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    Who's up for a revolutionary evolutionary ride? DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30: FILLMORE EAST, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 1/2/70 captures the Grateful Dead as they make their first foray from the experimental 60s into their early 70s acoustic Americana period. Yes, this one is a little bit country and a little bit (psychedelic) rock and roll.

    When the "Magnificent Seven" - Pigpen on percussion, T.C. on keys - first took the stage on 1/2/70, evidence was clear that the trip was about to take a turn. From their western wears to the twang in Jerry’s “broken-string blues,” it appeared they'd brought the Bakersfield sound to the Big Apple. They worked through much of what would become Workingman's Dead, stunning the crowd with laid-back numbers like "Uncle John's Band," "Casey Jones," and "Black Peter." Just the same, they satisfied 60s stalwarts with magical versions of "Dark Star," "St. Stephen," and "That's It For The Other One." Sonic alchemy, indeed!

    DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30: FILLMORE EAST, NEW YORK, ​New York 1/2/70 has been rounded out with a bit of 1/3/70 (the subscribers-only bonus disc features the bulk of 1/3/70). It was recorded by the great Owsley "Bear" Stanley and has been lovingly mastered to HDCD specs by Jeffrey Norman.

    DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30 is limited to 20,000 individually-numbered copies*.

    *Limited to 2 per order. Very limited quantity available.


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  • Charlie3
    To Be Fair...

    The bank that Rip broke into looked a lot like a regular house.

  • carlo13

    I heard about the bank incident. Funny as hell.

  • alvarhanso
    Re: RIP Rip

    Damn, hadn't heard that til I saw Carlo's post. Guy was hilarious on the Larry Sanders Show. Another reason he's a legend is a drunken binge he went on several years ago had him outdoing Lee Marvin. Marvin was a notorious drunk, and one night, plastered, as usual, he drove himself home and found his keys wouldn't open the door, so he broke in, only to find out he had moved several years before, and the current owner was pretty pissed. Well, how does Rip top that? By doing the same thing, only he had stopped at a bank, and broken into the bank in the middle of the night thinking it was his house. Also, he was armed at the time, because, of course he was. How he got just probation is a sad tale for the American legal system, but I hope the old Salty Dog rests in peace.


    Also, my favorite Artie line from Larry Sanders may be from what became the first episode, The Garden Weasel when he says to a new female network executive, "Don't take this as a threat, but I killed a man like you in Korea. Hand to hand."

  • carlo13

    Did I make it first . Could use it. Thanks let me know.

  • Mind-Left-Body
    All Yours Butch

    Need your address

  • Butch
    Check PM MLB!!

    Just sent!

  • Mind-Left-Body
    Giving Away Burned Copy of Fillmore West Complete

    A "burned"copy of Fillmore West 1969: The Complete Recordings + Bonus. I made it for someone who no longer needs it. First to PM me. I have an extra book for it as well.

  • CaseyJanes
    Tales from The Gorge, Part 2: Shakedown

    As mentioned in Part 1 of the story, BIL (Brother In Law), and I had just gotten off the bus which had dropped us off all the way at the back of the lot. This was approximately ¼ - ½ mile from the entrance to the venue, which wasn’t so bad except for we were carrying a 12 pack (minus the 2 beers we drank on the bus) in a large bucket filled with ice. The lot looked to be almost completely full at this point with more cars cramming in. The atmosphere reminded me a lot of the tailgates we have here in KC at Arrowhead, except for folks were decked out in Dead gear, Tie Dye, and other various costumes & hippie wear. We trudged along, checking out the scene while I tried to call a friend of mine named Chuck who I had met the past year on Dead.net. Chuck is a KC native who has spent the last few decades living in the Seattle area and started sporadically touring with the band last year. Chuck and his crew of 7 tour buds were camping in the main public camping area at the Gorge which was visible to BIL and I from where we stood, but way up on a hill and very far away. I’m not sure how far it was, but it looked like a mile or more, up-hill, and with the heavy bucket weighing us down, we didn’t think it was worth the walk as by the time we got up there and found Chuck , we would have to start walking back or risk not getting into the show on time, which would have been entirely unacceptable. So, we opted not to take this particular trip. This turned out to be a catch 22 as we later found out that the camping area is where Shakedown was located at The Gorge which would mean no Shakedown for us this weekend, and also the logistics made it so I wasn’t ever able to meet up with Chuck  (next time my friend)……..but we ended up being correct about getting into the show on time, as many folks were still in line and missed some of the first set even after arriving at the entrance at least an hour before start time.

