- Post reply Log in to post comments1,020 repliesmaryeJoined:When our previous topic hit the 1,000-response mark, sleazy behavior by politicians was eliciting a certain amount of non-astonishment.
- maryeJoined:well done 1stShowYeah, we kinda are working within a structure that was set up many years ago so thanks for persevering. Dave, yup, the original thread in the Store is missing because, uh, I blew it up by mistake, but the second edition is rocking right along and when Dave's 53 comes along this will all right itself, I think.
- daverockJoined:Marye
Thanks for looking into this for me. They show up in Recent Posts for me too, but I can't find a heading labelled "Current Events". I look at the page under the top heading of "Community". Under "Store Products" is where I go to find the Daves Picks pages - although the one for 52 isn't there at the moment.
So I can access both the Daves Picks 52 page and the Trouble Ahead page, if there are Recent posts. But if there aren't any recent posts, then I can't seem to access them. This doesn't matter with the Daves Picks page, as there is usually a Recent Post on that one. But the "Trouble Ahead..." one isn't as popular, so I have to wait a while for a Recent Post before I can put a comment on.
My general low level of online skills doesn't help !
When our previous topic hit the 1,000-response mark, sleazy behavior by politicians was eliciting a certain amount of non-astonishment.
...in this great kingdom. So many simple kindnesses between the coasts amongst neighbors. Sure, there the usual problems that everybody sees in the newspaper and has to mourn as the Death route passes from the church to the graveyard to bury the soldier.
But the kindnesses of Middle Americans to each other more than make up for the bad news they only are a tiny cog of. They have bake sales to put on and basketball tournaments and none of the stuff we all struggle with has any any reality in, say, Wichita Falls, Texas or Topeka, Kansas.
It feels so goof that we can go there if things start to burn on the immoral costs. In the Midwest folks were brought up right, always going to church on Sunday after the baseball game Saturday night.
Middle America is truly magic, a place you wouldn't dare steal the pie cooling of the kitchen window.
should be out weds this week weeeeee!!!!!!
Wish I could spell or flesh out a coherent idea lately. Glad for the Chileans.
This might be the end....
"I'm an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks to collect a bill"
"Drop the bob. Exterminate them all!
An Afghanistanlpytic Redux
are getting out, free at last. One by one! Hope the one poor mimer sorts out the wife/girlfriend situation, the monkeys bring them the beer they deserve, and their lives are happy ever after.**********************************
By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean.
Mark Twain
The rescuer has descended into the mine and is about to load one miner into the capsule: gosh, I hope each rescue works out flawlessly. Pictures down below make it look really warm, as the miners are wearing very little clothing. All look clean, healthy and ready to move up the shaft.
hope the shock of being rescued isn't too much for them.
A pamphlet published in 1916 by an outspoken advocate for Liberty, WilliamJ. H. Boetcker.
"The Ten Cannots,"
"You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot help the poor man by destroying the rich.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away man's initiative and
You cannot help small men by tearing down big men.
You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income.
You cannot establish security on borrowed money.
You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they will not do for
of there dark hollow and strangely when sunlight hit they all became very vocal and are no longer addicted to miming.The chilean goverment are now trying this method for other forms of addiction.
Gimme a little light.
....what's the betting he was one of the rich, privileged and strong?
It's not often the poor, downtrodden and weak that come up with that kind of stuff.
Reminds me of the old joke
Rich man to poor man (in patronising voice) 'Money doesn't make always make you happy, you know'
Poor man to rich man 'Maybe so, but I'm prepared to take that risk!'
Isn't that stuff pure, classic, Libertarianism (not up on my isms)? Doesn't matter the label, there are plenty of incidents in history where the poor HAD TO rise up and take it away from the rich or starve. Like the coal miners in Kentucky. The War Bonus Marchers. Etc., etc., etc.
For me it's a given that the downtrodden will have to fight for every inch. But the thing that gets me the most are the rich man's hired guns. Yeah, they have to feed their family too, but they do the greatest disservice to the working man and in the end it is always the Pinkertons or whomever turning tail and running away that wins the day for the little guy.
Surely there is a way of compromise where simply humanity is enough qualification for the least things in life (including education) while those with backbone and ideas and capital are are made to pay a greater tax that is in no way commensurate with the far greater wage.
The way it is now I expect looting to break out in major cities on a vast scale within 5 years with banks making up their own foreclosure papers and judges (who ought to be jailed for 180 days for each instance) signing those bloody papers.
yet there are those that want to be handed everything, rather than earn it, those that are not willing to save, but live beyond their means, those that look at someone who has worked hard for everything they have, and say "hey that's mine, you must have stolen it". The list I posted is NOT all inclusive. In turn I say, if you have more than you need, share with those that don't, not because some law says you must, but because it's the right thing to do. If someone needs help, give it freely. If someone knows not how, teach them. If someone absolutely CAN'T do for themselves help them because that could be you. If people work for you, pay them a decent wage and don't turn them away because they may be "too old" or are handicapped. It all boils down to common decency. And if someone DOES help you be sure to be thankful and help others when you can.
some of them are politicians. I don't have a pot to piss in, but I share what I have. If the Government wants me to give more, maybe the legislature could take a cut in pay first, they sure as hell can afford it.
