a fanclub member, same thing) but the dead, shoreline, the lawn is where it is at, you cant dance in the seats. i miss the old cal-expo shows, with the open area in front of stage and the seating in the back. i always felt that the dance floor should be in front.
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15 years 8 months

i am so pissed. who ever runs that dead.net site is wacked in the head. my 3rd disk dont play, and supervisor at 877-dead.net she told me i got to REBUY it. i paid good hard cash for my show CD at the show. and was told, i had to repay to get my disc. this is after losing me to a phone line that cuts me off. (22 minutes, 3rd call, it cuts me off, i had to call back a 4th time) well, why do i need to REBUY a broken item i BOUGHT already!?? i was told i could "hear" the show 15 minutes after the show, i am still waiting, 5 days later. the phonelines didnt work all weekend, then, i get "we dont handle Concert CD's here, you have TO REBUY it, so we can download it in your puter!!" well, thats all good'n fine, but i bought a CD, not a download!! and the only contact number on the CD is dead.net, if you contact them, as it is stated on package, and they dont handle the CD's sold at show time, how to i get this 3rd disc replaced without spending more then the show ticket? i have never felt so used and dirty dealing with a grateful dead vendor, as i did with dead.net. and i still didnt get an answer. i was told by manegment, that they will take a report, and take it to upper management, and i will get a call back within 3 to 5 days! thats over a WEEK AFTER THE SHOW, and bad CD. do you wait a week, to get the steak replaced that was over cooked in a restaurant? well, why should i wait aweek, to talk to manegment about a CD i bought, that just displays "read error" no 3rd CD, only 1st song after drums, no last half of set, no encore. i spent a lot of this same time frame of the show in RockMed, now i missed the show 2x. after all this negitive Karma with dead.net, i dont feel i will even listen to the show, can i sell my flawed faulty CD back to the dead please?
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17 years 8 months

as noted elsewhere, please PM me the details, I'm working on it. We're trying to fix this.
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Member for

15 years 8 months

sorry marye, after 4 days of begging this site, and the phone about fixing my CD i bought at the shoreline show, that wont play, i got a bit irritated and started to post everywhere in here. thank you for trying to fix this snafu.
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Member for

15 years 7 months

Is it legal to use the SYF image in a sculpture? I made a cast aluminum wall hanging last week for myself (something I have wanted for a long time) and was wondering how legal it is to sell these things on lot? What if any are the copyright laws with the SYF logo? My piece is a original sculpture made by me molded by me and cast in alum. by me. I posted a photo of it on the fan photos page under fan art.
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17 years 8 months

I've passed your inquiry to the licensing folks.
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Member for

15 years 7 months

thanks marye I have been searching on the web for a week now with no luck. even checked the us copyright web site.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I have checked with the licensing folks, who confirm that selling this piece would be trademark infringement, as the SYF is a registered trademark. Should you wish to pursue a licensing arrangement, as many have done over the years, I'll put you in touch... Thanks. It IS a real nice piece!
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Member for

15 years 7 months

How can I make posts on the website? I'm registered and said FORUM LOCKED? Thanks Peace
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16 years

The interview with Jerry was off the hook. Could never purchase that at a music place. Thanks for making it happen. Kottonmouthjeff
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17 years 8 months

obviously you succeeded in making a post on the site. If you think there's a topic we should be discussing, send me a PM or post about it in the What Else Should We Be Talking About topic.
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Member for

15 years 10 months

Several weeks ago (I think it was April 21 because I see a charge on my CC), I paid for a download of the Mountain View concert for this Spring's tour. I never could download it, and forgot about it until now. Can you help me retrieve it?Thanks, John
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17 years 8 months

send me a PM with the details and we'll get it straightened out.
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Member for

15 years 7 months

hi my first show was in lincoln nebraska in 2/1973 and ive been a fan every sence any way i jest joined the site i cant figure out how to get the private masage to work it said i have a message i also wanted to send a private massage to an other member but i cant figure it out but im not very good on the computer please help if i can be helped
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Member for

17 years 8 months

in the left hand column, click on My Inbox and it should take you to a page where the message is waiting for you. Within the message, there is a Reply button, and for that matter a space for you to reply. It should all be fairly clear, but holler if it is not.
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Member for

15 years 7 months

Marye, we are deadheads Asturies, northern Spain we will like to be on the deadheads around the world list, is it possible? So we never met the Dead here, we knew it and love it just the same. cozmicfolkfan
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Member for

17 years 8 months

there are quite a few regional topics, and probably the likeliest one right now for your purposes would be Deadheads of Europe. You'll find other folks from Spain there, though I think you're the first from Asturies. Welcome!
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Member for

15 years 7 months

Why does it say that i am not alowed to post. im trying to network my lost dog here. i did so at ratdog.org and mostly got mean responses, so i am tryin this board in hopes of finding some grateful dead love, support and finding my dog, odessa.
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15 years 7 months

Thanks Marie. I´ll try on this topic cause that path is not for my steps alone. cozmicfolkfan
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Member for

15 years 7 months

i'm looking for info about seating here,like is it possible to move from your seat upper level to lower level? how is security as far as movement once concert is started?
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Member for

17 years 8 months

as I've said, not allowing free-for-all topic starting is simply a chaos management tool we adopted when we launched the site, and examples abound on other systems why this was a wise decision. I've already PMed you about your lost dog topic request and await developments; just upload your photo to fan pix and I'll get it rolling. As I look at my sleeping dogs, I feel your pain on your lost girl.
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17 years 7 months

How does one get the following question in front of the the right person(s) for serious consideration and at least a response other than this poster having the bank to fund such a thing?? How do we make "The DEAD & NRPS @ RFK Stadium" and possibly other venues happen? I feel like from the turnout at the spring shows and the bowl you over frenzy happening at the New NRPS shows that this would be incredibly magical. For what it is worth, I do have personal access to legal help that knows the ins and out of concert promotion and production (i.e. Allmans, Lynard Skynard, and the like, but isn't necessarily a fan of these tunes, but is respectful. Thank you for your time and consideration of my questions. Never gonna leave this Brokedown Palace.....
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Member for

17 years 2 months

excuse my agravation but I have been attempting to put some pics up in the faithfull freinds forum and I have no frigin idea how the hell to do this . can someone please help.? thank you !
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Member for

17 years 8 months

PM sent.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Offhand I have no idea how to set up such a tour or who the likely contact point might be in this day and age, but I'll pass your question up the line. Meanwhile, you might want to ask the same thing over on phillesh.net, ratdog.org, and the NRPS site by way of casting a broad net.
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Member for

15 years 6 months

Hey now,This is no doubt a dopey question, but I'm not clear on how to start a new topic within one of the existing forums. I see how to add a comment to a thread, but not seeing a button or tab for "New Topic" or something like that. What am I missing. Thanks!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

just the way it's set up. If there's a topic you'd like to see discussed, send me a PM or post in the What Else Should We Be Talking About topic.