    When we arrive near the entrance, the place was a zoo. There were long lines already formed at will call and at the VIP/media entrance. We already had our tickets so this was not a problem for us. We did not have VIP entrance passes or wristbands for the VIP drink area inside, and being that Shakedown was no where in site, we decided to post up and take a seat on these large boulders that separate the parking from the entrance to the venue. As it turns out, this was a very fortuitous decision. There was already an old Deadhead biker dude who had done the same, so we cracked some beers and started shooting the shit with him. Turns out he was at Woodstock and saw the entire show including the Dead and the closing Jimmy Hendrix act. Wow, this was the first person I had ever met who could make this claim! About this time, another dude came around selling Stealie stickers for $1, so we checked those out, but nah we don’t want one, and as the dude walked off I said….”hold on a second wait! Would you be interested in trading one of your stickers for one of my buttons?” After checking out the buttons he was quick to agree, and so my button adventure had officially begun!!! I turned to Woodstock biker guy and said would you like one too? “Yeah, I’ll take one” he said with a big smile, and pinned it to his jacket. Holy shit….that was cool! I felt really good at that moment and started looking for others whom I could give away a button!

    As the song says, Once in a while you can get shown the light….and while the reason that I came was most certainly the music, followed by the communion with 20,000+ like-minded folks & freaks, giving away the buttons was without question my strangest of places if you look at it right. I made a few trades with them; a little bar of homemade soap shaped like a dancing bear, and a couple of stickers, but mostly I just gave them away. I only had 100 per night, so I was somewhat selective in who I gave them to. I chose people who had on Grate outfits, really cool Tie Dyes, or who showed a lot of spirit through good dancing, good deeds or just general happy nature and good vibe that I could feel. This was so much fun, and felt so good, I can’t even begin to describe it. Tears me up a little right now just thinking back to some of the moments. The smiles after giving these buttons were big, full and truly grateful for such a tiny trinket. I can’t tell you the number of people that would hold it up to their hearts, smile huge and then look me in the eye and thank me with all sincerity, after which some of them would give me a big hug like we were long lost friends or family and had known each other for years. Word was getting out a little, and some folks were starting to come up to me and either offer me trades and or ask outright if they could have a button. I didn’t once turn anyone down who asked for either. One filthy looking hippie dude came up to me and asked me if I would like to trade him for a used tube of CBD infused chap-stick, and I answered yes after hearing the word trade! “What, wait hold on a second…..no way man, I said laughing, after realizing what I had just agreed to. Keep your chap-stick and just take a button for free dude”! He then took the button, smiled that big smile I was getting used to, then like a true head, dead pan asked, “Do you want to hit my joint”?, as he held up a half-smoked fired up spliff. “Fuck yeah”, I say, taking the joint for a couple of puffs while we all laugh our asses off at the hilarity of the moment. Only at a Dead show, ha, ha….laughing now just thinking about it!

    Much has already been said about the line at The Gorge, and I have to agree the situation at the gate was in true Dead fashion, a complete clusterfuck. As early as 3 hours before (but probably significantly longer), the official start time of the show, we noticed that lines to the normal entrance were already started to form. We were not far from the entrance sitting on our boulders and it just so happened that the line formed almost directly into our spot, so without even having to move from our little party spot, we found ourselves already in line and maybe only a half of a city block from the entrance. Aside from tiny movements in the line we basically were able to stay in this spot until they started letting people in, which was maybe 1.5 hours before show time. BIL and I made friends with some of the folks around us in line, drank on our IPA’s, smoked a few joints along with our oil pipes, and I gave away buttons. Before we knew it, the line started to slowly move forward, and our party moved with it.