When I see brand new cars parked in Government subsidized housing....
...and hope it come true. In the meantime I'll study Gandhi and Saul Alinsky and Jerry Ruben and many other nonviolent radicals for a way toward change.
My main point was:
Why can't we have a dividing line between $20,000 and $20,000,000 for the slackers and the talented? I mean, it's almost that way now you just can't call it that -- you might be -- gasp,
*** A SOCIALIST *** (Gor forbid!)
the common decency thing helping others and sharing is the way i live my life some times peoples take advantage but its good for my karma and i sleep well at night
...except I yet to see it in the microcosm up here in Vt, (not that you can't anywhere else like Tacoma) where 18 year old crackheads try really hard to get knocked up so they can get a an AFDC payment, food stamps and housing assistance (among many other programs) that go to wed and unwed mothers. It's an unbelievable welfare culture, all the more so in a town that is the county seat and jail facility where a revolving door exists.
I do support feeding one baby who has none to eat among 1000 who have enough. It's just the sight of the mother pulling the stroller up to the convenience store to buy a pack of cigarettes that gets to me.
What would Jesus say? Never mind Buddha -- it is such a luxury we have in our society that we are about to lose and find in an avalanche of heartbreak hurtling down our heartstrings. It coming, make no mistake.
To all those witty conversations with those like-minded and the talk that was teasured in that it made me think, thank you everybody.
I'm moving on (really), but think I'll stop by here again every now and then (no cause)..
Thanks a million everybody!!!
~ I heard some say "better run away"
Others say "better stand still"
I think I'm enjoying the ride! Be good Gonzo as you boogie along the speedway of life. Take along some Neil Young and Frank Zappa tunes and say "HI" when you can, revealing where you've been!
hope my wiseass hasn't contributed to your leaving us, please come back soon!!!
its been grate reading your posts and sharing etc come back soon be well...........
oh nooooooooo Gonzo! We need you here for your fascinating topics and insights.
Hope you come back from time to time, and have a good life journey in the meantime.
By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean.
Mark Twain
Our Geeky McSquare delivered a 4lb10oz baby girl yesterday! Mother and baby are doing OK, and I saw the 1st photo on FB. Gorgeous little thing!! Baby McSquare is still unnamed, as far as I know. Wish Mama and Baby all the best in the world.**********************************
By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean.
Mark Twain
I go away for a few days, come back and Gonzo's gone? Say it ain't so!!!
The Giants are in the playoffs! Good luck playing an excellent Phillies team: wish I could be there & feel the home crowd energy ...Last time the Giants won the World Series ? ..... over the Cleveland Indians in 1954. SF didn't quite make it, in 1989, over the A's....
The 49'rs finally won a game, over the rowdy Raiders, no less!
is not relevant to this thread or news to anyone but the amount of spam we are getting in our forums is really getting me down im trying desperatly to ignore them but come give us a break we are hippies we dont want replica watches and i personally do not need a prom dress could you all please go away and leave us in peace.
marye works hard trying to delete this knuckahaids , ripple....but they are bound to slip through. Not much we can really do about it, bro......
Quite a few spammer posts, starting at > NEW East Coast Furthur Shows Announced offering deals on Prom dresses. Isn't it a bit early in the school year to look for a dress?
Hey, how about those Giants, and Rangers!!?
I want one! :-)**********************************
By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean.
Mark Twain
the route is now published
time to book your vacation gr*fulted!
Will there be cookies provided for spectators?....Badger, can I sleep on your lawn?
maybe he'd like that CB! to float on a rubber raft in your pond.**********************************
By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean.
Mark Twain
we have a finalist...
Going through and nuking the hordes who arrived since I called it a night last night, I come across one who's apparently in Nottingham in the UK, and in the business of promoting local establishments that provide facials. That's the theory anyway.
What makes me doubtful that he will succeed in this endeavor is that he chose the screen name...
which I just don't see as calculated to drive beauty-seeking hordes to his clients.
Interesting route, CB: Whadya think: travel with a tent and set up shop in Saint Flour, leap-frogging down thru the Pyrenees and up to St Paul-Trois-Chateux? Starting up in the NW corner is a different twist (Normandy?)I'll have to begin studying mode of transportation choices. Wonder if Lance and Alberto will be racing?
I'd invite everyone to the rally next week in DC but I'll be on a Phishing trip that weekend. I don't think I'd be qualified for the 1st version (Sanity) in any event. I'm still pissed at Jon Stewart for his remarks about Phil's underwear, blotter acid and the Blues for Allah tour anyway - hahahaha! I'd make a darn fine addition to Mr. Colbert's army of un-dead (Fear) though. Perhaps I could bi-locate... this one time?
"We are turning into a nation of whimpering slaves to Fear—fear of war, fear of poverty, fear of random terrorism, fear of getting down-sized or fired because of the plunging economy, fear of getting evicted for bad debts or suddenly getting locked up in a military detention camp on vague charges of being a Terrorist sympathizer." ~ Hunter S. Thompson