    As we inched our way slowly toward the entrance, I started to get the munchies, so I figured now was just as good time as any to have the first serving of veggies. I pulled out the Wild Willie’s Reserve Joint tube where I had stored them and split them up equal, 2 parts for me and 1 part for BIL. I ate mine and then handed BIL his share which he happily gobbled down. I had asked some folks in line earlier about security, and specifically marijuana being that it is legal in Washington. Due to legality, no one seemed to think it would be an issue and so I took no security precautions whatsoever as we approached security, and left all of my pre-rolled joints (3 or 4 left at this point) in the plastic tubes that they came in. Boy were they wrong, and was I stupid!!! We were getting really close now and I still had a few unopened beers in the bucket (BIL is not much of a beer drinker). I gave away a couple of “miracle” beers, popped a top and guzzled one myself, paying little attention to what was going on in front of me at security. When we finally got to the metal detectors, my idiot plan was just to openly put all of my shit into the tubs they offer to pass around the metal detectors and so that’s exactly what I did. My lighter, plastic tubes full of pre-rolled joints, tube of veggies, wallet, phone, basically everything went into that fucking plastic tub. The next thing I know the dude is rifling through my shit in the plastic tub while stating “you can’t take this in”. One by one he reads each tube and says sorry this isn’t allowed, and then he yells “BLACK BAG, BLACK BAG”…..this chick then walks up with an already full trash bag and the dude drops all of my shit while she calmly smiles at me….”No, you can’t…..but that’s my….” I start to say, but it was too late. FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!
    BIL has a similar experience, as did a lot of other folks in line. They were going through everything; blankets, bags, jackets etc….even dumping out full boxes of cigarettes to find the hidden joints inside. The one thing they were not doing is full pat downs, so everything left in the pockets was fine. Luckily, I had forgotten to put my oil pen in the plastic tub and BIL had purposefully omitted his so those got through. Since the tube with the last helping of veggies was not sealed, the guy slid the tube open, I guess he must of looked at the empty side or just didn’t notice because he politely handed that tube back to me. Tragedy narrowly averted there.

    Now being robbed of our goods we regrouped, quickly took inventory of what we had left which was very little and congratulated each other on not being arrested. As my good friend Jeff would say who designed the buttons, Onward!!!

  • icecrmcnkd
    2-28-69 vinyl in the house

    $90 out the door including tax from a local brick and mortar.

    Morning Dew sounds great so far. Going to spin side 1, then go outside for a while with the dog. Once the sun has set I’ll be back on the couch to spin the rest of the show and watch TDF on mute.

    Let’s stick with the 80’s as the third release and go with 3-9-81. We know there are good sounding recordings of that show.

  • carlo13

    I just read the Earthquake article in the New York times and these foreshocks as they say could be a warning. You live in this area? What is it like in the public? Are people still on eggshells? What are you thoughts. Be safe.

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6 years 2 months

Who's up for a revolutionary evolutionary ride? DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30: FILLMORE EAST, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 1/2/70 captures the Grateful Dead as they make their first foray from the experimental 60s into their early 70s acoustic Americana period. Yes, this one is a little bit country and a little bit (psychedelic) rock and roll.

When the "Magnificent Seven" - Pigpen on percussion, T.C. on keys - first took the stage on 1/2/70, evidence was clear that the trip was about to take a turn. From their western wears to the twang in Jerry’s “broken-string blues,” it appeared they'd brought the Bakersfield sound to the Big Apple. They worked through much of what would become Workingman's Dead, stunning the crowd with laid-back numbers like "Uncle John's Band," "Casey Jones," and "Black Peter." Just the same, they satisfied 60s stalwarts with magical versions of "Dark Star," "St. Stephen," and "That's It For The Other One." Sonic alchemy, indeed!

DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30: FILLMORE EAST, NEW YORK, ​New York 1/2/70 has been rounded out with a bit of 1/3/70 (the subscribers-only bonus disc features the bulk of 1/3/70). It was recorded by the great Owsley "Bear" Stanley and has been lovingly mastered to HDCD specs by Jeffrey Norman.

DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30 is limited to 20,000 individually-numbered copies*.

*Limited to 2 per order. Very limited quantity available.

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Member for

11 years 7 months

Is ruining sports. Sorry Vguy. I know you are pulling for the Avs after your boys got screwed. Now they did it to you again. I hope you didn't have Maximum Security in the derby too. I'll never watch that silly event ever again.

If that was offsides, then Brett Hull's goal should be retroactively nullified. What a bunch of crap. That was never (or ever will be) the intent of the rule. Shameful.

And then a "no-call"on a blatant trip. Nice.

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16 years 11 months

In reply to by Angry Jack Straw


....I'm not mad at the Sharks. But I need a punching bag. And there they are. Offsides my ass. That is all. Max Security got disqualified for racing. Whatever man. That is also all.

So I think.. we agree then. Which is fine with me. Win win..

Now on to my second listen of this most glorious release.

This last comment has nothing to do with your posts, more to do hoping to steer things away from hopeless politics... but I really do not enjoy the ongoing controversy here and elsewhere. I am much more a binder. It's so much more fun being a friend than an enemy. And really.. are any of us that different from any of the other freaks that post here? I doubt it.

In the words of Bob Marley.. your worst enemy could be your best friend....

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14 years 4 months

In reply to by stoltzfus



Even though i fell asleep during the middle third of disc one (done with busy stretch at work, house to self)

Seated courtside at the Warriors game after singing the National Anthem with Jackie Greene at the Oakland Coliseum Arena, where I spent many, many nights listening to the GOGD.

Pretty sure I saw Garcia's ghost lurking around in the rafters tonight, stealing hot dogs from confused and unsuspecting fans.

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9 years 9 months

In reply to by JimInMD


When I was a teenager, the biggest risks with taking drugs wasn't inherent in the substance, it was a consequence of their illegality. The law didn't prevent drugs being available, or attractive, and taking them - all sorts- seemed inevitable. But the fact that many of them were illegal and taboo did make taking them more dangerous. You learned through experience, and the consequences of taking this seemingly necessary journey was, for many people, devastating. And life threatening.

I like the Bob Marley quote about your worst enemy possibly being your best friend. It occurred to me that your worst enemy could actually be yourself.

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8 years 1 month

In reply to by daverock


... I recommend reading the book, “The Art of War” - it teaches, 風林火山 ...🙏❤️😎
*Listen’n to 3/21/90 this morning, CD2 is primo.
Hey pocky way
Crazy fingers>>
Cumberland blues
Estimated Proghet>>
He’s Gone >>
...liven & love’n it! Have a grateful day everyone.

Ps: Dead.net is only selling 500 copies of the 50th Woodstock Boxset out of the 1969 units...✌️🤠

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16 years 10 months

I received the shipping email with the tracking number over a week ago. Every time I checked the shipment was going nowhere. The tracking number goes to the UPS website so I copied the tracking number and pasted into the USPS website and it says it should be delivered today. Everyone who is seeing that the UPS tracking as not giving the shipment status try going to the USPS site.

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11 years 7 months

The Benefits of Participating in Sports:

and countless others

The Benefits of Not Participating in Sports:

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14 years 4 months

In reply to by Angry Jack Straw


avoid following professional sports.

play sports all you want. exercise, etc. is fine.

just don't give emotional energy to pro sports, because chances are, you will just wind up pissed.

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Member for

9 years 6 months

...started my day with some Help > Slip! > Franklin's this morning. Not a bad way to go .
Is there a better triad than this exact one? It would be a hard sell.

As for Dave's 30, I've made my way through most of it, disc three at least 3 times so far (for obvious reasons). I really like that Alligator jam on the bonus disc - a nice Chinacat tease embedded in there along with solid jamming. Pig is all over this release too, and i love the fact we got two back to back shows. it's tight.


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14 years 4 months

In reply to by Sixtus_


happy memories of being in an enchanted state of mind with a friend in Seattle's Discovery Park, listening to this.


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14 years 4 months

In reply to by stoltzfus


I read that, section by section, over and over for the past several months.

A worthy read, to be sure.

People who watch sport in this country often seem to follow a particular team, and would prefer a terrible game and their team wins, over a brilliant game and their team looses. I can remember going to cricket matches in the 1970s, and on one occasion, one of the best batsmen in the world was playing for the opposing team. I was looking forward to spending the day watching him bat-but he was bowled out almost immediately. "My" team consequently won-but it was a disappointing day.

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12 years 6 months

His last post earlier included the language " at the Oakland Coliseum Arena, where I spent many, many nights listening to the GOGD."...this seems to hint towards an Oakland Coliseum Box Set, the GOGD played end of the year shows there from 1979-1982, bring it on!!

My main guess would still be a Warfield Box Set....how long do we have to wait & why are they selling that ridiculous Woodstock Box set on dead.net?!?!

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6 years 1 month

Is superb!!!!!!!!!! Non-subscribers need to reassess just based on this one! :) Anyway - I dont know if its blasphemy or not, but aside from the Dark Star and Pig rave-ups on 1/2 Im really enjoying the 1.3 stuff a bit more - the Cryptical- Other One is epic and lush and frenetic and fucking beautiful. They just seem a little more "on" and the ,ix seems more balanced. Agree with some others that Phil's bass always says yes, but sometimes his vocals say "no" and there are a few rough spots with his voice. But isnt that what we love about this band - the humanity of it? The total experience of a Dead show could sometimes be a microcosm of the larger game we all are playing - things move from cringe worthy and unstructured to transcendent and harmonious for a few splendid moments before the entropy takes hold again. But you still gotta be a grateful participant in both high tide and low and keep trying! The ride IS the destination :) That was always the message I got from this band and their music! So Phil's shrieks are, in thier own way, just as welcome as his bass lines rocket launching me into into Never ever land! :)

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16 years 11 months

In reply to by SteveGold425


1/3/70; only superficial listen so far but besides that amazing disc three, I’m with the 1/3 crowd. Perhaps my reference point was more in order for 1/3, but overall it does seem to be a bit tighter etc. Also think perhaps there’s a little more energy from 1/3s first show versus 1/2...... of course all that is splitting hairs as both have their yin/yang, and so far none of it can compare with that monster Dark Star and all of disc three. (Had to check that out again!)
Imho that was more than worth the $25 bucks right there!
And like Jim says, it’s a great snapshot of GD history and though perhaps there is more sloppy stuff on here than normal for a Dave’s, it is interesting to experience them figuring things out. Perhaps not unlike the first Estimated and Terrapin from the last release. Those obviously were a little farther along and the band was hitting a new stride then, but same idea. I’m sure the stuff they started on later in the year will be even more raw and unpolished and with less of the monster jams, but one could argue that 72 wouldn’t have been so great without this transitional period?

AVS; we’ll they came to play but you can’t beat the cosmic forces of sports, or the refs.....I’m not that invested in it, hell not that into any sports anymore, like A.J.S., or cone Kid?, says it’s not worth it, and this is a good example why.....it seems to me that more and more things are not say “fixed,”, but that the various leagues seem to sometimes help certain teams along, which since it’s all about money now is not surprising. From what I saw of the last three Knights games and the whole AVs series it does seem like their a tad pro Sharks....and yes that NO GOAL still is hard to swallow even after all these years. There is no way the Sharks should of made it out of round one, even without the “call”!
I watched money ruin my precious childhood love for Baseball, the NFL is a fucking joke now, and Hockey is following the same path, sigh.......but that’s why then and now I always felt like you won with the Dead, even a meh night was better than most sports!
WEED; all y’all have gone round most of this, but as someone who has seen so much go on with this issue for many decades now, and who lives in a Green state, I would just like to make a few points....
- Generally didn’t dig Wrecked’s post, but sorta can relate to the concern about a majority of folks being high all the time. The thing is, the evidence has clearly shown that usage among the general population has not changed, which is what the initial research before legalization suggested. In other words just because it’s legal, doesn’t mean the whole world is using it. Which is good only because;
- The only real issues that the authorities and the media have reported is the miss use of, especially edibles, usually by out of state tourists who are not properly informed or experienced. This to me is just another case of irresponsible behavior, which IMO is the problem with most things.....it’s no so much the substance (s), it’s wether it’s used responsibly or not. Similar to the whole “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” argument. It’s not the weed, it’s the misuse off. So education, or mentoring like most of us old timers got when starting out is the more logical answer, not locking people up!
The cool related thing is here, if your outta state, the bud tenders will try to question, suggest, and give guidance, but of course you can lead a horse to water, but......
The other issue in Colorado, is they left the home grown thing a bit too loose i.e., quantity, so that the black market folks have an easier time with illegal grows and then are transporting it through other non legal states who are going out of their way to find it, then bitching about how much it’s costing their states to fight it. This also has led to a whole profiling situation not unlike being a Deadhead on the road back in the eighties!
But the biggest problem I see, and perhaps relates to Trainwrecked’s comments, is the ole “careful what you wish for”.
Meaning, the cops now are going way out of their way to look for illegal use especially with driving etc. They have been in a frantic rush to try to quantify thc in the same unconstitutional methodology they employ for alcohol.
Don’t get me wrong, there are unfortunately too many people who are not responsible, don’t have enough experience, have acquired no tolerance and/or who’s bodies metabolize these substances differently than most.
So though I believe there needs to be some criteria, once again, the law is going about it all wrong, and many innocent folks are going to get fucked! But that’s part of what you get when you create for profit government institutions, but I digress, sorry!
All I’m saying is be careful folks and be safe! Here it is almost the norm now for a search for any traffic stop, probable cause or not. That is one of the shitty consequences of legalization......

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Member for

16 years 11 months

I too am in tracking purgatory. Really like to hear this one but I guess in the meantime i'll have to keep playing Electirc on the Eel and Zorn's Salem 1692. Maybe UPS just wants to make sure everything is just exactly perfect with the shipment.

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Member for

9 years 9 months

I just finished up the second Paris show and Bickershaw.

Bickershaw is a fantastic show. Everyone knows about the great Dark Star into The Other One. Everyone knows about the great Lovelight . Check out the Rider, BTW, and the PITB. Of course they're all great on this tour, but this show features a snapier Garcia on those three tracks. Black-Throated Wind - did it ever sound better than Europe 72? Keith is very audible throughout most of the show too, which is tragically not the case for many on this tour. Don't get me started on the engineering...

Butch - yeah, didn't you read the story I posted about emailing him for the tracklist of the bonus disc? We tight :D. No, but seriously, he had nothing to do with it and I've never met him. The RFK thing was something that I did to let him know that all of us message "Board Heads" would gobble up a 1973 RFK two show mini box. He was gracious enough to reply to me ( I say gracious, because I imagine he has more work to do on a day-to-day basis then I can even imagine; so for him to take the time to reply to it was a gesture that I think goes beyond his call of duty). In any event, his reply about the RFK possibility was one that he preferred I kept between us, so I did. He was going to give us a shout out on the next Seaside chat, but I think he forgot.

Darkstar - apology accepted, no worries. Sometimes things tldon't come across in writing the way we intend.

I saw a Golden Gate Park video from 1991 of the Dead playing Touch of Grey. I guess there's a whole video floating around somewhere. That was fun to watch.

Now I have to somehow fit Buffalo '77 in. Take two hundred and seventy-six, you know this used to be fun...

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Member for

8 years 8 months

I pretty much feel like disc 3 alone is worth the cost of this release. Haven't had a chance to listen to the bonus disc yet, and my initial listens of discs 1 and 2 were pleasant but distracted. Currently giving disc 3 a second listen and digging this Dark Star a lot, particularly when they launch into the jam of Soulful Strut starting about 23 minutes into the Dark Star. I know that a lot of people refer to this recurring jam as the Tighten Up jam, but if you compare it to Soulful Strut by Young-Holt Unlimited I think you'll hear the similarities, particularly the melody, whereas it does not sound like Tighten Up by Archie Bell and the Drells. The example in the 10/31/71 Jam after Dark Star is strikingly similar to Soulful Strut and is probably the best version to hear the similarities.

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Member for

16 years 11 months

The main plaza of El Paso used to have live alligators in the fountain . Thought I would mention something interesting. Still waiting for 30 in back water America. Take some deep breaths , breath in, breath out, on and on.

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Member for

11 years 7 months

Depends on the sport. Ask any lifelong Red Sox fan if they would give up coming back from an 0-3 deficit and beating that team from ny in 2004 for not having to endure generations of disappointment. Not a single one of them would. That is why it was so meaningful.

As for the sports themselves.

Squeakball is a joke. I could care less who wins. It is unwatchable.

Baseball is not far behind. I only watch the post season any more, but even that is becoming less frequent.

Football? Rapidly losing interest in that as well. Go ask the NO Saints why.

To me, hockey is (or at least was) the lone remaining sport yet to be defiled. The players, for the most part, are in it for the game and to win the Cup. Not the money. There is no money in hockey. That is why I like it.

I'll take a good hockey game regardless of the outcome over my team winning every time. I am a Red Wings fan and have no allegiance to the outcome this year. The third period last night was some great hockey. Watched and enjoyed every minute.

But, the refereeing this post season has really soured me. Taking that goal away last night was egregious. It goes against everything the sport is supposed to stand for. You want to take a goal away because a player who is a 100 feet away and has his back to the play is a bit too slow getting off the ice. Fine. Then take it away. But at least be consistent and give the Avalanche a "too many men" penalty as well. Simpletons.

The sport has been played for generations where it is accepted that during line changes, the player going onto the ice jumps a fraction or so before his counterpart gets off the ice. Never a problem unless you are involved in the play. He wasn't.

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16 years 10 months

I received the shipping email with the tracking number over a week ago. Every time I checked the shipment was going nowhere. The tracking number goes to the UPS website so I copied the tracking number and pasted into the USPS website and it says it should be delivered today. Everyone who is seeing that the UPS tracking as not giving the shipment status try going to the USPS site.

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Member for

16 years 6 months

One day you will get to play at Carnegie Hall!!!

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Member for

6 years 4 months

Really digging Dave's 30 so far. '70 is something of an unturned stone for me, so releases from this year always feel like a new discovery.

On a side note, I know that Cornell '77 typically gets all the love, but the Buffalo show has always been my favorite. It's just so damn good from beginning to end.

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16 years 11 months

Is like half way to Havre in a half an hour. My tracking notice is getting better all the time.

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10 years 1 month

In reply to by SkullTrip


This latest pick has really put the '72 box to the sidelines, I've managed to miss both the Paris shows and Bickershaw and upon reading the other posts I've realized that '77 box has been overlooked.
As previously posted by others here, the last pick is always the best so far, I am of the opinion that this one will be played more often, it did get me delving into Boxzilla for the 1970 April show.
It was fantastic to get the 30 picks so soon here in the UK, normally we are 3 weeks behind everyone else, a big thank you to all who enabled this to happen.
Also, I do hope we get news of a stand-alone GD Woodstock show.

...and she sings like the bells of hell” (intro to Playing).

Did I hear that correctly?

Please confirm tomorrow when you do the anniversary listen of 5-10-72.

Yeah, I’m ahead of schedule, but that’s because I’m saving the conclusion of 5-9-77 for tomorrow’s commute.

Anyone else notice there was no CDs made in Mexico stamp on this one. I wonder if they moved production after the debacle of last year. CD case seems a little stronger as well. 29 was real flimsy.

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Member for

16 years 11 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


....I also noticed there hasn't been one concern posted yet about skipping/defective discs. This is grate news.
....GO HURRICANES!!....(I ❤️ the underdog. Don't screw it up zebras).

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9 years 9 months

Yeah you have that right, I remember Bobby introducing her like that.

I feel like I still need to get a few good listens in on some of the big tracks off of Paris night two and Bickershaw. I may go Darkstar and Uncle John's Band from Paris Plus Dark Star The Other One from Bickershaw. It's not enough to just hear them once, I have a serious addiction going on here. Then I'll be ready for 420 Amsterdam Street 5/10/72. It's Wharf Rat night. This is probably my second favorite Wharf rat from the tour - Garcia's guitar in the beginning comes through loud and strong and mesmerizing.

I always forget how good the Good Lovin jams are from this tour. I don't know how Pigpen does it, but every city he performs this song in, he finds a chick with her leg up against the wall. Usually after a four-day creep. With gambling and drinking.

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16 years 11 months

In reply to by KeithFan2112


.... one word. Subscribe. Otherwise you missed the highlight of the entire release.
p.s. that was a pretty goal by the Bruins.

First.. a question. Now that I have settled into my easy chair and gotten comfortable with this release, I have become uneasy with the song order from 1/3? What are people doing, what works best?

Second. Why am I the first to shout out how good that Dancin' in the Streets is? I have previously expressed a preference for the arrangement of the early versions vs. the later disco versions (although I like the later arrangement too). This January 3rd version is outstanding. Even the harmonies are decent (no Phil channeling his inner duck). Simply outstanding.

I like the Alligator very much also.. The lyrics seem an odd fit though, I guess Hunter was finding his sea legs. I like the verse Pigpen added as much as the Hunter portion. Perhaps Hunter was channeling his inner Trey.. the lyrics seem overtly whimsical, like something Phish would write. Not complaining at all, to me it's classic Grateful Dead. It's just such a different song than anything else they have written to my mind.

Disc three is the gem though. The whole disc, but what a Dark Star and an incredible Eleven.

Anyway.. this release sits fine with me. Outstanding, it does the recording and performance justice. Top 5 Dave's in my humble opinion realizing not everyone will agree and that's ok. Then again, it's the last Dave's Picks I have listened to so by definition it is the one to beat.

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6 years 7 months

In reply to by JimInMD


I’m not at all trying to be argumentative, I’m quite curious what that Top 5 of Dave’s would be. Just off the top of your head.

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Member for

16 years 11 months

In reply to by OKCDeadHead


....did I just read that? If Phish ever unleashed an Alligator, it would be....well. I don't know what the fuck it would be, but it would be.

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Member for

12 years 11 months

In reply to by JimInMD


Clearly a job for Mr. Jack Straw..

1) Dicks Picks 4 (Feb 13-14, 1970, Fillmore East) [tie]
1) Dicks Picks 8 (May 2,1970 Harpur College) [tie]
1) Bears Choice (various 1970) [tie]
2) DaP 30 (Jan 2-3, 1970, Fillmore East)
3) Road Trips Volume 3, Number 3 (May 15, 1970, Fillmore East)
4) 30 Trips April 15, 1970 (Fillmore West)
5) Dave's Picks Volume 6 (half from Feb 2, 1970) [tie]
5) Dave's Picks 19 (Jan 23, 1970) [tie] [tie]
6) Family Dog at the Great Highway (April 18, 1970)

My take, I am sure there are at least a dozen other worthy iterations.. we all like what we like right? Perhaps they are all tied.

Edit: listening to 1/23/70 now.. not sure how it came in at #5, parts of it are smoking, other parts smoldering.

I don't know.. I had Wolfman's Brother on my brain. I think Alligator is whimsical.. that's all, and unique in the GD songwriting cannon. Just an oddball set of lyrics.

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Member for

16 years 11 months

In reply to by JimInMD


....I didn't know you had it in you Jim. "Coming down on me" indeed. There was a show where they played a thirty minute Runaway Jim btw. That one's for you brother.
It's all about moods....
Ties are kinda like kissing your Mexican Cousin. (Phish phans will get that reference. Am I stretching the boundaries?)

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Member for

12 years 11 months

In reply to by OKCDeadHead


I will try.. in no particular order

DaP 5, 11/17/73 Pauley Pavilion, UCLA
DaP 29, 2/26/77 Swing Auditorium, San Bernardino Ca
DaP 8, 11/30/80 Fox Theatre, Atlanta
DaP 13, 2/24/74 Winterland, SF
DaP 30, 1/2&3/70 Fillmore East

Bakers Top 5 (or Honorable Mentions)
DaP 11, 11/17/72 Wichita
DaP 23, 1/22/78 McArthur Ct. Eugene Or
DaP 1, 5/25/77 Richmond Va

Just my opinion, no wrong answers.. disc 3 (and 4) of this release are to my liking, but frankly I like the whole thing.

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